The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-12-24, Page 1WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, .1997
Select Committee's.'. report
Ontario Hydro , has mends Hydro "carefully
begun a detailed examina- - reassess its decision to lay-
tion of the • Select up seven reactors."
'committee's 39 recom The committee's report
mendations on Hydro's ,expresses concern about
oten.tial im •act bf
recommendation to take,Hydra's Nuclear Asset
another look at Bruce'. A. Optimization Program
A report or the recom (NADP) on .the. 'Bruce.:
Tess:, Bu.rgsma '.was, an: angel, at the Lucknow
and : District,Christian School's Christmas, con-:
cert: last week..The theme` for the concert:was
Bethlehem's Light,'(Livingston" photo)
aside this Thee
More ictures•' om area school concerts.'
Deadline for net . s•
Monday at noon
mendations ' was . made community, .especially if.
Thursday,,at Queens Park., Brtice A. un'its don't. come ..
The " ,committee : was.. back online:
formed in September toThe report says, "This
ureview' Hydro's , r3uclear Includes concerns " about
recovery plan. Its :-report . the Bruce "Energy ' Centre:
1Said Hydro should "careful .There maybe intermediate
ly reassess its plans to solutions 't.hat might be,
close, seven nuclear reac- worth investigating which ,.
tors, 'three at.. Bruce • and tall between :the options'; of
foui aC Pickering, while it: doing nothing 'or • fully
refurbishes the. other 12 'implementing NAOP. The
reactors and brings them•committee is not in
• a .poli -
Pp. to world :class, scan= tion to `evaluate the feast-
dards;.Replacement energy' " bility' of ;'such;".cotirses of.
would be obtained front`.' action; but. it would : urge
Hydro's:fossil'fuel plants; :_Ontario Hydro to.•continu.e
While it does t- sa'y in r' :axriv,e
black and white'that Hydro .ways to minimize negative.
''sliou.d:recons.ider"its deci- • corm u it 'im Fact' .w':i
m n Y p, s, , .bile
ion to l,ay,'up iinics`'three achie.vrng' ':'iinportant.
and "` 'four ;` 'at Bruce :.nucl"ear recovery goals:',
•• Generating Station A the'' Recommendation 1p
says, "If specialized
human resources/expertise
can.. be ,obtained through
other sources, then NAOP
should berevisited with
respect to tinting, capital
eat i, e _
electricity aI'ternatives:' •
Under environmental
slues; the report said the
proposed. increased
. reliance:: oh •fdssYil• tuels.'n's"
."of serious concerti to the
cern niittee.""•NAOP signif-
icantly increases fossil.
related erhissi;aaris;' at least
for the. -i e-aft—few e'ars:.
;.. Thes'e, erili'ssions :wil'l con-
tinue for . a p uc:h longer
see 'Alter•na•tive':Page.
L nits 3 a Qn
b'y Bev 1?ry.' •
Barb Fisher, Bruce MPP and a Member oY; "t'he
provincial legislatures Select .Cornmittee:lookin�a'.into
Ontario: Hydros, Nuclear. Asset Optirniation. Plan„
(NAQP) thinks' there is enough 'evidence in the
mtttee's report to convince, Ftydro's"'•consider
leaving' Units,'3 and.4,- t :Biiiee..A ` opera:` ,
I yd;ro s la.i7 is :to la :` u . Bruce= A.and Pr kering A .
P Y p ,
°while it`refurbis hes its,Other: 1 nuclear' reactors
They ve get td;seriously •reconsider their:deci$i�o�n`
:and'ut derstaird a''better,... olution.. The•AECB
(Atomic Energy Control Board) said Units 3. and 4 have'
seven 'years .left '
She added;,she didn't see gloom and doom' intoe
•�see''•Fisher'' page 2.
-bey Pat Livingston .: this it arley.: Fianna made.
n ze
A�. dream of Fiona ler an�eeti'(which ktie has.'
1Vlc>ngr1hi . to assist,rn: became Well'. kncywn for)
fii•s'ter.i'ng: international: and ran a.' day rnusic camp.
friendship,and eace -- •:for. .nun Tgstcrs.'She even:
was -realized '-When.1ra. ':gam' up her own one week
•Dcryugina of C'h"erkassy, at!camp Laura too way:
U`kraine,',; arri:v':ed 2., in involved in.varic�us camps:.
o'Nov., 22. ;Fiona . tri Oki it wasn't hard
and •Ira' nc).tinced Era) . ,decision torh'CEe.i
.tOgells! cr with I-ttlura Canadit.::-"l\4aybe 1';wouId
� nyw
S witic r, chi Kir.kton are never, ..get
'"Team: 'Green "97" again sti shill; ,x ^
l ur:ing, Ira's six Vwtctk Ira lives with hi:'r moth-
stay, the thret 12 -year -this • er Sveta tiistcr lire thcr iii. ri
w;i11 'visit schoi)ls.; church -,''law and:hahy nephew in'a
es, families'ani(a- . flat; ,.i -kr 'mother"was an.. serve. as friendship engineer hut,now is: a :self-• 'p
arrihasadors.:They wall empleryed seimstre:ss: :>' Y
alsxa .challenge children to., Chcrkassy, with a p't.)pu
ident it`y•;'signsof: hope' latk)nof 3U0,O00 is;locat-;.
for our struggling ecolo cd on'Che Dnieper River;.' 3 �,
'.ah.out five-hc)urs` away.
I"fic project is spin '''reap}. Chernohy1. ThP
sorrel hy'The Open Door, ',radioactive disaster <at
a dcvelopment of i;ig'ht ...Chernobyl in 1„9,86
the Way Children's I:und; heavily' contai'ninated the '
fptergat•ic)nal. 11ciwever, •wilt t)t';,:thc ,Dnieper which
Fiona and Itura had ' (c) stretches from Chernobyl '
gen trriit0;`thc..funds.•; i"n 'the nortfir. ; .,.:past. •
$t,P()0 lorIra's•flight. Ch'crkassyand into •ttt;w •Fi (111 i(t
l�rotii about-iuly,:hrtth Blas k''Sc a. .
giro wire' I�tii 'witlt'pro- ["he''aver.a>re faintly
cels that,„ wciuld:..gcncratc Ukraine•earns. Tess than`
$100 per month and:yet regular occurrence and.
f�)c�'ci c,a'ts arc, almost. <i:5 �'.�vatzr dc�m'ands result. i`n .
h'i`gh as' :one '.own and Cloth- er eaua "c t fts. T' ere:.
•.�u n. l ,I?.p l u,u, h .
Casts `hi�hcr. Eie'ctric ; • ,vast, '',differences.
and gas.'pri4e's are. $ky betwccn th'e rich and the
rocketing. Cher o ':1 ;tel .`..'' vera' e `•
cn l?Y L�a g y
. ' aduc :.;m,. st ) _,t e .w ; ,. s. , s' �,s,
pr �ti c3> t c t . he.e.l c. ,Pert .ac nc.t.,.�mt„
.trical ower. for the state .. remain'tixed'while Ent:: rest -
and;not 1kce-p' pace. of the•ee.on'carny. does not;
•�, l�ic'k()cits:ar't a :'resultii�*, in i'urthtr`ttrtfer'-
'e , ; we h'' average Light t W .y. _ t
nec,s l?e.t to t e v rage L gh he ay ays hat,.
fa': 'i I d• -•the` ' ' o r: c•a� '�mic' :s•tan ar v
m y �'an •' p o . a dt. d d..
'I��itc.htn • ga"r:dens. 'are':a':. ;,...rigorouti in `Ukrat:nia-n
.,necessity f: food needs are....s choo1s. but the `tiy:ste
4. .Y�:c, v,. m,.
i� 1e sto . _ ,
to ht.mct l��thc. vV te�� str.uggEti.. kee-p.:u._p
• .The impact" of, the ' nation and teehnolog.y,:,.•
'Chern;ohyl`.' -di.asier 'on "Stu;de,nts. learn :`ho'w''t.o;
Ukraine andpeople'il wor ,and"c) lea and are
k ,.work,and learn
,; .
• c>nt. i5k': the thinks era 'talks' 'usually very dedicated.? h
about when 'the 2ir(s .visit Ira is• edge a•n avid pe.p:
groups: . 'pal.. Co •15 people ,din
Ira in, turn is finding. out, _ Canada. And .while. shoe;is
Vis;-much.aS she :can atlout here she: isloc)kine ti,r pen;
',Canada. ,When she returns;. pals" for many students, in
home, she will ,share this .:.•
i it`ortnaticfn with school ,
• children in •Ukraine
Ira 'is.,in Gracie 7..She•:.
says the emphasis • rn• •
school:,.which she attends '; .tor Santa Claus as she'.•
Six days a. week, is on ..experiences'her, tirst'North
math English and'techni- American'C,hristrnas Back.
cal..suhj' cls. 'The: young home'''Fatber Frost' h:ais'
st'er speaks four .languages; ' ; 'that..responi bility ,on: Dec:
- 'Ukrainian, Russian, :31
German. -and En.0514. In =
Today, . Chri:�tmas Eye,
'Grade S.;or 9•she will have"and all the either days of
the opportunity to learn,. the years lo, come, .let us
either Italian or Frcnti h. • It
cn'a . o'n .o ' with . Ira Dory,ugine of , loin with Ira F. . • slid
! ggis'ittportant to:know'many Laura its the 'pray for: and
,CCherkas"syw children alt work'. on thleir `dream of {an na'�ws..'bsays.Ira.:"You y p y'
.� ;i: is g �`, " ;, p•romotc,,' .it)'tCr`haticii?al'
internati.onal'friendship. a.nd, peace. (L y ngst'on . ,.
let vt nitar� opportunities." friendship artd.Peace
. .
photo): ,. itit:oritatior►°frori th:' .
Ukraine. Having 'a pen pal''
is a way for the e.fiildren to ..
learr'r a lot she says
Tttis.wc ek Ira' will, wait