The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-12-10, Page 2047. Cards .of •'hanks. 47. Carrs of , Thank$ 48. Corning Events Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, 8eeeniiier 10, 1997 -- Page 19 48, Coming 1 48. Coming Events • . Events MCCONNEL,L The :family of the late Aleft McConnell wish .to thank. everyonefor the cards, flowers, food and donations duringour 'recent bereave- ment. Special thanks to Rev: Peggy Kinsman for her comforting message and for her support, to the ladies of South Kinloss Presbyterian Church for the lovely lune)... To Dr, Sleeth and the nurs- es of Wingharn hospital for their kindness and excellent care, to Huron County Homecare, and 'grateful appreciation to Joan Pollard and .staff of MacKenzie & McCreath Funeral ..• Home. for. ,their assistence..,The care. and support .of neighbors and friends was greatly. appreciated at this difficult time.. Florence and farnily. • A PJINECREST THANK VOW A big thank you to everyone mho helped in 'any way to make our concert the sue cess that 'itwas. It was so nice to see; so many family members here to celebrate with us. The talent was fab- ulous, the food,was scrump-' .tions and it looked like Christmas was in the air! To the staff at Pinecrest -. thank you for supporting this,.fun,. annual event. Many, :remarked that Pinecrest horne that feels so welcom- ing'to visitors. and .reel-. d.ents...You make this,hap- • pen., P.S. Please come and 'usat bu'r. Family Council Meeting on January. 7, '1998 at 7 p.m. We will be having a guest speaker: Merry •Christmas from the staff and residents of Pinecrest! -5Oar x, 4 48. Corning Events . .' GILCHRIST• would like ' to. thank McDonagh I•isurance Agency for their trophy and support ,to 4=H: Brad. --50 • MS FACT #8 : We donr know what, ca Uses .m a fti ple'sclerosis,' hut research is closertn finding tiac answer. Multiple Sclerosis • Society of Cancida 11800:268-7582 SINGLES DANCE At, the Brussels Legion,. Sunday, . Rao, 14, 7 p.m. - 11 p.m. Musio,by Ken Scott. $O per person. T-SOcc New YEARS EVE DANCE Kickoff "Make it Great in '9$" at. the Community 'Centre, Wednesday, Dec: 31, 9• to 1. DJ, Midnight lunch, party favors, door ' prizes, cash bar: $1g/per- son in advance or $15 at door. Tickets a -t Everlastings, Lucknow Cut & Curl, committee''mem- bers•, or Friday hights'in 'December at' Tourist' Information Centre. More info call '828-2627 or. 528- 2270. Sponsored by '98 Reunion. Committee.,,, --50.- 52ar • TURKEY BINGO 'At .St; Joseph's Church,, Kingsbridge ,at 8:30 p.m..ori Sa-turday;, foes••. 18...:1O; r ';turkeys;, share the wealth BINGO . and door prize's: Af;l vi -el come 49;:50x Goderic•h . Kn'ights. of Columbus' every Thursday • 7 :p.m.' ColUrai us. Centre:. 390 Parson's Court, $4400. •in prizes; progressive jack.- pot ack-pot $1000.,. regular jackpot' '$1500 must' go:' Superstar.. Pro'vi'n.cial .'game played" • every, ,bingo, night. ..Lic. 05792O: • Breakfast With Santa Saturday, .Deo e 13th 8:30*11:30 AM Lucknow Arena' (upstairs) Pictures with Santa " All donations to food bank All ages welcome Sppnsored.by: Lucknow & District Optimist'Club MURRAY'S CHRISTMAS HOUSE ..Christrrtas . is fast approach- ing an'd°not very far f•rorn „here Murray's; Christmas House is open euery day 10 a:m. to 4:30 p.rn Every iterri , ie discounted', up to $O% WOW!! We have just the right gift for, everyone on your list. Come see for .your- self: Treat yourself to•th6 ultimate' shopping, :experi- once this .Christina `r4-: Richmond St.,. Arkena• 1- • • 5,19-n8-3398 or 1.8.0Q -5T•5 ' 1..974:--49,51:c.c 'C'OMMUNITY CAROL.REST Lucknow Community. Carolfest will be held in:. Lucknow. Presbyterian Church; Wednesday, Dec: ''• 17,. at 7:4.5 :p..rn,, The cprcert will' feature local church: choirs and the Basement Brass Rind: .Offering giver•to•Salvation :Arrriy, Everydne 'welcome 50,51ar ,TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS•, Sale, Of Land By Public Tender The Corporation of the Township Of Kinloss Take notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land described below, and willbe received until. 4:30 p.m., on December 1$,1997. ' Description of Land Concession. 1; Part Lot ti, in the Hamlet of Whitechurch, being part of the former C.N.R.. Lands .• The building lot size being approximately 1 acre in size, once a survey is, completed, and being approximately 140 feet in frontage, by approxirriately 309 feet in depth. he zonin:g would:essurne the adjoining' properties zoning, being R1 (Detached Residential). An appraisal has been don:.e, on theproperty. '• 'en.deis must be 'subrnitted in the prescribed form, and must be, accompanied b:y a deposit, in the form, of a money order or of 'a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank, trust ponipany or Pr.iivinceof Ontario Savings Office .payable to the Municipality and representing at least •20 per cent of the tender amount. -Any tendernot necessarily accepted. For' further information regarding this Sale end a copy.of theprescribed form: of tender contact: Township of. Kinloss Mark L -.Becker, A.M.G T Clerk -Treasurer "HclyroOd; Ontario NOG`2B0 51;9=3953575 we build the best'. and repair the rest// if(r- 4;fillied • aaikke S'p R.14,#2 R,,#2 A(JbUl4 520.7212 ;FAX529-327.7. CANADIAN Ole HEAT • AssocuriON i C iSholm(.:FueIS LUCKNQW. Phone 579:7S,24.or 524-7681 •Furnace'Installations A'ood; I©ii `Combiria iorrFurnaces Burner Service 'Propane Filling Station'' PRODUCTS' FOR FARM, HOM E,. & INDUSTRY CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING CENTRE BUILDING: SUPPLIES CONTRACTING FREE ESTIMATES RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURAL Carripbell $h et'(on Hwy; 86) Lucknow".NOG 2H0 "seicuituj Sic 1979" inter Systems/.Saftel ers Rir Conditioners./Ric Quality/HRU �Eues/JJatP_umps/Pireplaces- �. S i .Hll�at�ng '0/0 aQffMannMechani'cat Ltd. 528-3913 cRIPENTRy 52848341 • R:R.' #2 Lucknow; Qn4. NOG 2110 Doors and Windows *Textured Ceilings *Cabinets *Floorings *Drywall *Decks Montg.orriery M'Otors' • •: B:ody Shop Repair, do all Makes' and models 'Complete'collision'damage repairs ICI l.ifetifne refinish warranty Wedge Clamp irarne repair system • Aii work guaranteed Phone 528-20130 1-800-5614012 • Towing Fax 1-519-528-201i • • Lucknow, Ont YOUR TOTAL iltAkSPolltirATION., DEALERSHIP 299 Byfield Rd., 4 oder ch Y-5.1:9,5 24-6141 • ' lucknovv '& Area. ' Toll Free 1 8O0-634-2834 Sian Ds PENS, .;IJ rinfillt, CANN CALENDARS (019) 528-2730, Fax:, (519) 528.3348 Luckngw SING,1901.1 • Computer Forms:; • &'.Cheque,, Invoice Sets, • Business Cards' printed in, our Lucknow shop. +• other promotional •items., •. Cowan Printing & Advertising .:NILE.GARAGE EXHAUST, Full`line of•m't filer's Custom pipe bending upto3 Pipe & Fit.tings Dripless. Undercoating bit,changes,•tires.& ' tpairitehance, 529-7355 for ail your. building' needs.... HENDERSON Iffornetare 782 flavel+ock St.; Lucknov (510) 528-3118 , fax,(519) 52$-2814.