The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-12-31, Page 441Oag.e 4 SeraAnna, Vieth tesday,' 11December 3L i9p' 9 A Bowes Publishers Community Newspaper 619 Camphill St., 1,uc!sump, Onirtrio. P.O. Box 400, ILiacknow, Ontaiio NOG 2H0 phone: (519) 528-2822 fax: (519) 528-3529 -- EstahltsPted 1873 Tom Thompson - Advertising Maitager Pat Livingston -- Cleriteral Manager / Editor OPC Phyllis Matthews HeI Office Administrator Joan Courtney - Typesetter Subscription, Rates advance: Regular $2 . (incl. postage and G.S.T.) . Senior $23.$2 (ifrct. postage and G.S.T.) Foreign & USA -- $98M0. Public ation,s Mail Registration No, 07656 held at Goderich.Ontario. Published. 52 times a year. Changes of address. orders for subscriptions: and undeliverable copies Ircturn postage guaranteed) are to be sent to The Luclmow Sentinel at the address indicated here, Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical errorthe por- don of the:advertlstng space occupied by the erroneous item together with a:reasonabte allowance fdr'signature, will not be charged for, bait the balance of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable rates. mall lucksent}h urontel .o Internet address- http•//www.baw net-rom/Inehimw/ No rvsolutOs;:� tim0 to 4e, thankful Hope'you .had a jo:y- bus and safe Christmas and.your, tunirtay isn't still Complaining from' over indulgence of 'turkey .sand trimmings•; Christmas with my family was most enjoy- able. My':two little nieces Maddison and Megan - and 4 . added to the thrill of Christmas I't''s: ee-11--a- h -i le: ince._ 1- par:.. ticipated in'the, prepara- tion of lunch,consisting_ of cookies; milk, carrots and water for Santa and', ',the reindeer..The aston- ished Lookson their faces 'when ,they saw' all 'the' 'goodies' eaten up Christmas, morning will remain with rrie.' .Maddison wrote a let,- ter et=ter to Santa .andin it she made sure to ask fcir 'something for,everyone, The most: precious was. long; curly red hair- for, her grandpa •who is rather bald on top. •So -Christmas morning, after all,the presents were opened there remained' one:Under the'tree -' To atidpa • t•rom Santa.The look on their two • faces a4 ,'Grandpa pulled the wig: from -the box and plopped it. sin his ' head said :it all. Then there was baby ..nephew Cody Who didn't understand ,what all the.. fuss.w'•as 'Ablaut, but an infant in•:the house at this blingS " .Eitxingstori time of year. creates" a' special'atmosphere too.' With • New Years, 'ap'proaehing, 't'he reties tion ' comes , to •rti'ind; "Should >I 'make a New, tir:iiY.:%5'•••S`i 1+': :iii•''•i` }ill'..F%!i'!n`:.G:ti "•'fitfiti i:;?Il::�.,.;:.t: it.y i:::'r`C:�':T +i'1.SirtY: '•:i: • •••• •• •?::.i: :.:>\'i•':••• •;•:: y.; es x•:./dJ/.,,�.':�,>:'ii?;'.�:::..+Y.•'/i/.;:;•.+ n!r .:::::: r:.:•.+/. -..,.::.::.a �:.. /.'J./,✓/ .. .:.: <.,....,v.. s >;t+iti <> Y(,:.s:. �•t4:b.... om's 70.years ago' :. Dec: 20, 1921' . ar on exhibit The new aF.ord car -,Was on.exhibitiorr here u: Friday of last' ,week and aftracted,rniich attention... • • Although' the new •cars arebeing. turned. out at ,about .`1;000 per day, they are still so scarce that alt • the • agents cannot have:.ole permanently, on exhibition, so the car that was is being ,passed around, from agent to t.agent:r •It is expected that agents will- •be supplied with. line of demonstration cars in the;-near.future Election As 1927 carrie to a.. close tmuntctpal *electionsWere cause for "eciuncilmania " D.M. Johnstone': and E:N.Hodgins II Were running for'reeve and. there Was : a licit .'t ontesi for; cauncil 'eats with. Robert; Rae. ••A. E.` Buswell, Robert Mullin$ ..• W.J Spindler .S.E.. Robertson E.E.' . Millson. W.G..• Armstrong,' .A,W . Elamtl,ton Q, Finlayson and A.D., MacKenzie run- ping 50 years. ago • Dec. 31, 1947 olompn reeve by acclamation Seven and a half years .as a councillor had. its reward' :on Monday night when V.A. Solomon was .elected to the • reeveship of the village: by acclamation. 1VTr. Solomon; succeeds' `Reeve: ;LW. Joynt; current warden' of Bruce. county:' , ,: °Boxing'Day rabbit drive -. Ideal weather prevailed for the Boxing Day rabbit; drive, sponsored by the 'newly organized'' Fish and Game Protective Association. ' Mere, than 40:, hunter's, shouldered shotguns for.••the drive.:but: the exact; toll of rabbits was not rec,orded • Remove snow- The main. business section of the 'vill:age was cleared ot: Snow banks: that had piled up along the .curbs. The ' job, which was c om- r.. pleted before •Christmas, made a big tm:provernent to.:the:•main' thorough - tare. Sutton's ',tractor -powered manure ,shovel was."used.in loading"'the M. sleighs that hauled away. .`the beauti ful." The powe(shovel' replaced the ' i usual gang of shovellers that would ordinarily have been eniployed. ` "2.; 0ghtin.g, costs below estimate 7 �,.' The cost,,of installing the new street'„ lighting system Will probably be $1,000 lower :than the estimated Vi $3000.. . ,'Home "for Christmas - Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Nicholson and daughters Ruth . and Mary Ann and son. Alexander, for the first time since 19ta: %5't'�'„t c Years Resolution'?" The answer is »no. I'm not prepared to -set myself up• for failure: So instead, .i'll a he thankful that 1997 Was a relatively healthy year 'for my whole family. I'll be thankful for a loving 'husband, •son and daugh • ter,-in-law,mom and dad; .bechibe-r-s--and--sisters in- • law, nieces and, nephews; and my in -taws; good friends and: neig'hbo'rs;,, and excellent 'coworkers who make coaling •to work ,fun. - well, rnpst .of the time! .I.'rn.tha.nkfu1 for my job andto all of you w'ho'. read this paper and , ensurewe all. have a'•job tci crime to. A;; 'the cluck ticks • down to midnight tonight my wish for yr,u is that., all the . seconds, minutes, hours and days., amount • toa year. wil spent for you and your loved ones. May your spirits soar and your dreams takewing in the- year :ahead. And may eat;:e and freedom become, a' reality for all ,people, everywhere. _fetter Policy. The Luckriow Sentinel Welcomes readers' views and, opinions:,. All :letters' must be sign:ed and include the author's addressand tele - Phone nuniber'. for. verification purpos- es, Letters shouldbe topical and are rou- �ri�r edxtefor length,: style and clarity, Brief; letters' which Make a Point, have, more impact and stand a better chanceof inclusion. Personal attaek.s,, consu ter • 'corn' ,plaints and:.pbtexi tially libelous letters will be rejected. from • the x958 • C'entennutminute: book,'.'. as compiled by the late Stuart E.:, C011yer, Who was secretary) , • od.,as ;Mr. Boyce himself wouldbe an leave..: . '• • The presence f uni- formed 'police :vould tend to'preveni "rowdy tsar'' in'the village during the Centennial 7['he• :;Mount' Forest OPP inspector' suggested`. that their force would .. supply one car and four . The centennial cont. rrnittee'. continued: to •tweet weekly At the March •1,4,. 195;8 meeting,: the main dis- CusstOr1 CEng tered On traf fic and polic- ing. olioOng Lou ' Boyce,' of tie "policemen for a fee of 7¢.. •per anile and rooms, and board for, the officers. The service would Cost.. about The clerk was instruct- ed to send an official let - :ter,. in 'duplirate to 1ylr Boyce` regitesting,pt�ltce `. pro•teeti,on'tand .stating. Willingness to supply. meals: and. hoard and,to • n•I pay police:cat iilea'ge. Wes Joynt` reported. that•. the finance. commit tee of the ,Lions,,bad rnet .and'appoi;n•ted Wtl°rter. Howey to. meet with 'the' executive committee' to `discus finan:cin the. 'arena floor . g a o Speaking on behalf of lei lr: llowey, .. who • Was absent:. -$oynt':re tes- ed t'hat'if.there is a..':surplus from the entennial that the sur-:` files ,Ora porilotl',o 1t , r, applied towards of the•.arena.:floor. `[`he executive,. expressed doubt as to ,'their,authority :to ,pense'of any stach•money. .The matter wa,s.to be dis cussed at a meeting of the committee heads :Provincial Police :in. Kincardine. was present to explain the problems of law enforcement dur- ing the'Centeniial ke: stated. the OPP were' bound:•to police the, vil iage since it was under 1,000 population.:." One officer, would be.'' -on duty during that peri-' •