The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-12-24, Page 8rage 8 —,Iiucknow.Sentinel, Wednesday, DeceMber 24; 1997 South Kinloss greethigs. Suntoast • • by Ruth BuchmeIer Congratulations to Paul and Chritine I'vlacIntyre on the birth of their.baby girl, Melissa Marie. The community Wishes . Rev. Peggy Kinsman a speedy recovery so she can have a Merry thristnias - The de8oer family held their Christmas on Saturday at the •home of Fred, Margaret and girls. South Kinloss.,Sunday School presented "Christinas Jubilee" on • Sunday after the pot luck dinner. • • I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, and safe driving for the,ne,xt week .c;ver the holidays. May we have the spirit: of Christmas throughout the year, • • Luke Van Osch was .the Grinch, and Ashley Wissej. was his rein- deer in the . Grade 7/8 • Holiday. Troupe's, pre-- sentatibn of "The Grinch vvho Stole • Chrlstmasli.at St. Joseph's • Kingsbridge .concert last week (Livingston. photo Graphicdesigi is. R anis go'ii by Ryan Hackett Hi, :my name is Ryan Hackett and I am currently attending F.E. Madill Secondary School, This year !have been given the opportunity to work in the co-operative education prygram at school. My co- • op placement is • at • McPyatt. Advertising, • which is located at R.R. #5, Lucknow. Every , morning, 1 work for three hours and return to the school for classes in the afternoon, The reason 1 chose to work at MCPyatt • Advertising is because I am; interested in doing • graphic •design in , the future. , ,• • My' ernployer -Pat •,McKillop Who .is •the • oWnerioperator of the buSiness,•patmakes many types of signs using vinyl • • or sandblastingapplies • vinyl lettering on vehicles, 'business.- Cards,and invoices, •Pirst her., design, on the cornpUter, the design is then sent to a cutter and cut out onto a roll of vinyl,: The excess vinyl is stripped away and ,masking is applied for transferring. Pat also does sandblast- ing •signs where the process is pretty well. the 'same as the vinyl signs. •The design is done,on the • computer and then sera to a cutter where it is cut on a sheet of blasting mask. The excess masking -is • ,stripped away and placed on -the -wooden sign:ready to be brasted; The Sign is •,se„rit aWay to.be• blasted; Nand'returned SO it can be • ,painted. 40u THE BEST CANADIAN & US PROGRAMMING CALL ABOUTOUR INSTALLATION REBATE . ' . ...)iot 1i Egiedsiated THEMA!) Your Authorized $41eas, IriStallation.& Serviced srAlektiOicE •:PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED,' 1-800.163-0626 www allenstubbs Ektcnot ap.,41d114,5 t es eavie on restructuri 'So far 1 have enjoyed • my co -C).• experience . because 1 have done vari,- . ouslasks which show what this career is like. 1 have cut and masked viny•l lettering and objects to he put on signs. 1 have. had the opportunity to put let- • tering on signs, banners, and mailboxes for cus- • • torners and designed signs • on the computer. 1 have • also. pablasting Mask on ' signs t� he sandblasted and painted them. . • • This eo,op placement has been an enjoyable 'experien,ce so far and 1 am learning a lyt 41bOut this • career field. •Pat has ' helped me learn • and understand what the Work force and 'thiscareer field • has to offer. It has been. a: rally good,le,arning expe: • rienca for inc lind•I really enjoy if. • , • •, In the future', f plan •to iiittnyer'leianetliOgn4a.-4s°a°:gfrtia.V1;116ieF• 77, designer jecaise itseerns •••••• : •ib me like a iniefeting• field:to he 'cvor-king • ' • , • • by:Pat-Halpin ••• • Bruce couritY cduncik. • committees for 1998 were ' ailkititedat the December -• • *Oland Anstett and POrt Elgin•Ree•Ve Ppm Fox are 91-.14f arid vide -chair Of the :,..-cOrpOrate.serviees,:e0in: • 'financial • and senior, ,adtninistraii\)eissues. Brane.s DaVid„ThOrnsori,,,:.' • and' f Andy,' Corrnak,' are .ehatr and vieechair ofthe 'highways 'conirnittee, while.,John . White .of Lion:s Head is chair Of the Agrieulfure, Tizfuri111'.jand":..Plantring cominitfrp. • giek.Gilbes.ri of Wiaii-ton•, and 'Norm 'Annetsdf , kinciiraineare chairand.., -1/4.ticeTell'air ()I' the•.si)ciat, ServiceS c()ininittee.:That. c in m t tee has C on i s'iudy ,(af ;the future'.()f tW)c(luniy,; 11()ines:'.l'or.: the • • ,ag,ed, and faesaddidonar (>1 provinci wnjoad- • • , Arra.ri's Ross fiervon d Si Ed rd Rd '•.:Anderson Will head the public• health cor.rimittee, • which:coat lso esig nifieatit.changes beeatiSe DoeSWhat . inhift public serve ,".•,Heading the 'Libriiii• • Committee • : are 'TOM Boyle of.pastnOr ad Poi; Thomas". 01 Hepworth/13ruce Town- ship 'reeve Howard Ribey ihe'r411.-c.ornniftfee,. while restriieturing.eotp-• 'Mittee Chair Stuart okeavie Of Lucknow and vice -digit 6r.Lindsa " Were, re.=appOinied • 1 • • • spector a Get more PC for your family with a new LX system from Bondwell PEC4ABEttinii... 16 MB EDO RAM 1 M3 Video 16 -hit 311 sound 1.1 GB hard drive • YOUIR'ReGi4314tat‘is SHOPOINGA Amplified Speakers 8H CD-ROM pit Ask OttOtt migradiog " tho BINLXik150 to Interoetiteady ••• rease Lt says • :reev'e' • 4 • ' , • '' , • , , • • . . - • 33.6k @ $59 •PIntim:• 56k @ 109 • 'by Pat Halpin A dollar a day increase notIncludel:t •. in, pay •fOr' priiCe'County'S' For more.info please contact as at: ...• • 14, - • .1 800 468 1079 sy.,„„,•,..„,.. as snows • , • 1/vvie11001tdOVOlicittpoter.Otiin• . , • Intel Pentium,' processor - Hz 158 M • The Popoeitoenetits Microsoft Windows SS and,Plus pre -loaded • two year pation-wide warranty • • • *Hours free internet access from iSTAR • or 111s138 per menu'On-the-spot &lancing byerettitLink ' Nif*,•$.01,4414N94)A14 kutirond 410)41a .14IMOIYA I Mtg. r.nd.a.lto 41(kod.w.,44.4p Ilt.ormn dIkral be Curti 0 A a oat*Imiti,,,,,miomm6AfunoievretivMax,timn PfteiMroctont.purara.1 , wsuppcigiessmoo•koconotteinfpalt yoymotforene404.4 ralb choutorl ettittt 441Strhimiannt naludoff Wit CONN. imorrultatqsystom-AuCW10, Vffirp,495,v3, A tem nA40 ChM torv•o rot arAle40100.0. RAM 4.1444.rft4144,001.3 4,..,4014,Vgarsr.l.,C1Y. 41; SGR,Ot 1,trOn“kr,41*, 'WO" "At be 047041 oM1,4,44i.X.,10 4,1110.80(41hddet$ Hwt#Itsourittiorpokul • • • • weed inspec6r Was driti- • died by Culross Reeve, 'Ralph Kreutzwiser. "Ithink a dollar a day is an insult' to hiin," • Kreutzwiser said of the. Bondwell Quality Personal Computers To Place an Order Please:Cali •:1-800468-109. • 7 • • increase that puts the full- day rate at $101., The. weed insPector works .6n an as -needed basis. • "It is an insignificant amourit,,but.the concern is every year we say no to a Mallincrease. and wc'ie taping further behindk"., expIatncd fliianec chair Norm' iNnnett: "It's'hetter. than Councillor); also g,..a‘ye • thernselveS:a:rai.se .61.*a •7 dollar a day. :The. full-day ratesis now $111 with the sa'me Tate for *cdmniittee meetings and $58.fx)r halt,• . day ornight ,me.etings. The warden's allowance ,. has hen raised 1, per cent • to $9.006 4.ye4r:''.:' '1n glad to 'see ,the, • warden, get ..$& bucks a rnOntli." past warden Keith 'Campbell 'quipped about • • the increase.' Pay,tates the weed' inspector and • ct}uncillors have riot been • changed for four years.