The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-10-22, Page 11Laid -mow SeE finneIl, WWdnaemday, October(' 22, 1997 -- ]Fags 11 KeiIy receives County WI seholakship by TireCoaareney nand • . Margret E di ngtona The Huron County Women's Institute Scholarship was awarded to Kelly McNee, who dur- ing her 4-I1[ Homemaking Club experience, has shown progress, develop- ment, given excellent leadership and carried out club work of high calibre. Congratulations to Ed Courtney, son of Mike and Joan Courtney and to rleau Ri.egling, son of Max and the late Helen (Courtney) Rieg1iing recip- ients of awards at the F. E,. Madill.. commencement. Both boys are. attending Fanshawe College, London. Arthur Dalton, son of the late Jack Charlie and France's (Moss) Dalton of Ashfield Township. passed .away at London Health Sciences - Centre, Westminster Campus on Oct. 7 in his 87th year. He leaves to mourn his wife Catherine (Noonan) Dalton, , son . Brian ;and wife Lise,; and grandchil- dren Cameron and. Lauren, dear brother of " Rita Johnson, London, France's Briere, - Adney of Hamilton,' Charlotte Pardow, Detroit, John Dalton, Hamilton and Alfred .Dalton,Toronto, Funeral mass was cele-. 'braced at St. George's Roman" Catholic Church London on Friday, Oct. 10 with a graveside service and burial at St. Joseph's' Cemetery, Kingsbridge: Bob- and, Doreen McCorriiick have sold their house and acreage on.. Albert Street and moved on Saturday to a two bed- room ,apartment, on;, Suncoast. Drive E., Goderich ;•Friends and neighbors are sorry to see .. them. leave.. Jack Tigert and sons ,, ; Gien and Bill enjoyed a successful five day moose' hunt in the Temagami area; they were happy to bag three .moose. Congratulations to•, Nikki Howard, daughter of Stephen and Lori Howard who received her first Holy. Communion at Dungannon Doings Kingsbridge on Oct. 11. Several members of the different churches in the area attended Thankoffering at Trinity United Church, Ashfield. on Oct, 12. Guest speaker was Patricia Robinson and special music, and song was by Charlene )Burgess. • Congratulations to Clarence and Loretta (Martin') Doherty, who were married 40 years ago on Oct: 19, 1957 at St. Joseph's, Kingsbridge. Wilfred and Annabelle Black, Aurora, visited friends and relatives in this area the past Meek.,. Response for Healthy Children received 3,5 entries from families who met the challenge of "Turning Off T.Y. for seven . • days, 'during National Family Week, whose October theme is "More Time for Children." Drawn atrandom, the Fisher family, who attend Colborne Central School, was awarded first .prize; the Vankie family, pupils at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, was sec- ond; and third was the Glanville family of Seaforth: An interesting wedding' took place at Nile Church Friday evening when Laurie Helen, daughter of Ronald .,and Yvonne Pentland was (united in marriage to • marry William, son of Donald and Marjorie Treble. Wedding musicwas provided by niece of the bride Jacqueline Pentland and soloist Karen ruing -lama. Pipers Jean. Elliott and daughter -Helen escorted the newly weds to their waiting cars, enroute to the reception held at Goderich Knights of Columbus Hall. Mr. and Mrs. ]Barry Treble will be residing in Colborne Township. Helen Dawson. and sis- ter Itf etty Stanley have, returned from .spendinga week with 'her daughter, Karen and John Linton in St, Albert, Alberta. Scoring high •at ungannon Senior Citizens euchre card party the past two weeks were Cliff Watson, Lillian Irvin,, Grace Finningan and Dave Sproul. Other winners. 'were Doris Glousher, Deloris Culbert, Teresa Courtney and Doreen McCormick. Zone 8, United Senior Citizens of Ontario Rally was held at Grand Bend on Oct. 14; with atten- dance of 162. Featured speaker was Rev. Grant Darling and musical entertainment pro- vided by Grand I:; end's very own Kazoo !:Land. Fun Day 1997 was held on Saturday when neigh- boring clubs were invited' to the Senior Citizen Centre at. Dungannon. Dessert was served at 1 p.m. prior to•the variety program, chaired by Harvey Culbert. Dancing to the music of Margaret Harkness's Country Ramblers completed a very pleasant afternoon. T TH HY EVERYTHING II'`ITIztcoDUCII\I4 '498 F -SERIES 7CLT THE COMPLETE TRl7C K. Air Conditioning Power Locks/ Windows/Mirrors Speed Control/ Tilt Steering. 50th Birthday Special Edition Jacket*. Wiih the purchase of. tiny now Florins The Most Powerful Standard. Engine' In Its• Class Automatic Transmission Polished Aluminum' Wheels. AM/EM Stereo Cassette Lower Two -Tone Swingers' banner 'stolen' 1998 F -SERIES XLT-THE COMPLETE TRUCK $2,995 DOWNPAYMENT The., •Huron . Bruce. Swingers met on Oct.:8.at Brookside School for their bring a friend night. Four couples from.Milverton`s Egebert ' • Scramblers arrived to join in squaring, rounding and lining. After an , enjoyable evening, the Scramblers departing having accom- plished their, mission of "stealing" the Swingers' banner. 24 Month Le'se' MORE POWER, VEHICLE. MORE ROOM THAN CHEVY 18'F-150 MT CHEVY CIK1500', & DODGE! - DODGE.RAM HORSEPOWER 205 ® 4750`RPM ' 200 @ 4400 RPM . 175 4i 4800 RPM TORQUE Oh .%) 260 4i 3000 RPM 255.0 2800 RPM 230 0 3200 RPM: CARGO RED SPACE 72.8 69:8 ' ' ' 701 FORD .,� :7 ,,,W4Illatinimmoo.00,„-, . OR $ MORE A MONTH CHOOSE FOR FSERIES SUPERCAB XLT CHOOSE THE LEASE Downpayment or Equivalent Tade PAYMENT THAT'S F-Serie5 XLT Regular Cab ` RIGHT FOR YOU. F -Series XLT ' SuperCab 5Z995 5299 ' 5348' 31,550 • ' 5369 • 5418 5 0 . ' 5439 5408 50 .YEARS AND STILL #1* ' SEE YOUR ONTARIO FORD AND MERCURY DEALERS Or Wait our wab sits at: www:ftird,catoffersf• . WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY. '"New 1998 F.Series,XLi-Regular Cab/Supercab with REP. 810A with two-tone paint scheme, monthly, lease paymeht of 8299/8348 based on 24 month lease from Ford Credit to qualified retail lessees, on approved credit. Soma ionditions and a mileage restriction of 36;000 km over two years.apply. 52,995 downpayment or equivalent trade required..First month's payment and security deposit required. Offers exclude freight (8920), license, insurance and all applicable taxes. Dealer may fase for less. Limited time' offer. Offers may change without notice. See dealer for details. `Based on 1997 calendar year manufacturer reported deliveries. 1At participating dealers, Quantities may be limited. Ontario FMDA, P.O, Box 2000,,Oakville, Ontario L6J5E4 6