The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-10-15, Page 6Page 6 - Lucknow Se PITCH -IN CANADA CLEAVING UP THE WORLD STARTS AT ME Cala, Wednesday, etober' 115. 169,' Situation has some disturbing prospects .froirp page .5 ing of environmental laws ,and mounting manure treatment costs, producers from some of those coun- tries are 'considering relo- cating their operations to Canada. Ontario is the first choice for many. 6. Ontario Pork's ties with respect to manure management by-laws.. 7. Carl Moore, chairman of the Ontario Pork Producers' Marketing oard, is quoted in the July 15, 1297 edition of Farm & Country as fol- lows: "We now have some legislative background, and we're putting together the scientific background on crop yield, manure yields,animal units and putting them all togeth- er—into something that's mathematical and defined." 8. According to a September 8, 1997 letter from OMAF!" ` "the agri- cultural industry led by Mr. Tony Morris, the President of the OFA, is currently developing its position on manure/nutri-. ent•management planning. Mr.aMorris' committee is not far enough along in its. 'mandate nor would the ministry wish to jeopar- dize the process by second guessing the outcome of the committee." All of this .suggest to me that we have a situa- tion tinfolding with *some very disturbing prospects.. Aggressive expansion is being promoted and is occurring. At the same time; important homework has been identified but not yet completed. This begs the question - Who is going to stand up and squarely address the issues to ensure responsible development of the inten- sive livestock industry in Our township, our county and the province of Ontario? Anita Frayne. North Huron committee continues to work quickly on restructuring . by, John Greig The. • North 'Huron Restructuring Committee has set the end of the year as aflexible target for, making recommendations COLDWCLL BAN KCR 0 COLDW. ELL BANKER ALL -POINTS REALITY' SERVICES RICHARD • D. ASKES 524-1175 BUS. 528-3935 RES. CLEAN, AFFORDABLE; WELL BUILT 1 1/2 storey home. Private back yard, new siding and .otherrecent renovations; .New floors in. kitchen and dining room.. "Tired .Qt. renting."List price $82,000: Don't delay, call Richard for details. RUN OUT: OP: STORAGE. SPACE • • . Check out4this' big 80' x 80' lot with '24x36' ,barn' type shed; a Lar cors in front, d n drive in 9 •down'cetitre Raised storage area on: both side Steel roof, close to downtown. Priced at only $22,000. • . DOLLARS MAKE SENSE.: When investedd in this 7 u n it Priced right apartment building. Very .solid brick building with h 6 yearold roof lots ofparking; situated on am ain road• Large rge a Iot for f or e ansa Asking on s P 9 137,900,00 ,BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME on this levergood sized g, a lot,' fishing nearby, Short drive to Goderich, Immediate • possessibri. Only $11,900:00.. DUPLEX WITH ROOM TO SHARE Located on large. corner, lot, "'with mature trees..front and sjde, stylish porch needs some T.L,C,. Ifour handy this is a dandy Y Y home, priced to sell. .• Motivated. Vendor, Call Richard for a showing. .LISTING WANTED to their councils. But before that will hapPen there's an election and work yet to be done:' However, the commit- tee continues to work for- ward quickly- Ata meeting Oct. 9 the committee heard reports from five sub -com- mittees. The restructuring group is made, up of eight of 10 north Huron munici- palities Morris •:'and Turnberry Township , are not participating. The -deci- sions of the committee are only, recommendations to their councils. The governance and administration committee. used the proposed group of two municipalities for the ten in •the north ' of Huron County and; found that with sevencouncil mem bgrs .each, a savings `.of , $88,419 could be achieved over . all., and .if the two. municipalities had ,.ni:ne councillors each, $68;9,19. would be saved.' Figures . were based 'on .each of the current munici- palities unici P having g alities at least one re.P resentative `on council.: A reeve . 1 wo be elected d e n. at large, a deputy ut ga. and P Y reev e. would beelected Y 1 c ted b the' e new council. Both would oun wo sit on comity council. . t Thesub `-c ittee also' om>Aru foundthat savings of $115,356 :could :be achieved from the- ':reduc • tion of administration. A lit w�`. .. new munici awould e p y 'r uire rninistrat e an administrator, aq clerk and a treasurer full time, especially with'the p , complexity of the firstcou. 'pie years; as. 'bylaws are combined. Two support •• WEDDING ANNIVERSAIIY of Shirley & Gordon Brooks' • Friends, neighbours and relatives are cordially invited to attend. a celebration On. Sat., Oct. 25th LUCKNOW 4 'LEGION HALL 8:30-1i00 a.m. "BEST WISHES ONLY PLEASE". staff would also be needed. The • main cotnmittee decided that the location of new municipal offices should be a decision of the new council, if amalgama- tion happens. "I think that's one of the questions we avoid beeause it gets divisive;" said Robin Dunbar of Grey Township. • • The "sub-cornmittee also suggested that sayings could be made in running 'fewer offices, such "as in fewer fax machines and photocopiers As well, a computer, system Would make book-keeping ' More ' efficient, but that .would be an expense.: Wingham, police The Protection to Persons. and Property sub= committee was directed to further investigate the pos- sibility of the' Wingham "police force serving north :Huron, . or the Winghain" police service becoming a regional police,"force. Blyth representative I ougScrimgeour sai said the general feeling at theBlyth councilis at the „that t ha Wi:ng m option o should be explore.. . 'Other committee P members agreed In order for.the Wingham department .to serve the whole area, all. must agree,, as 'the territory .Must,- be contiguous;: That 'means West,, Wawanosh wouldn't be allowed to J ifEast t Wawanosh, •'cin. de ' • Wi ham was- n't a - bor ring , ng s n t involved. The calculations of ,Wingharn police chief Jin• Dore 'currently .come out cheaper of $154 per house- hold for the lowest level coverage, compared to the OPP estimate of $171 per household. ' • . It was suggested by the sub -committee that fire service would remain sim- ilar to what, it is now, with departments in Blyth, Brussels, Wingham and. Lucknow serving the area being discussed. If aural- garzation occurs, the rep- resentation would be from the new municipality instead of several of the ' current ones, There was a,suggestion that ,if there was ' a north .` Huron fire board,: bound- ary . disputes, _ such as occurredthis summer between Brussels and the ' Wingham departments, might be alleviated. Roads The Transportation and Works: sub -committee: pre- sented arep ort. On the num ber of roads. and superin • tendents. It was:found that, • most rural municipalities were spending P g about. e er kil. $2;00,0 r ear kilo- P Y. P ce rn etre . of: toad: mo Concern e was expressed that a large municipality' alit Might' ih t not P g rovi d e the best• servic provide e "SaVing everylast t dol-' lar Might not be as _impor- tant as - having P P eo le on staff to ' keep the current:' service level," said Myth. representative Mason Bailey. "Harmonizin waste to ser vIces may prove , to be. tnore of ; a challenge' 1 enge' as some niunicipalmie s have a e a user -pay 'system and other •see 'Few' page 14 Oct, 12,,19 Love from all your family! Environmental committee has initiated, a six month project to establish a data- resource centre on manure manage- meat issues and to develop guidelines for municipals- lllt� Birthday Birthday Club • David 'Macinnes October 15, 1988 . 9 Years Old' Paige Gammie. October 15, 1990 7 years Old Caitlin Hamilton October 16, 1988 Years Old :K le.Ter Jamieson yr October 16i 1989 8 Years d Travis MacPherson . October 16, 1.990 7 Years Old . Chase Hackett October 17, 1993 4Yeats Old ' Cahn Searle. • .BINGO, .October 18, 1983 9 Years Old Quinn Adamson . October 18, 1995 • 2 Years Old Jessica�-Kli • P October 21, 1986 1 Years OId ' • LUCKNOW DISTRICT. LIONS Da Bingo LuckIlOW Comi 'munti OCTOBER C9001,6nily 'Centre 6:30 � opens P p.m. CLUB er9 . • Centre 19/97 • ... . at KINCARDIN 41* 'ROTARY 'TV. U • I. G . 4_,.,,,,,. Lic..#M=254798 •:.�..: n:v....:.. n..... :.• :v: ;.;•:.}.: r:::,}}:•Y:!F :?;;�{SPE^.:EEE<:;F: :::::<•::. ....;.... ..}:.}>:.:.:... ::<`:�� •;:•}•:: •}:4..v!.Y•Yi}':...; .. .u. •r,:.: •rr:.F:•}}::.::.d.%„{Z:Y;}fi.:;$•:,r .....•.....: EFF:'+.:::EFF 4.•:v .? . •94%:.....�:l�v`r.... rrte�:: n4. ' 3: '•:ys}. q;.•'•pp u'Y+ �'•+'f" : ry�•: .tri• •.•F / r ntr .{• ..f tr f ,�{{Yi.Cf• f ....•.. :....• • . �+iVr. v{• .!• ��:�:�E�:{�{: ;!r i.}%.}•try:: •;.:{{:�:.} y.k �C r;i.Y ?,•:nn....., •. r.;.....: .............. ..:............. rv'... .Y. F .:.:•• ....:. .. :. F::. J. ::,111 :4:•�P'•E nf• trtr f .. ::::::: n..i... r•.%$••}.: r,...f...•n•:: < fi..:•::•}:{4Y:d'a {F.}:;::::FF>!:•'.`::•`:;, •f >•F.� r :.F • ;I�..••. 4... 'n ^}•.::.•�/ :':tir•: •'•:i+•�+:Fhi fF. • �'• : h r: r,., r . y� lJ .•% A. •y i,,:•: •. PURCHASE. YOUR •BINGO CARD: FOR $2:04, • ONE CARD PLAYS ALL- GAMES �4 :i�S •':r, iF}�i tr •r,.:{:E• :.}x:....43.. n•?fi:• }:E i:J:+•'• +• . Y•:. vi „`}r ... :::: �'r,:::r •'irrr �} :: •}::d�.:•*^ .:f ': :i4Y•}:F•fx::•f{f.:;'f} {FE:{4FYrr• •Cameron's Food Market ' *Cedar, Grove .apartments #112 • •Darcie's Variety • '. •Hi -Way Variety •Kwik• K 'Variety •Paradise Travel • *Russell Meadows Unit #26: •Zehrs Market •AIIen's Workwear'& Sports, Tiverton •Becker's. Milk, Lucknow •MacNay.'s. General Store, Amberley •MacNay's Wee .Corner Store, Point Clark '•MacAdam's Mini Marx, Ripley ..I,.; .. .. /:':: •ir: .:/,..C; {.•nrFJjP:: :: �•}J;:. ::•. : A. }El: 4 ✓' f ;r,,:¢v:•:: E!P?:'•;::n{n:.}\: .,.;{f: .. r.}-..,.:.; .:: f/;:ffv:r.:i f•.r.: t•:E•'};.,c;::•Y,trff.;P:•rr!47a�•:•f.•�riEEFyr•'•y:} 'ff U AVS �7�F t {'r /,....: r...Y: •.:::....: •.v./, f.•r Y. r. `.v: : ¢`.`•:+Y••.• f:'. ::..f✓.:::E,.,.{./r�:•: FEk.�Nl:uv:i'F ': %<r: .'i%•r;..f..... .��/... %/F':::y ':'r,..: /'••?E �Yf �P�:f!:�r.v :aif.+::F f;4>}'.}':.:'•'Y`�?%.:lF:!:fn•+}}Y::.f.n ::Y.�4 fr<rF,{r.v{h�;y fir.,..✓ rrr{yy:. .Y'r of /,.P•:,n<; � f•v rF!•. ..:.:'�T,.4r, ::i+: :yEE}Y;:fA:;:: EYP:::?.::`:'::;}::};f:;,,. %+,•s?/,.: .l ,. i, f1 : . •:n..� ,/.v ..Tj•,+•{ :.ar ,.rf r r: •F.✓:: f.• f .././.:}: . :n..:4:?Y:' ties with respect to manure management by-laws.. 7. Carl Moore, chairman of the Ontario Pork Producers' Marketing oard, is quoted in the July 15, 1297 edition of Farm & Country as fol- lows: "We now have some legislative background, and we're putting together the scientific background on crop yield, manure yields,animal units and putting them all togeth- er—into something that's mathematical and defined." 8. According to a September 8, 1997 letter from OMAF!" ` "the agri- cultural industry led by Mr. Tony Morris, the President of the OFA, is currently developing its position on manure/nutri-. ent•management planning. Mr.aMorris' committee is not far enough along in its. 'mandate nor would the ministry wish to jeopar- dize the process by second guessing the outcome of the committee." All of this .suggest to me that we have a situa- tion tinfolding with *some very disturbing prospects.. Aggressive expansion is being promoted and is occurring. At the same time; important homework has been identified but not yet completed. This begs the question - Who is going to stand up and squarely address the issues to ensure responsible development of the inten- sive livestock industry in Our township, our county and the province of Ontario? Anita Frayne. North Huron committee continues to work quickly on restructuring . by, John Greig The. • North 'Huron Restructuring Committee has set the end of the year as aflexible target for, making recommendations COLDWCLL BAN KCR 0 COLDW. ELL BANKER ALL -POINTS REALITY' SERVICES RICHARD • D. ASKES 524-1175 BUS. 528-3935 RES. CLEAN, AFFORDABLE; WELL BUILT 1 1/2 storey home. Private back yard, new siding and .otherrecent renovations; .New floors in. kitchen and dining room.. "Tired .Qt. renting."List price $82,000: Don't delay, call Richard for details. RUN OUT: OP: STORAGE. SPACE • • . Check out4this' big 80' x 80' lot with '24x36' ,barn' type shed; a Lar cors in front, d n drive in 9 •down'cetitre Raised storage area on: both side Steel roof, close to downtown. Priced at only $22,000. • . DOLLARS MAKE SENSE.: When investedd in this 7 u n it Priced right apartment building. Very .solid brick building with h 6 yearold roof lots ofparking; situated on am ain road• Large rge a Iot for f or e ansa Asking on s P 9 137,900,00 ,BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME on this levergood sized g, a lot,' fishing nearby, Short drive to Goderich, Immediate • possessibri. Only $11,900:00.. DUPLEX WITH ROOM TO SHARE Located on large. corner, lot, "'with mature trees..front and sjde, stylish porch needs some T.L,C,. Ifour handy this is a dandy Y Y home, priced to sell. .• Motivated. Vendor, Call Richard for a showing. .LISTING WANTED to their councils. But before that will hapPen there's an election and work yet to be done:' However, the commit- tee continues to work for- ward quickly- Ata meeting Oct. 9 the committee heard reports from five sub -com- mittees. The restructuring group is made, up of eight of 10 north Huron munici- palities Morris •:'and Turnberry Township , are not participating. The -deci- sions of the committee are only, recommendations to their councils. The governance and administration committee. used the proposed group of two municipalities for the ten in •the north ' of Huron County and; found that with sevencouncil mem bgrs .each, a savings `.of , $88,419 could be achieved over . all., and .if the two. municipalities had ,.ni:ne councillors each, $68;9,19. would be saved.' Figures . were based 'on .each of the current munici- palities unici P having g alities at least one re.P resentative `on council.: A reeve . 1 wo be elected d e n. at large, a deputy ut ga. and P Y reev e. would beelected Y 1 c ted b the' e new council. Both would oun wo sit on comity council. . t Thesub `-c ittee also' om>Aru foundthat savings of $115,356 :could :be achieved from the- ':reduc • tion of administration. A lit w�`. .. new munici awould e p y 'r uire rninistrat e an administrator, aq clerk and a treasurer full time, especially with'the p , complexity of the firstcou. 'pie years; as. 'bylaws are combined. Two support •• WEDDING ANNIVERSAIIY of Shirley & Gordon Brooks' • Friends, neighbours and relatives are cordially invited to attend. a celebration On. Sat., Oct. 25th LUCKNOW 4 'LEGION HALL 8:30-1i00 a.m. "BEST WISHES ONLY PLEASE". staff would also be needed. The • main cotnmittee decided that the location of new municipal offices should be a decision of the new council, if amalgama- tion happens. "I think that's one of the questions we avoid beeause it gets divisive;" said Robin Dunbar of Grey Township. • • The "sub-cornmittee also suggested that sayings could be made in running 'fewer offices, such "as in fewer fax machines and photocopiers As well, a computer, system Would make book-keeping ' More ' efficient, but that .would be an expense.: Wingham, police The Protection to Persons. and Property sub= committee was directed to further investigate the pos- sibility of the' Wingham "police force serving north :Huron, . or the Winghain" police service becoming a regional police,"force. Blyth representative I ougScrimgeour sai said the general feeling at theBlyth councilis at the „that t ha Wi:ng m option o should be explore.. . 'Other committee P members agreed In order for.the Wingham department .to serve the whole area, all. must agree,, as 'the territory .Must,- be contiguous;: That 'means West,, Wawanosh wouldn't be allowed to J ifEast t Wawanosh, •'cin. de ' • Wi ham was- n't a - bor ring , ng s n t involved. The calculations of ,Wingharn police chief Jin• Dore 'currently .come out cheaper of $154 per house- hold for the lowest level coverage, compared to the OPP estimate of $171 per household. ' • . It was suggested by the sub -committee that fire service would remain sim- ilar to what, it is now, with departments in Blyth, Brussels, Wingham and. Lucknow serving the area being discussed. If aural- garzation occurs, the rep- resentation would be from the new municipality instead of several of the ' current ones, There was a,suggestion that ,if there was ' a north .` Huron fire board,: bound- ary . disputes, _ such as occurredthis summer between Brussels and the ' Wingham departments, might be alleviated. Roads The Transportation and Works: sub -committee: pre- sented arep ort. On the num ber of roads. and superin • tendents. It was:found that, • most rural municipalities were spending P g about. e er kil. $2;00,0 r ear kilo- P Y. P ce rn etre . of: toad: mo Concern e was expressed that a large municipality' alit Might' ih t not P g rovi d e the best• servic provide e "SaVing everylast t dol-' lar Might not be as _impor- tant as - having P P eo le on staff to ' keep the current:' service level," said Myth. representative Mason Bailey. "Harmonizin waste to ser vIces may prove , to be. tnore of ; a challenge' 1 enge' as some niunicipalmie s have a e a user -pay 'system and other •see 'Few' page 14 Oct, 12,,19 Love from all your family!