The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-12-10, Page 8Lalic know Sentiine11„ Wednesday, December 110, 1997 -- Page' CWI. po.t luck was lots.. of fun by Teresa .Courtney and Margaret Errington Eldon Austin had a cataract removed at the Ivey • Institute of Ophthalmology, London: • on Dec. 3. He and his wife Mary spent the night at the home of her sister . Margaret and lay McLean. • The, annual Christmas • turkey pot • luck_ dinner, sponsored by the • : Kingsbridge„ Catholic• Women's league for mem- bers and their husbands, .wa", held last week.. ,a,, "Gues . `Vvhu" contest of George Beaton: on Dee. 6. Visitation andservice was at the MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home, Lucknow on Tuesday, and Margaret Errington, who also visited son Gordon Pannabecker and'. Barbara, brothers Earl Dahmer and Ruby. Ken • (yesterday), . Our . thoughts and prayers go out to little,six. " year old. : • Megan Logtenherg, a patient in, Sick Childreri's. Hospital; London and to her m{tither •Kay Logtenherg in the snapshots of 'oneself, taken Wingham' hospital • follow- party on Dec. to or more years age) .ing: art ,accidentc,n Huron .AAp.plehy and . Aileen to ,be Very •e'.ntet- . C-:oiun.ty Road ` t, south •of Trotnitter were: lady win- .tainina ati w,e.lt. as, the p :I.ucknow'iast Saturday:" ner•s, with .loc' (::ourtney ".Whi•te Elephant" gift . The Dahmer Christmas , and George.cardiif as gen- followed • by dinner ... was: held 'in tlemen,"winners. ,quare dancing.., t'un and Cambridge on ' Nov: ,.30.' Carob Ann Hata:... i)t tJrtics• o • .•.•\tte;,ndirig trona• tht ''area • ;Zatlihia Africa. ',',daughter • ';i'tieere syin•pathy to were Roger anei ,F,kie cit' cie.or;,=c:.:Sm tit and Judy Bec.ky'arid Hat'vev Culbert Pannabecker. . Ross. and= Cook. has been vi.tiiting •on the death pf• her hrother , Gler na Pannabecker., Jim', family. .and friends lits this' Dahmer and!.Carol and Olive 'flake, a resident at St. Luke's. Place. Olive sends -greetings to all her friends. Seven tables were to play at the Dungannon Siwnior Citizens euchre Legion announces contest *inners. The L'uck'now "Legion: Branch 309., . ,.rec.e;ritly • Judged its •annual. ; pc etns,: posters arid -essay cont'est The.result5 :Mid( and ,White 'Poster. 'Senior: first, Heather • Sande. LGP ; . sei;ond, 'Fraser Kuyverthdven, LDC:S ;third, Marcella Kran e. n h u rg,; Junior: fist.. Tim Luchies LDCs;: • ,' eeond,' Luke Drerinan : Blookside; (hard; Loretta. Weber LCPS eSt.ptties' :i • ".Colored Poster Senior (list„ David 'DeBoer, ' LCPS; .second, Ashley Husk, LCPS; third,". Fibra. iVfewbray, LCPS Junior: ' first, Joel Eddie. T CPS; • second Loretta., Weber: LCP;S,;; Casanclr'a . tifassc iia; LCPS. ; • • , Poerns. Senior, first,' NigelBlack, LCPS; second. Fraser' Kuy venhoven, LDCS ;third, "Michael Hofer, LOPS. . y ErIm Fjaldenby silver .L:ake' -WL r e.i - sabers • hosted.••their hush in s and friends. at a Clri.,strrtas : :.pot .,'luck :. yapper .tin • '� i'ednesday eveninat. the Ktnlc s.s•„"orrimunnity Centre, Scottie played cards and ;others •.visited. for the eVening • , • a:, Hoiyr od WT. °meliibers , rrtr* t : at, . Ivory ;s' Family 'Restaurant in Luckhow. on Thursdav for. a turkey dine iaer:wi.th a11`th trimmings:, A variety p.ro ram to::c k place w after the .meal with mernhers... ajid friends: tak- ing.part , . W 'rc•�carry firs rc pc .rl • J.un•ior first. Angela Gill•espie..LCPS:; sciyntl • Ashton Chamney. . LCPS: third. 7.tennelie ; Stam LDCs,• Essays -Seniors;fir:•!t..: J4tisiL 1 Mani),;LQPS, second, area for the • past three, weeks. Carol rhnn, married one year.to David Harvey, is involved in •the tourist industry, as well as owners and operators of a coffee plantation. 80n Saturday. •Dungannon• Sunday School staged •a very sue= eessfu'I bazaar with the Messenger and Explorer groups, CGT and L'CW all participating; . The Adve;'nt' candle was' lit On Sunda' by '13. • .1: Tideswcll and narration h}`, lrlelinda Smith. ' Superintend,ent til the: S.unlliay 'School Ken '`1.0gtenher+a welct)mcd all.: tA) tits: 4.;'v 14te ,(:';i1't Sei•�.'ice and drama ; 'Th` ., S• hephard'; c'hrlit." In the, evening' (_;,IT held ;their .Vespe•r Scrtit•cc ttndet the d1 eczn n )t leader ;k:irraheth Ervinand assistants Heather Irvin' .i and 'Barbara •• Refrc ltjuent:s I•UlloWed tltc candlelit eereinon}•, ' • official,hoar:d and con.. <=rogations of .Dungannon Union -Pastoral charge, ,ire imiited' to -attend', an inl:or- motion' + 'meeting with Presbyterial :tepresenta- ti;ves°G Rev. 'John' Langdon • and Brett Caslick 'in atten dance .. •cin Dec.... 10.. d :ti• e;.usSing :.nrt)c:ess o)• ..pas;ty)r•. y , Luckriow Legion December 31$t Music by: Tiffin's Orchestra' Tickets: $25.00 per couple Hot lunch included Tickets are available at ane Canteen • or Finlay .Decorators • • Kathryn ;.rlskes., •L DCS •relations. that l:.Suti.an,(iu,av, LOPS.• Juniors:.first, James•vlar n LCPS second. Allison Sttnpson. ,'Brookside third, Hain ttih Blacks [..CPS. 61111111100•1111111111116444414W MINS 111111111,410111111111111111144044411481111111111 T ATRE KVNCARDINE 396-3250 Dec. 12 to 18 at 8 p.m. MATINEE Sat. & Sun. 2 p.m. All Seats $2.00 This Christmas give the, "NGIFT OF• ENTERTAINMENT"' Piirchase'2'gift certificates and receive a third: one OWE' IE: ALL SEATS 54.25 TUESDAYS aPPY time, in inlough care, Olive Hanna is in•hospita'l. was well attended and s following urgery, a is thoroughly' &1119-!;,,,iby the Glen Haldenby:., Both are young and not so Your trio w'• tri; V ingha r :• and' ' '•• Jusr enough' snc'rw fell` ;tri trtakethe Ii�ahts a lot more;. festive, Good 'woi'iC' Luc.ktipw 'and area, :hack and Jo•:an Barr froth; htrit'e '::helpe i Janie • •'Hanlilton, :Pinecrest. cele- prate;.her ,00th" -birthday; with 'fia,mily. at ^ Kwan`s, DiStrict•.Hospi'tal We hope you' .will bot('; bei•. home Stier Jeati Johns4on• St. .Paul•s, .visited;, her aunt Myrtle Percy Lucknow. on th+v weekend. • „Some. local `senior cxti- iens are being well ted, .'The Ltieknow" •Legion had, aIurk-ey '' cit"niter on Wi dnetiday "Ktnc,ar.;dine ins ..Friday evening, and Rtptey this. week., • • Otic e.. again. the Santa Claus parade in Luckiiow • • . :Restaurant, : • Lucknow • on Thursday: BestAir%s its J iiia )morn all uf• ;ub' Pearl Dah1110,, 'Kine ardine ytsited; with Erl tla,H,aldc nhy, 'and Inion Iv on;S•unday and they vi -ti. tted•G•1e i :in hospital • • , 'rtmiversry ecein6er 1rh oss 4,Jeair,11'4Xerrzie or14, 4ria lies(misltes.';:. fr.,a/ r your runt/ , ra r1 ;Josh. Leeman December' 12th.': (This is; Josh with hair) Love from the family M43111 D (Gerry & Guichelaar) on.ybul= • iii 2S AriSiv rsa Oecerriber,14•, 1 4,7. 'Friends 8 neighbours are invited' to. our Open .House Saturday ©eo'ember 13/97:froCri• . 2';ai7°5 •oO,:pm •fit their:' home. :LOttery;.Vl�ir hers Bonus`'•Fri'day, . Dece mer 5th Dennis Elliott #667 Siam •Jahn Hopf #417 $150.00: John, Nelson' #531: $7S DO' Jeanne Brow, #648 . 00.00 Still Jotsof,-tickets avaiIab a -.528-3002 . December 5th 13anus'Frida', LUChnow Sports Comply 0'160:00 ..0ec, #Qth;= 17th) Dec 10 • ,..Figure- kating'- .4.00; PM vs:':Belgrave 7:30 PM Minor Hockey (P) 8.:30 PM Lancers (P) '9:30 PM pip. 11• -'Minor Hockey 4:48'(P), PM to ec Hockey 9:a0• PM, Dec .12 '' = Novice8(1) vs, Winghani = 5:45 PM - Novice Rep vs,Howick -6.45 PM • Rental';,' 8:30 PM'• Dec 13 8rea1siest withSanta Q tirt'ist'CI'ub.'' Figure Skating 8;00 AM Ptetyke' Noon' - Tyke• (Senior) Vs .'Tiverton - 1:00• PM • . 7 Tyke II'v's Paisley : 2:00 PM - Novice B (3) vS H.enover 3:00 PM Girls WatIaoe•I l -, 4:O0 PM' Peewee B vS .Teesweter 5:39: PM 8antai•n' S vs Listowel -' 7:00• PM Juveniles ys brussels -'8 30''PM. Renta(- 10:00 PM Dec 14. Public Skating 1i80 PM': ▪ Rental = 300:PM .Peewee Rep,vs:Kincardine-'4::30 PM' Atom pep vs Clifford =11:00 PNt' Atom' 8 vs Listowel 7;15 PM - Midget: A.B. vs Hanover. - g:30 PM ' Dee, 15 - Minor Hockey' -:4;45' PM 'Novice B vs Mildri•lay,- 6:30 PM - Bantai i Rep vs Teeswater 4:30 PM Dec '16 Figure ,Skating 4:00 PM. ▪ Minor Hockey »6:30 PM Rec Heekey - 9:30 PM Dec 17 -.Figure Skating • 4:00 PM Minor Hockey (P).-1:30 PM -.La./leers (P) - 9:30 PM. UPCOMING EVENTS CPP Training Full Course X35.00 Includes material ••(maximum 12) „let. Dec. 13th- 9i00 AM• 3:Q0 PM Refresher r $25.O0.ineludes material • Mon., Roc 18th 6;00: - 10:00 PM Contadt Dave•.tp Register 528:4002; Watch neitweek's Sentirtel'for Schedule over Christmas'Hofidays. .