The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-10-29, Page 12Page 11 ; LeIC& OW Sent' We c uaesc y, Idabel!' 29,11997 $coaggq�� DEAllt naratulationsl You lust " a ed • A Buck.1 last Gll .It .on and b'nfl it to the Suncoast Mill to WIN ONE OF 3 '$100 GIFT CF,ItTIFlCA 1 'Marne Ad&& Phone Place thisan one or the Bullseyes toca?t at the rn I l ,BAWEL1•.', Ste, GODERICK WEST WAWANOSH It's Time For A Change! For someone who: * Ifs open-minded and approachable *Believes in teamwork * Is Fair * Is Responsible VOTE DOUG MILLER FOR REEVE Speaker is from Una Matthews was hostess for the Oct. 23 meeting of the Kinloss Kairshea WI when 17 members and one visitor gathered. A moment's silence was observed in memory of ar dedicated member, Elizabeth. Dickie, who recently passed away. This was followed by a beauti- ful poem. Reports were received from President Donna Mc ride, on the Grey Bruce Area convention, • and Mrs. Matthews on the Bruce County Rally. Rollcall was answered, with each person telling of something she would do if on a municipal council. Gaest speaker' was Christine Maclntyre, of Lucknow, who is the pro- gram coordinator at the. Wingham and, Area. .Seniors Day, Centre. Adult, day programs are held ay Centr Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, and Monday and Friday is the ay Away Program. . The Day Centre is a place where individuals can relax, have fun, and feel a sense of belonging in a warm and supportive atmosphere where their needs are indentified. This program is provided- for older adults living in their own home or a guest home in north Huron of south Bruce counties. Activities include niorming discussions. exer• - cise, noon meals, crafts, foot clinics, wheel chairs and needed chair repairs, whirlpool baths and avail- ability of specialized . clothing. Marion MacKinnon gave the courtesies. Alice 'Ritchie and Muriel MacKenzie assisted the hostess with refreshments. (submitted ,.by, Aliene • Bradley) Most storm Memories from .71 St. Helen's. WI held their • October meeting in their hall with vice presi- dent Muriel Moffat taking over in the absence of the president. Nine members and one visitor answered the rollcall "A memory you had during a power failure." Many interesting events happened. Most popular was the failure in 1971. Elaine Errington gave a reportabout the PRO meeting in Mt. Brydges. Remembrance Day Service will be held at St. Helen's Nov. 9 at 2:30. Norma Raynard will make the arrangements. Edith Cooper read sev- eral readings "An Autumn song," "The Master paints," and a "Slice of Life." Muriel Moffat read "Autumn and Autumn. dance." Elaine gave a humorous reading turn- ing 50, isn't so bad. Norma Raynard con- vener of, Canadian Industries chose Sarnia for her topic. She gave an interesting report saying there is more to Sarnia than its industries. The population is 73,000 with a fine' waterfront, tourist attractions and known to have the best french fries. Imperial Oil had its 100th anniversary this year, In 1905 there were 560 cars. One hundred and twen- ty thousand barrels of oil are produced at Sarnia today. She enlightened uston Mr. Massey which started in 1$57. Next Mr. Harris cattle along and in 1940 Mr. Ferguson. Lunch was served by Isabel Gaunt and Margaret Cranston: '(submitted by Elaine -Errington.). Personality traits discovered The October meeting of the Lucknow Junior . Women's Institute was held at the town hall with Anne.Cuay presiding. She expressed thanks for setting up the fall fair display, supporting Christina Johnston in the fair queen contest, and:• tying quilts to have on. hand for fire victims. We decided to booka. craft table . at. the Dinette Bazaar. The topic ''Personality Traits" was presented by Ruth .Ritchie. Through dis- cussion'and quizzes, we discovered whether we , were a lion, a fox, or a St. • Bernard. The 'lessons;. learned were - no -person alitytype is•bad, arid for a. team to, be effective you need .a good mix of lion (to" lead and provide direc- tion), fox (for analytical Faber '= 'Pelletier Jack and Linda Stickiend. of Lucknow, are pleased to announce the n arr%age Of their son; John Francis Faber, to Miss Nathalie: Pelletier, daughter ;of Lisette and . Francois Girard. The wedding took place' in St: - 'Urbain, Quebec, on Aug. .16. 1997:. John and Nathalie took a two week honeymoon in Greece,' and now 'reside. in Kitchener. Best wishes' from Mom, Dad and family. BD'O BtO Dunwoody WAR! MAL1ATTE Chartered Accountants Offering a kill range of services: auditing, accounting, business plan- ning,, income tauplanning. personal financial planning, computer and management services. WALKERTON HANOVER MOUNT FOREST PORT ELGIN B F Thomson. FCA L H Vollett..CA K.L. Drier: CA M . Holton, CA R;J Millen, GA J Hunt. CA H E'..Kibler . CA. ,G 1-4 Munro CA K,delschlagel. CA P Thor. CA A.G Thomas. CA 881.1211 364.3790 and structured thinking) and St. Bernard (for group •support, team 'spirit and sensitivity for others). This exercise not only gave, us a better insight into'ont_ own strengths and, weaknesses, but also how best to deal with other per- sonality types. Following Lunch a Chinese auction was held. to raise money for. "Pennies fo'r Friendship." (submitted by Deanna Reavie). Write a letter to the editor ,The Lucknow Sentinel welcomes letters to the edi- tor. They must be signed; with the writer's telephope number and address for confirmation. No pseudo- nyms are allowed. All letters are subject to editing as well as ,spelling and gramrriatical Corrections. We also reserve the right to refuse letters altogether: Letters concerning internal business ,practices and policies of privately -owned businesses and industries will not be published. Please note that the views of the writer do not nec- essarily reflect the' opinions of themanagement of this'newspaper. Letters can be dropped, off at the Sentinel office at 619 Campbell Street, mailed to Box 400, Lucknow, Ont., NOG 2H0, or faxed to (519) 525-.3529. • 323.2351 332.2049' cOeitHS of Iic E 1e�1a c ca>r:dccrU it nit ,tea, _r'•:� THEDFORD Since 1978 outer (magii ne Da VkdtstadaY,t November 5th • 1: yle choice .$9.95 piu t 4 style choices .$24.95' plus tax style choices .$29.95 plus des 2 style choices $34.95 plus tax 12 style choices $26.9 -plus taxi ,•,110 is Ql • • • • • • w• • iik,e, 0' nnOtays neosoarr Authorized Sales, Installation & Service Depot 1.800-263-0626 www.atlenstubbs.com STAR CHOICE kwite .. L.s ,,'es Cam 1 t. Family Hair Care 528-2043 cknow