The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-12-24, Page 4Page' 4— Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 34,1.997 . . . , • . Changes of address. orders for subscriptions, and undeliverable copes (return postage guaranteed) are -to be sent to The Luclutow " Sentinel at the address indicated here. AdVertising Kaccepted on the condition that in the even(of a typographical errorthe pop. tion ofthe advertising space occupied by the 'erroneous item together with. a reasonable allowance for signature: will'not be diarged for, but the balance ofthe advertisement will be paid at the applicable rate's. • • • • • ' A LioWes Publishers Cominimity ,Newspaper 61P Camobill St.. 1„titqCnOw. °Mario P0. Box 400, Lueknow. °Wadi) NOG 2F10 • - phone: (519) 528-2822 fax: (519) 528-3529 c3 Established 1873 — Tom Thompson — ildivertising Mapager Pat Liyingston General Manager / r.,-cutor OPC Phyllis Matthews Helm — Office Axirtaii.OPItratOr • Joan Courtney — Typesetter , • • Sutiscription Ritts adkranee: Regular $25.,(66 tinci.liostiige and (x.S.T.) . SeniOr $23.52 Dna postage and G.S.T.) Foreign ,Zie USA — $98.00, Publications Mail Registratinn No 97656 field at Goderich. Ontario. PubliShed'52 a year CCNA : 1u'ksw t@i uz telLtrd Iiiterttek • with -est, tit 1..p: Arum:, 14(m-511(1 coin/111(110"i The rich/z farnily and thepoor family A story about the true meaning •of Christmas by Fraser. Kny,venhoven • . , • u:liurry with the windows: After:that yOU ciao get the. house ready for Christmas : Well halve plenty of visitors.. The Christmas tree is doming tomorrow but I want the rest done -today. Make sure it's all done by the.time 1 come hoe Alice Hart hurried with the windows, „ Being the housekeeper was a: hard job-sometinies. There was much to be done. She didn't really like working for Evelyn Barrens, but it was her only choice to support herfamiLy—The_windaws Weren't thatArty and, she fin- ished quickly. , • , in the beginning December came -more work, but Alice didn't seem to Mind. She loved Christmas.'She 'was thankful for what little she had, but Evelyn had so mach to 19e thankful for. Evelyn had everything she ever' wanted. Evelyn was rich, But:Alice was ppor„, She hadto take care of her own house.. It wasn't much, Only two'-' rooms. The roof leaked a, bit andur sometimes it grew" very cold: Sometimesshe got jealous of Evelyn but stopped. herselfbecause she knew it 'was- wrong. . • • The Barrens' children, two of them, were already off • ones. Alice loved looking at them and decorating the house. She went do'wn .the stairs and into. the roOm where thedecorations were. She took out all the boxes she needed,and took them upstairs. She looked at• them carefully; each one. She hung them around the house,. with care. ,, • • ' • ' • • When she Was dope her. work at the Barrens' house, shegotready to leave. She took her coat off the coat •• rack and put it on. It vas quite tattered,,and torn in `a Few aphis Stu" would neftel a 'new_one. 9460because the blitz :winter weather was corning. She opened the big doors, walked down the steps, and started for home. When she got home her husband was sitting at the .. table reading anewspaPer, Her. four children werestili a school.. She looked around. Everything,was the same as how she had left it ifiat.,inoining. The chairs ripped and faded, „the. carpet torn and wet, the dishes chipped and ' Old, the.bedS'broken. and bent, the whole house leaky • • ,and cracked. She thought, it was about time to get her few oladedorationsfor the house out and. make it, 45. nice as she could for her tour children. But it Stilt didn't look anything like Evely,n's house. No,: the Harts' house was nothing A few weeks later Alice was Working at the Barrens' While they had dinner. Since it was almost Christmas 04Y, Alice had Iie.erilokl: to set out the fancy •dishes and Set the table as beautifully as she could. it looked.vety nice•indeed. But Alice notiped 'scirnethifig wrong about to school. Murray, who was 11, loved school and • enjoyed his stUdies. Maria, who was turning 14 in a rnonth,had as much interest in school as her brother. • Now 'Aliee-was left alone, but not to her displeasUre. She liked thiS,tinie of each day when there was no one: to , boss her around. It was then time to get,out the' Christmas eiecOrationg. Evelyn had go many beautiful. the whole thing'. The Barrens seemed. to be 'unhappy, with all the thingS, they had They talked aboit(iA;hat,they wanted and what they still didn't have. When she thought hardtabout it she Could rernember:that'alniost every day they were fighting and -arguing. ,Fyen with alt, . • the things they had they still weren't happy. • When she returned hOmethat)nightshe set out the : Old,.:Chipped dishes and her family sat on the ripped, faded Ph4irs, But other than the old chairs and dishes • WaS•Sornethin-g difieterit •than'the:Barrenrdinner7,', she had jtist:seen. The Hart family was happY. They . were happy with What they had even though it, wasn't .• t Much. They talked about.tkblessins they had. They were truly happy. They w .z.re happy because they knew • the true ,rneaning. of chrisOrris. They celebrated that the . Saviour of the world had been born They Celebrated the coming of the Christ They were happy because God had sent his son Jesus to earth. • • • • • • • That night Alice thooght about all that had happened that. day. She found that even though the Barrens had. : • • • • • • • everything' they Wanted, they couldn't be truly happy. Shefound that their family; eyon with such rich Th family•- f theHarts:-Was rich 'because they • , • knew the true meaning of Chqstrnas, • (FraseriS a.Orade, 7 StUdent'at,4uCknOW and DiStriet.:, • - " Christian School) , • . , • •,. - • .0.-WfMiiiiiMiWagiggaggiiMiiiMaggNORM:1KiiMMOMMM.M.:M:MininNWMAROMMM.M I • • a 7Oyearsago 1927 udden winter After weeks of Much rain and- slush, during which :the, weather was Mild and fairly agreeable., the "Lake Region," Which includes our part of the world, ilierieticed'''a.''"fieavY'.:: fall-. of • snow .beginning last ,fridY; • The roads soori became irnpass- able for wheeled traffic, and 'although a •feW Continued to bUttlo , With their automobiles against .the • snow, the • . going has been very, unsatisfaatqrk... :;: ",• , " • M,arcelling• ‘- Have your hair trh- marcelled 'and curled for the next party by. Madelyne McMotran.•Hours to ..5';'Wedni,Sday 'afternoon • at :fesi-• ' dene• Other dayS„: or at 'Your borne by •-•appointment. •• • • • • • .• ,.,• • • So ears ago • " Dec, 24, 1947 . • tarnps' sold .out The p.O§t• oflice was sold 0111 'of orre-teUtr, Startips On Saturday, nrioniing:, bat Obtained' a new supply thth aftet- noon. • • :The sellout added to the problems of a• harried- staff Who 'Have been working long. hours in a'effort tp (10,ar •••: •thetreniendotis voluine • and bot..going, :letters; %cards and parcels. . . .,• Buys new. projector..,:-* Garfield Ostrander ,and Rexford made a busi- ness 'trip; to ,Toronto last week, where Rex purchased a new $0() projector, • fOr.: the Rex Theatre. :' • . • •': With two .new . projectors now now operation; better. :theatre' perforT, • ManCes,:- can. be screened without "between, reel" delays, • '" Carollers tour village - Young people of the ,O.mr. village .••ChtteCties • 'touted the town Singing' ChiistnnUs •carols at the•.horrics• of,..the aged, and il , • • ' • , '•• They :'..travelled, teams •, and sleighsdriVen bY.TOrrance, Anderson and 130bMeNay: • •: 'There were about 40 on the two' sleigh loads,. NOio were,:tater• served scup. and i.crackers. at . the ,United Church, after whieli'Rev: Stewart 'con- ducted a series of games', ' • .• •;•. ' • . ], Dungannon • Schriiid. trophy, ernbleinatic of the indoor softball chnnipionship. Presented. to the Ounganifori team, on IitirsditY:e•Vening, at the ('langirien"'S' bingo party in ttie toWn' hall.. Cecil 10. inariager 'of the I)ting,annon team received the traphyv: . • • • • • W:S''•''i104i•'•-'$:'OA•••••••WRKA''':'*'A:ik":w:f:::•:;44:.:.•••::$rnx.:::::::;••:::;::'•-o•a'••':::•:'••••4'e•Mi.::'Wkt:KMf.:K1.:•::.:i:•ifo0::.:••::A:dg,M:i::•A:o.g..W...xg•.0:W:•o.4::ft.••Pu:,„:::::,ei•;;::gi • . • • Bradley .Bullock Was enthralled when. Santa came to visit Ptiddleducks'last • . elacisrman was.ma.king his fourth visit to , • L.ucknovli and, area • children. ° Santa, brought each, child a goodie bag and he in turn received 'a little • something from the —Puddiecktchem (Livingston. photo). • , en ine LL u to at Dear editor: • : This goes 'kith* jolly old souL . Santa 4116'..• • ettcidledUckS 'pay .Cure,,on Thursday. Dec. 18. Our threc-yea'r,Old datikliter: never -stops, talking .about. • yptr: Sbe:described yott in detail feorn Your. 'little l'ed hat right 'd(itk!n u youi- blkrk 'hoots; She:S41,4 you • laughedalot, had, a nice, vhite heard and that you • • . , are very,: very soft ••. he • kissed you rind had:. ,.„ • hug;; for het and the kids! 1-1ei, baby Sis,ter':, • •••, , • • • ; • Chrtstine did not 1ke you, butyqu stilt gave Baby ChriS'tine. abag ,of treats! Thank you. whoever you are. 1(!r star, • , •• • • We hate to rain on your , • parade ; but we also explained to her about... .. Baby Jesus being, .horn on• : •.• Chi Day, • • • • • , einy nd Mtrilyti• ,• , Miltenburg,• Paige and Christine. ; • •