The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-12-10, Page 6Savings. ice. teachers' salaries vvcin:'t couer strike-reI.atpd costs by ?at Halpin The Bruce -Grey separate board is predicting, that salaries saved ,during the ten-day teachers' protest won't cover strike -related expenses the education min- istry is ordering the board to pay. The province wants school boards to pay $409 familyas child care compensation: The compensation is available toall families with ehildren^up to age 13, whether or not they had child care costs'duri,ng'the strike " , . • } . "Ws .a farmers' grant," board, chair Ken Waechter said about the no -strings- offer: ,Business supervisor• Cathy Colton said the board saved $619,000 in. salaries during the strike. The board could "break even" on the $40 a' day child care • cost if 1,500 families, apply. If 2,000 families apply, the board's cost rises to $$.00,000. "We're leaning closer to that," Colton said after a survey of student numbers and family sizes at one school, "Then we're in a loss position," That loss will' he .compounded by another ministry directive.ordering hoards to• make up.k st teaching . days by cancelling professional development and exam.,days. •Changing the school calendar to do that means disrupting busroutes shared with the two nei.ghho.u.r:jng• boards, resulting i -:11-r tra. $67,000: cost:' for studept transporlati,,r. That. amount is 513.600 more than the separate, .board.saved. on busing-. • during the strike. In all, ministry directives resultine from the ti'ach- ars nrl)test'.could Bost the.,ieriara't.e hoard. almost $20(.000 .' • Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 10, 1997 — Paiffo s Nqw .§pwage laW could cost two courites $.400,C.QQ iiser.fees On Nov. 17, the Bruce - Grey -Owen 'Sound Board of Health unanimously voted' in favor of a resolu- tion .pertaining to private sewage systems. The reso- lution comes in response to the downloading of pri- vate sewage system responsibility from the province to municipalities. In March 199$, subsur- face 'sewage disposal leg- islation (Part VIII of the Environmental Protection Act) will become part of '. the Building Cade .Act:' What this change•means is that each of 'thee 5.6 ,munici- , palities of Orey and Bruce. Counties ,will be responsi- ble for :enforcing this leg isTation. '1'1`ie,:province esti- mat'es that the Bruce,. Grey -Ow. eii' Sound arta '. wi•11 face increased costs ot,$400.000 as a result. -For the past 30 years in Grey County and 50 years, .. e identity important inthe new name, while'the word.:'Pubiic' -is not allowed'. to be; used .•; third with 332 votes, Hoshizaki said 'the committee is still' Hoshizaicisaid it's an mportant "sym- working on they logo for',the amalgamated', • bohc .step 'for` the•:i two boards'• to go into board. • Wednesday, the LIEUreviewed „amalgamation with a; new name.. and ' the top' three choices from the Shortlist,: identity and debated: hover to make the ideas fit the • I think just to be identified: as 'a new , new name.'. • , board with a new 'name Was ''important', the •nyos:t' 'popular choice' from the • Also the kids really .liked that name;' he ':, shortlist 18 a °s't '1t.ied apple le into r or'ating ```'; rP said, ''the idea of expres'sing it different :the...letters G•and B, .sitting. on a book. "" ly ' Hoshizalo noted the third choice, which The Bruce and Grey ,boards are taking ,is adapted •from the Market Grey Bruce credit . for, being•the t'irst .in. the provi ice logo, •ia approprnate because it'shows the. to 'go ahead ,with choosing a' tame even counties •and. the 'surrounding bodies of.' though ministry of education crtter1aLat. 'iwater, the ,time 'restncted 'district hoards to des H•oshizaki'said: the committee. will •- ignation by number alone. : work with the logo: designers to:' modify. Since them, the ministry. has •'set.guide , , • the u g estion s 'a ` Present lines. that. allow district .boards: to choose' s g n • .nct p esent therm to the .‘names. 'T oSeuidelines. sti late` that •:.LEIC:'for final recommendatton.lafer:t l term '" .. pd ,'the Districct School' Board'' mu.st 'be • month'. Christmas Trees fact • „Thousands',of people work in the Canadian nat ttra1,Chi`istmas'.tre Indus- tv. ► from page'I needed: in 13•ruce County, the Public Health Unit has Managed .the private sewage disposal program. The Board of Health's res- olution recommends the Public Health Unit contin- ue to provide the service to each of the 56 munici= palities. The Public. Health Unit has provided the .pro- gram in the past because it -is mandated, by law, to protect groundwater and , to prevent disease.` To. cover the $400,000 costs of the program, the Board recommends a user fee schedule that would. cover 100 per cent of the program costs: The plan is to have this take 'effect March 1. • 199$1 'The • Board's plan .would pro -vide unbroken' service,: uniform' tees 4trid' coritin.trr. • ity' of del'i'very across a,l) municipalities o1' Grey, Bruce•,and Owen Sound. Looklitg Your Best... for the Holidays Custornize a product bag or choose one already made up Buy any Vital Nutrients aproiduct and enter your name ina craw to win over $74/OQ of Products Draw to take place December 23/97 offers SHEAR DESIGN *Precision Haircutting *Highlights *Perms *Colours ;. *Earpiercir3g *Facial Waxing , Merry Christmas' to all .axis, best wishes in the New Year: Walk-ins welcome { Sale*, Family Hair Care 611Carnpbell'St Lucknow 52$-2043; A L•ucKN'OW .DISTRI.CT t3OX.10,,LUCKNOW' oNTARIo NOG 2H0 , TEL: (51.9)'599-7953' FAX: (519)' 529.1,156 :CO; -OPERATIVE: 09X 58. RIPLEY ONTARIO NOG SRO. PHONE (519) 395-3654 FART ILIZER'PL;4NT PHONE: (5i 9) 529 2955 FAX (519) 395.4'269 • of the Lucknow and District CO - Will be (ecem ues erative „7 .:.ii om page a • nio:nths ago and I .am. not gettini; atlesponse Ms: •Murrar'gave me copy of :the bylaw and:it states••that c:annot be, used, ` approved .by ;the 'Minister. of Agriculture The problem hes with .'the,fact that the bylaw 'Cannot be used in the' way, they •'are trying to use it.. • B'ecau'se the .bylaw "should:be applied uni- fbrtnly to all people with' 'weeds• on their property': They only 'cut a', few lots and left a bunch uncut anti 'did .not cut. the..weeds• eking. Highway 21 and along, township sideroads and other Ibis. The point.I make is ttaa.t • the 'way the weed -cutting. bylaw •is .used, infringes on My freedoms and rights as a citizen.. tinder the charter.. ofltglrts. ft does not -take a brain • • surgeon to curt' someone's trees two years running` . and cute six" water control towers. I. request a: copy, of the approva'l of this bylaw, as•: approved by. the Minister :of Agricultture clearly ; Showing the allowance of - dis-eritnination and , unequal' terms` of app'liea- tion. • If this is not ,released to me by the County I will make' a request through the , Freedotn of, Information Act. Banquet P.M'' 7' flQ..: M Bu me I eetiin -. 8:Q Entertainment To Follow Door Prizes and a 3 day/2'.:.night star at the' Delta London Armories T leets available from .Directors or�the .L 10100w' Co,Up 5:29 7953 or., Ripley Co Op' 395-3654 ENTE1 14 OUR • . .. MONS QF' Zt S: SUNDAY , MONDAY ., TUESDAY WEDNESDAY • ,THURSDAY... FRIDAY S,A'1URDAY { • SCOREBOARDS. ', .. c� �Q .. •• W' mils . ••• ••••;i••••••• tCiNc pitblNE• 15-50%0# • . UMEiRO-ADIOAS‘; STARTER SPRING •. & WINTER COATS . ,,L. -25 off 14 .. HOCKEY SKATES' GCMl6AUtt0.0tO •• .SELECtED SKATES; 15-. % at 11 SpEa SWIMWJEAR & ACCESSORIES'' 15-30%,•R 2. 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CLEAR-OUTRACKS r :,�'' SPORTS • ' M'JST 1' 1' , , ,.••••r• 'r,:: KINCARDINE • 8.61,QUEENST.1SIfi=4142 Sincerely;. JoeBoel' HOURS STARTING; DEC. 9t 1: M . - • •