The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-12-03, Page 4Z. r.^14"471 " Q@dl g as ac,..iec;<a•s.,fQ. 1,441 +aa<ar.ao iF!! lanae;Qra.a'tk 4.r.rarrdviosr 9 Page 4 "- Lucknow Sentilnel, Wednes(1,ay, December 1997 ` Changes of a1dress, orders for subscriptions, arid undeliverable copies (return ,postage guaranteed) are:to be sent to The Lucknow ; Sentinel at the address indicated here. Advertising is accepted on the condition that.in the event of a typographical errgt the. por = tion of the advertising space occupied •by the erroneous item together with a reasonable. allowance .for, signature; will not be charged for, but the .balance of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable rates.. A Bowes. Publishers Community. Newspaper 619 Campbell St.. Lucknow, Ontario P.O. Box 400, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 2H0 • phone: (519) • 528-2822 fax: (519) 52S-3520 ,Established 1873 Tom Thompson - Advertising Manager rei, Pat Livingston - General Manager / alter O t.. .. •.. Phyllis Matthews Helm- Office Admini'str'ator. Joan Courtney - Typesetter. . Subscription Rates advance: Regular $25.66. (in4 postage and Q.S.T.).. Senior $23.52 (incl. postage and G.S.T,) Foreign & USA - $98"00. Publications lvtail Registration No. 07656 " held at Goderich, Ontario. Published 52 times a year. . e mail; tuelssentOtrwonteLon:ea Internet address: http:// vvww:bowesnet:comIiucknow/ • Y ?<%:1n:ti?4}:?4:i?•'•Y:?.:+:': •:ti?'•N+':?;•Ywv?ny^} ?•?::rh . Y....:.: S:::Nti.•Y'::%vi\'•'::!ti...:4:.,:i•i:?:?�::4::i�: n..:?.:xi.:'u;:n:: ?::.+YY:Y?? :O'•F'::: vrv:<: .. y..+: :..:.:..... .}............ ..:.:?:::•Yn:..+.:.......... u.........:: Y::}>:... ..... •. .. ... ...::?: •;•: ;J,,:?::: ;?:q; ::•.v:}::::•:;:.: ..-,. ... v:'::;:•?.i:..: J�.:}. }.$;.l%;r:: .?:"f,::: K::�:O}5:%{Y. Sentinel Memoirs illiards was 06nsd:ered game in 192 70 years ago ' Dec. 1, 1927 • • Arecreation that develops skill - Billiards (a gentleman's game) promotes sportsman- ship and skill. If you see a man with a keen eye and an optimisticc.•oritlooko: life, it's a safe bet, he's just played a game ofbilliards on our modern Brunswick equip -tient. : Jack Cain.'s. >4 Bil°liard Room. School concert. - The 'Lucknow .Public ' School will give a concert in } the•Town 1411 tonight: Following that electrical and rain storm ' on ;Nov. ,29. somebody said there would be no areal, winter ,weath- er until the: sun starts on his return trip P from the south, about Dec. 22 Last week for garbage collection . Thevillage municipal garbage col- ' lection service will terminate this . week for the winter months. High .. school. students. given tuberculin test - Under the Christmas Seal program aimed • at ' there eradication _ of tuberculosis,, 95 Lucknow .High School "students. were 5.044.ears..ago.. Dec. 4, 1947 , ilk .prices up Milk price, increase of two cents a quart .went •into, effect here bn Monday, .raisin . the Cost..to 17 cents a quart: Distributors are paying 4 F� the producer �an additional°:55' cents a hundred.. for theproduct with the'two cent a...quart increase, authorized:, by the Milk Control•Board of Ontario. New . prices here are: milk, quart, l7¢; ''6 tickets for Si; pints cream, half' pints,. 210. "given the tuberculin skin test. :i`:g€ It is planned to continue this stu- dent check by giving:.the test to all, ;4: ,pupils as they enter High` School, and gt a secondtest to all ;pupils upon 'grad- uating, 2'5 years ago Dec.' 6, 1972 it truck stolen.' '- Chisholm Fuels oil' truck was stolen last. r . ' week, and later recovered -on the Square' in Goderich;. with no darn=: age to the truck; Help wanted :- The Lucknow arena 'Corrnmttee was advertisig' for help to assist the arena 'manager, a pro .i ate . PP x m t ly 20 hours per week at $2 per .hour`:.' • Santa's. coming Santa had two. visits scheduled for• Lucknow: back in •1972: That • year. he circulated on the? main street chatting' to the children ;i(":... ... ;:i:;<•.',?:•.'.?�� 4l `ic?,?;.22•',y?:',?:::6:•'::i:::':::Y:::;.`ti:':::%c:i:::;\{:::'::::i:?°:#?:;:;::: ;:"<•'•::::::::}:+•::i:r i?`r<:%.c%:.::.:.?:2:;:::'•:::`5:::;:�,�9i;:;::??.;.:?f}:',5,, n;si'r;X UCH TWO rA►R ' EXACT`LY �1LIF • • There was something for everyone at the Kinettes' bazaar on Saturday. Kylie Gammie .found' these. hqbby horses to cuddle up to They were made by Theresa Campbell of Lakeside Crafts, Point Clark (Heim photo) 'ro ills mail. bag Women e Berng .a father ::Dear editor:;.. • In. res �onse to Susan Meyittie's opinion in .last.' week's paper;. After reading yyour arti e e over several tithes,.1 ,. have to assume that your are ixiore li'kel to be one y of the :third 1parties you' Mentioned because you Y. are: definitely'„;not a' single' • parent that .has ever battled with thp'' system in :trying' to :ollect npaid child -support. I will agree.: with'you on • One .point though; not all support paying parents- pJyt�:Me\.,ittie's0 means a iii Should : be,. Categoriied together::I have to mend.the 'ones that do pay their support. regularly; or at :least attempt topay it on, a regular -basis, but, as far as the -reit of ahem .wlo don'r pay, whyshou.ldn't they ' ' 'be : labeled "Deadbeats.'' You 'know.. the old Saying, "If the` shoe Y fits the wear it You said that,."We'as a society hitve•:taken away the ,fundainental •rights'. of men 'to live, have. food'. and •provide shelter!:,,What about, thc rights :of the e your; .support children, who in the long • run are the ones ghat get'.., hurt when a support payer reneges on paying their •: financial .support Ir. more support 'paying ar 'just pay would' pp Y their support. we wouldn't have to worry. about .the. •,get toug olicies'that the government has had t0 • adopt. ;If 'a `support payer • 'who •has a job defaults on ' payment; a.-arrf.is'hment:. can be put against their.. `wages, .but a.:: self *'emp•loyed 'pe'rson who •see. Difficult page 6 h.ar ;ed.. lttie is of femi line persuasion:. Dear editor I •am writing in . response to the. worn+an`. who is ,ashamed to be a: woman, • I agree that a few years ago support. orders were, getting .out of•hand. • 'The government has since stepped in and .laid Out guidelines. Support orders are.geared'",to the payers' income. The payer 'can .have ,their payments. adjusted at any time if their financial ,circum- 'stances 'change:. ,"Dead beat dads," who simply chose' not to pay take away the right of their; own `child(ren) to live, and have food and shelter. • I feel ",you:: are ?wrong to' say: that 'we'•;lave declared support paying Men as' "dead 'heats. `' There` are some exceptional, men who regularly pay support,. enroll the•ir•.c.hildren in minor ,sportsget. thein to and' from their ,games and even coaeh.• While .their former spouse may not appreciate that: they are always there for their Oren; these. people are held in high regard by society and'. especially by their - children Parents who don't .pro 'vide for their children are the ones facing these tough policies. Can you'. • believe 03,000 parents, have' chosen•,not to eon • tribute` to their own ch:i'l dreti?, li `wonder how many; Of .these; children. are.,' receiving financial aid' from . social programs?' That, is our tax dollars to raise children' of ,someone who won't provide for: their own. Then 'the. moth- ers and children: are the ones frowned on y; "Welfare Cases." If. acus- •todial parent decided to pay all their•debis'.first,• .> buy that' new car, or go Out for a beer or two BEFOIIE providing for their' chi!, dren, they would be. charged 'with Neglect•and Failing. to .Provide! It "is.: the 'custodial parent .who •see. Nan -payer. page 6