The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-01-21, Page 3»wilts J1, I asked Edward how, this could he. • Edward said Sarnia s stations took: a beating because. of the lore Canadian dollar and have been fated with repairs to their gas stations. similar to. one his station recently underwent, that cost, hint $44,000, • In response to•another geestidn from Meleague Edward said Canadian rackprices are not coming dawn: to match steady decreases in crude oil' priees.heeause the rack. suppliers can make. more: money by dragging.out the decreases.. . .iii, genet;,. Edward said the public hay, found issue with the gas. prices but said there 'could just as easily' be a travelling.cow- n ittee famed: toleok at the prise of beer or pielc; up trucks "`I really think it's a public: whipping boy right: now.. he said,. • alaed Monday .. 'flies, to Fri. 9;30 M o O. Sato :3o' •^ 5:00 1; .Saturday: Ott 4;30. Fri ~• 8:00 1 prOtr. fair ketaurnrd Licensed Under your Hestia The Giem. 4.UCKNO' Mit.VERTON., LucKNQW WEMog , TAVJ :QCK, memos RIPLEY • ct:1KTON,. MtLUMA1F_... • Qtt!HHHA04f SiiELSU RNE, W,tAHTON pALMEH TON• It4 or.R WtN ` `.t*4Sl;ssw: 20.4 ;'t4 5. 19 12 4.. 19• 12 20• 11:: 21. „8 20. 9' 19 7: 144SE 0. • • 1 0- tl: 7 • .. 4 . < 2 11, 11 1 0 12 0 ti 12.5 0• .7dr'a.�.�,iL ... 13.R• WINS : 19 • 14 ., 15 12, 18 10 19 • 7 LOSS,: 2 5 8: 9 E.L4tiA, '. 18 5 10 10 UUNDAt;i( 17' ARTHUR GQALS • FOR ; :'AGAI ST POINTS: 97 .65:' ' 20 71 27 67 ' 25. 82 24, 118 • 18;, 105. : 75 :.111 97 89 10) 17 89 100 :45 ," 103': ` . 10 *1 .< GOALS LgSgs Ties ; FOR . AGAINST POINTS. 0 3,: 142 67 31.. 0 1 110 94:.. 25; 0 0 • 91 60, 20. 0 3•• 73 8"a'. 17 2 • " 1 02 100 . 13': Q , 3 63,' 95 11 11 JUSTIN MtitR.. BPRIES,Ti i itQ* FISCCHE C,QH Y Ct'I CLINT MURH, STEVEtitt # STEVE MICHIE DALE PHlEST CHHRIS' STEVPaN5oN CHRIS HIS ' RUSSELL SUTTON, 31 41 LOR JC A�. HEMBERG: JO+HNAT`HON tit✓ t7i I iliLd»EEtIRR, T lfl Doer STir YIxRA t RENNAtr4 1W,AIM. S U.LEN , .. 17.:': 17 18. 30: 12, 2• 3.. 16 22 .17 26. 12 .s., 13 . o 32;: 70 22 28::.. 12 . ,64` 14, 28 17' , 67.' 18. 2. 10 2• 13 27 14 24, 12. 17' 1 0. 1.1.' t2 37. ,1� 4 5 5 5 36 •19. ;1 1' 15• 10 . , 13. 9., 13.; . .12 13" 12` 6 11 a" 10 9 3 0. 0 0 s 8 0 0: t:' n hears by Scott Hilgendurff • When the price of gas GQderu h. was Set at 5643 cents per. iit+re, it cast Grant. Chisholm, a ftivi supplier in, Lueknow, 492. cents per litre to het it them . Chisolrn was -* speaker invited to girt~ presenta- tions to the Liberal Caucus Centinittee on gasoline Pricing 'in one of its. provinee4wide stops in Goderich. Jan, g. • His cost begins with a 2(1,6 cent pre litre rack price (the cost from the refinery). Add road tax,. 3ST, and: hattting costs• and, the priee readies 492 cents per•litre when it is, supplied to a gas station., The station, then has to• add to the price to cover the cost of running the facility. • "I dont think there's. any roots for anyone to say:.they're beingripped off," said Chisholm. He was one of three ee on gasoline p om a de e s retailer changed thepriee, That forces the others to do the same. Hammond 41sca pointed: oat, it's not like the com- petition between grocery, stores, With gas stations. there are urge signs denoting the price. and as soon as . one .stat on changes it, the others on see and follow the lead A recent article in The London Free' Press illus- crated elle gas :station that lowered its price to 49.9 - cent per litre while, other stations were priced around. SQ.,5-cents. This generated several cola plaints4from the presen- ters. Hammond said that. company is a price leader, • lowering, its- price and forcing everyone else,. to tlo•the'saltier to compete. In: his presentation, .Don )toward of Edward Fuels Qoderiuh .said he speakers, at the m'eeti ng sharing. their thoughts on •issu.es of gas supply 'and pricing toy;the gasoline committee, The comrnit= • tee, made up of 12 MPs who have volunteered to look into, the issue of fair thas; pricing, is travelling' e province~ this. month,.in. tesponse to an outcry frcttrt:: their constituents. Rick klaimmond, a co; owner of Ora -Hain fuels, an independent, Wholesaler whos.uppltes, fuel to Chisholm, alsogave a pre-, septation, He suggested, the caw- mnixtee should -look at the issue of gas station owner- .ship; indicating- the sire. , only a few major fuel sup- pliers ;,who owna large numtber of gas, stations. Hanimond expressed concerns about, the future .`of the small, independent gas stations, suggesting they, : are living, •forced out the larger competitors,. through such manoeuvres,' .as, offering lower gas; prices, at, their'tations. The large 'companies, can afford' to lose limey on • the :sale, of their gad; forting the smaller rude,: Fendents, pat of business. Cullin, ;anted, to know, bow.Ihe price .of gay, in. a, 'cot»innuntty 1. r.t;twCd at several'statt&>na all aeonce., H,e s iid it's riot all the retailers, sitting atr':a donut shop deciding to raise the priee. "I'm sure there's coin*- iniinicsation. but not the, way, . pceple think. Hammondsaid. He said, the' laws. don`t stop .a retailer from. talking to. the station- down the 'strut about changes in • thein: gas. prices, but when they dp tats,it's usually: witl.:a lot of swearing, k` h h th asking to U fir • �.it `,:ave totve the "Ilona.: doesn't under .land w.hy anyonrti wouid sell gas' that Cheaply; "I think it's- unreason able," be said, suggesting. 5 t cents a litre would be; •a reasonable,,, minimum price at, the pumps to keep the gas station's doors open, "The people who hate their gas 'prices. have. to be reminded we have the see ..,.gnd..,lgwest gas. prgc e&1fl the'v orld," he.'said, adding the ljnited States has • the lowest, because there f$:,' less tax. With the highest taxes, Eciwatd said there are also people trying; to, beat the s:y.stem. and pointed • to fraud and tax, evasion .as `a problem' in the'industir 'that is being overlooked. zn that ,ease, he; said the,,. major oil conrpanieas d serve some' ereda,t because they' do: pay ;their taNes. for every .litre: pro- duce(' at the refinery. Edward said' someone should be looking at ilio people who are taking the lead and.droppiii•g their priiee° below cost• to' see that the taxes,•have been paid an the~ fuel that is, in their tanks. He said there is, a small gr tip Cf pertple doting this but;:tt foes. thein. all to 10.1?paCr their;pnc.es. „. Itu response to:e,oriimit- tee coocerras, that the larger e tnpanies art; 'lpweriti`g their price's ,to try to. force out the.'smaller, ihdepei - 'tients, Edward, said itis' usually the independent who' lowers the price Inst. "t just 'clflin"t'think they, ar-.collilding in that rnrta,"' he said of the larger ctnau''• pa�nits. lie'points.to the possi- bility of c:olIusin t at the: street te.rtelwhere one retailer calls .his supplier to say be has to putt his price down because the• guy across the street just dropped his. However, the . guy 'across the street has done ,the same tiling tact with his own supplier,, saying his coinpetition•.just dropped Me pace., . But in his presentati.on, be raised a. new issue for the committeethat its, members had not heard before, Edward suggested that something ' other :gran proper gaisoline isbeing. sold at some stations. "There's' a, lot cif sniff that passes for gasoline" that is made," he said. • Ho said a lot of Oslo- . forinatioit is given at ber- der points about the co.: - !.' .'ear" ,tents of what is beirr�. . brought into the•einuntry,. and .that sgme'fuei con- tains.. PCBs- and ether' chemicals as a, way of dis-. . posing of•them.. ' Edward gave the com- mittee .at•. number of news- paper clippings illustrating, examples. of fraudulent acts, itt the, gasoline Indus-" try .in.botti .da. and•the, United States. . "`"The; eoOktaili;ng;'of ue1 facutor," he said, But 1VI.cTeague pointer: out thC`prree cal �'a .'iii Sarnia was,. at 57, ce,Rtts while it was: 50 in Tomato but Sarnia had access tc a cheaper: rac k, ‘price, l -ie Ati Nv .526.15 • 8-3.0 Y 616.0p 3.76 :: 70