The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-10-22, Page 3Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 22, 1997 Page..3 Bruce County IPn7 donates X26,000 for 911 map book The ;: ruce County International Plowing Match Committee has donated $26,000 to the County of ruce, ear- marked towards the production of a 911 map book. A cheque presentation will be made by Jack Cummings, Chair of Bruce County International Plowing Match. CommitL°,e, in council chambers on Oct, 21. The generous donation will cover the majority of the printing and distribution costs of the 911 map book. The purpose of the 911 map book is twofold. First, to inform all county ,resi- dents about 911°, and secondly,to pro- vide a detailed set of road maps to • all county residents. The neap books will also be of ,benefit to anyone who wants to get around the county including couri- er companies, tour bus companies, utility companies and visitors. The map books will be delivered to all county residents prior to May 28th, 1998, which is the date that the full 911 system is scheduled to be up and run- ning. The County of ,:{ruce has been work- ing on the set up. of a 911 system since 1994. Some of the major tasks to date include the assigning of a civic address for all occupied properties in the county and the manufacture and installation of road name signs on. all roads within the county. The 911 project will result in "enhanced 9,11 service," when a resident makes' a 911 call the persons address automatically flashes on the computer screen of the 911 operator, who can than dispatch an emergency vehicle to that exact address. Question is buy, or overhaul • from page 1 .: that the fees., for large tire, does not." • There was discussion on which equipment on the site might' need repairs. or replacement in the next. year "We want to gear the equipment to the life. of. the•laiidfill," said secretary Larry McCabe of Goderich.. He also•added' that it may used else- where after' the eventual closing of the Mid -Huron site -at Holmesville Site supervisor Frank Postill said 'it might be better to'.completely over- haul existing equipment .because "cost'" of " new' machinery was prohibi,-; . tive: "There's no need for us to take action on it right now," said chair Laurie ' Cox, reeve of Goderich Township. Wood Grinding Members of the MI -ELS ,board reviewed three ten- ders for wood grinding at the site. The . bid . of $10,979.90 plustax from Sizer Systems was ;the winning tender. The firm . will grind. wood which has been stored at thelandfill„ for the past two 'years. , Some of the wood will be used as landfill cover or on roadways. MS FACT #21 Leachate Record' With the leachate totals of October, November and December yet to come, the 1997 total for leachate (a . liquid :created by rainfall soaking through the land- fill) is 617,149 gallons. Postill said the total may reach 800,000. But office manager. Ben Munnings said you can't tell how much it's going to rain. The 1996 total.. for leachate was 1,154,758 gallons. Multiple sCleri►sis call cause ioss of balance, impaired speech., extreme fatigue.. and double vision; Multiple Sclerosis' Society of Canada -800-:268-7.582 Rodeo set for 1998 Teresa Hoist, presideht' Of a committee bringing a rodeo to Lucknow next year, told village council on Oct. 14 that the corn mince is airing to hold the event on labour Day weekend or the weekend before. It depends on when other rodeos are booked. Hoist will have this information in the very near future. The location for the rodeo is confirmed. It will be held at the C & M property on Hwy. 86 east of the village. Hoist said in addition to the A Bar K events, local penners will be putting on an event, and the. 4 -If clubs will be involved in some way. In general terms, Hoist said these rodeos have been known to bring in 4,000 to 6,000. people per day. The total cost is about $22,000. Hoist was confi- dent that this cost would be covered easily by gate receipts, special sponsors, a dance and. refreshment tent. Proceeds have not been designated to a specific project, but •Rolst assured council they would defi-: •ni:tely go back, into the community Price '9,00 Sale Prices .iri effect October: 23-31/97 , BELLi-cS DISCOUNT CENTRE Bio .ADO Th nwooedy I f WAGS®Esi 1L4_ETTE Chartered Accountants Offering a full range of services: auditing, accounting, business Man- ning, inconto tag Manning,. persarnai finanoiai planning, computer and onanageoneni services. • WALKERTON HANOVER MOUNT EMMET PORT EaGIN H.F. Thomson, FCA L.H. VoIIQtt CA KJ.. Dr E?r, CA M.S. Holton, CA R.J. Millen, CA J.J. Hunt, CA H,E. Kibler, CA. G.H. Munro, CA K. Oolschlag©I, CA P Thor, CA H.G. Thomaa,, CA 881-1211 3644790 923-2351 332-2049 It' Autumn Sale o 25% to 60% off ' All Nursery Stock No guarantee on Sale items.), Mon. - Fri. 8-5 Sat. 8-3 "Autumn Sale, ends Sat., Nov. 1 Jh mi..south ,of Luckno • 5.19+529-7247 *, • COUNTRYSIDE APPLIANCES 608 Campbell St. Fax: Phone: 519519 528- 528-27624465. '__ B0x428. • .,• _. Lucknow, Ont. No4:aHo Toll Free 1-800731-7757 • AUTHORIZED DEALER . `SATELLITE SALE, SERVICE : ':& INSTALLATION : - Express ' Express Vii Dish Network +C A It. A L A The Municipal Elections Act wnship of Kinloss Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electoraof the Township of Kinloss in the County of Bruce that;whereas: more candidates have :been nominated to each of the following offices. thanthe number required to fill such offices, therefore polis will be held at the times and places.statedin. this notice for. the purpose of electing the .holders of such offices. OFFICES .FOR: WHICH POLL TO BE HELD REEVE (1 to be' elected): For The Towns`hip�of Kinloss TRUSTEE (1 to be elected): •For The English Language `Separate District School' Board ."No. 35 ADVANCE VOTING. DAY At the Clerk's Office at Holyroad. Saturday, November' 1st, 1997' :from 9:00 an. to 5:00. p.m. VOTING DAY Monday, November 10th, 1997 from 10:00a.m. to 8.00 p,rn. LOCATIONS Poll No. 1, 2, 3 - Kinloss Municipal Building - Holyrood Any qualified elector, may appoint another person, who is a qualified elector in the same municipality, to vote on his/her behalf. The elector appointed must present both copies of the prescribed form to the Clerk, at the Clerk's Office, at a time when the Clerk's Office is open,or during the hours of 12 Noon to 5:00 p.m. on the Advanced Voting Day of November 1st, 1997: The last day for applications fora .certificate to vote by proxy is Monday, November 10th, 1997. before 4:30 o'clock in the afternoon. Maria L. Becker, A:M:C:T.•.' Clerk, .Township 'of Kinloss Dated, at Holyrood, Ontario this 22nd day of October, '1997,