The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-09-17, Page 13C Letter started it all by Kevin Shillinglaw For Clare and Anna (Wilson) Johnstone, it all began with a letter. While Clare was over- seas during World War 11, Anna,who worked. in an ammunitions dump, began Writing to Clare. "We wrote to each other for five years," said Anna. After the war, they got together and were married at the Dufferin. Presbyterian Church in Toronto on Sept. 20, 1947. They spent their honey- moon at Niagara Falls, but ` .it was a little more conlpli-, Ycated than just getting a room at the nearest hotel. "When .we got there, we found that there was a convention being held: and that there was no place for us," said Clare. "The hotel manager said that they may be able to find ' a pri- vate house for us to stay. They did "find a place for us to stay, and the woman who owned it was. very nice. When we were ready to leave; she didn't want us to pay." After Clare returned from Europe,..he. Worked in a furniture factory and at the Ooderich :Salt Mines and Anna worked at Cowan's Restaurant (now Kwans' Chinese Restaurant) and at Hamilton's Restaurant. They have two chit- then, Hugh and his wife Bev and Helen and .her husband Robert. They each have two kids and. bothlive in London. "We have, had our up. and downs, but we've had a happy life and a good family," said Anna: . Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 17, 1997 — Page 13 • Area gets new, clink From page 10 The original intention was to demolish the for- mer nursing assistants' training centre for the medical clinic. It also was• revealed att, eemeeting that the hospital .has pur- chased• the adjacent McPherson property at 289. Catherine Street with the closing date for the sale being Sept. 15. The eventual plan for e property is demolition of the existing house, Koch said Monday, to pro- vide for -the -continuance of a lane which is used for the hospitals' service entrance and more green space, for the hospital property. • a „ Cajith:nightt;Jje' held In Kincardjne: b Bev F Lee Matt Min g Iewood y Fry ( g I't's going to be a hot Band) on keyboard;stearny night, Cajun Randall Coryell, (Session style, at the Davidson drummer 'with Al"anah 'Centre on Saturday, Sept: Myles and Tom Cochrane); 20: ' on the 'kit; • and Leonardo Kincardinerfall will':be' 'Valvassbri • (Ronnie, transtor.med into the :'> lawkins Band) on bass. •• French Quarter that night, ' Seasoned veterans all,' when "A Night in -New the band is known for its' ©rlean's" a fund 'raiser for 'passionate, incendiary per- the- erthe Women's House of .formances peppered with: Bruce County, takes' place. - Virtuoso wit. 'Chef Steve Crostie; of . Throughout the the Dunkeld Resta,urant, evening,an elimination near Walkerton, is ,prepar- draw wil4 be held. culnii-. 'ing.a. Louisiana dinner, nating a grand, prize trip which promises. to tingle for two to New Orleans.: the: taste buds, creole style. The package has been put During dinner, the Ladd together. by Advantage Quartet. will play a gentle Hanover Travel forth of Jazz and.blues, but Second prize is a trip to after appetites. have •,been. • the ;Toronto . Jazz Festival satiated, the• incomparable ! •"and :thirdprize.is. a retreat Mel Brown will lay down to ° the Ben;miller Inn., some straight ahead blues, Many other prizes will be spicy gunribo funk and fast drawn. throu .out the :chops -up -be -bop, night, includ.,g dinners. at. l3rown •and his 'guitar various'area restaurants •ha•v:e.;played with R.B , • ' A,silent..aucti.on will King' 'and, John Lee feature varied, interesting .Hooker. He and his .band items. 1 were ,the house band for All proceeds from the. four years at•:the legendary, Night in New Orleans "Pop The Gator." Blues evening, will go towards Club. Brown's helping the "Women's 'current band includes John . House of Bruce County meet their fund raising. goal of ,$92,000, which will allow the shelter to,. continue . offering the many services it currently provides. That'•includes .a ' 24-hour'crisis support line, confidential' individual 'counselling in five lora= tions, group counselling .' and a:s,afe shelter for m , women and children Tickets for the event; are $.5.0. forthe dinner,. dance and draw; $30 for the dance and. draw and •$25 for the draw only. A PIMT TflQI1 GflIM � A6AItl g, flGflIM! Offer valid: Sept 15 -20,1987. LIOhIW TI 'OfftiI Bring in 'your colour negatives. and get beautiful colour reprints. for only 49¢ each! C-41 colour negatives only. Sizes: 110, '126; Disc and Full Frame 35mm.. • Excludes: Panoramia35 and Advanced Photo System 1itti It 1 coupon per order Coupon must accompany order, Not,to be used in conjunction with any other special., r •. 1 1. 1 '1 1 1 LUCKNOW Rx CENTRAL PHARMACY ,1' 1 1 •662 'Campbell St. LUCKNOW • 528,-3OO4. $25'' charitable tax receipt will beissued for alt tick- ets bought: Anne Co,llins of the' Women'shouse said about half' the tickets have been sold.Only 450 are available: • Tickets can be .pur- . chased at •He.pcoe :, in. Kincardine and Port Elgin; Kids Plus Teens in Kincardine; all Co-opera- tors Insurance': offices in Hanover, Walkerton; Port Elgin and'Kincardine. An early bird draw for one ' night at; .the. Ben Miller Inn was held S pt.': 2. Linda Kosmorely.of Kincardine was the winner.: New :hospital. website ` Wingham and District ,, Hospital has a •newly designed website up and running on ` the• World Wide Web: • ' Lloyd Koch repoirted to the September hospital board of governors meet- ing that the website address is www.wing- hosp.on.ca. hosp.on.ca. 'Tie page fea- tures the .hospitals mission statement, as well as the services offered by the various departments.. In addition, he said, it includes an advertisement for two general; practition- ers, Hospital Highlights and various upcoming m,n: g activities of the hospital s atal auxiliary'. The page was designed' :by Frans Lichtenberg •in consul-ta- 'tion, 'with . Koch ' and Marion Redpath, hospital computer consultant. Koch said a statistical report shows that there have been 700 visits to the page'sinee it opened, for "anaver a of 11 visits s a day: • �f 1 y �✓.w 4: p -s rJ Legion Week events Saturday September 2Oth Kicks off with Breakfast 7:30 AM 10:30 AM Everyone Welcome on'da. S'e tember 22 - Veteran's Dinner mber.23 Executive f leetin ui�sday �epte � 9 iWedneeday September 24th Open House starts ''at 1:30 PM Mernorabilia from the past wars Thursday September 25th Ladies A Jxillary Shoot Party Starts at 8:00 PM s2:b0 admission Prizes & Lunch riday Septernbe•r'26th:.Meat Draw - '.ante� Saturday September 27 Dance - Tiff Orchestra 'g PM 'Everyone Welcome .: ;ML;•+•.;i o-.'•^.•:%k�'G:.:;}s,•;,,. f%�•::'•.:,$ ....,,.: ;•:.',;:%: •,Y>;::r r�'::i++r` xg:;%;f;t:4g`:'34Y••:•..•ra.+'•• 1?i�`h•`:? %rrfr rrlt•'•`5�t. f{C y'r !fi f 6rfr/l •'.rr.:/;.rr rri L;... fr r rf T�!.n i�•.f/+•rt:�p �f;':ir r�::'fL'^r'f'��kr.: �•:!.`. +..{��.':��; �' :+yri.::::r•• f,':;�•r}^o:f%;;:XF F�L�%�r:�fr/� :ar/�/.0 ••: .>::r:�i:r.�L;'•.•;::q:2:::.st::...:.:v.•:+.�•::•:.;kf.:in:;,,.:•s,:!::,;:.L: :q:.: rrL;. X:;:; :J. 3:a.'.'%'rFx:':::::::7+•.yrrr:'r':''y�ffF, .. ....:til>:3:vF.•:: A. ri$. • Io