The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-09-17, Page 6Page 6 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September Y.7, 1997 Love at first sight �71i I %'INi P.•N "THIS SUMMER'S NUMBER ONE JOY RIDE!# mt. ton 401 ENDS THUFRSQAY N3 3Nt S Aelyi 'n'..Ar i'EI!E. FRI. & SAT, SEPT. 19 & 20 SUN. - THURS. SEPT 21-25 7 & 9 PM NITELY 8 PM NITELY LONG DISTANCE? CALL 1-800.265-3938 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO TWO:MONSTER SCREENS! VP HOT NEW VIDEOS! ANCE PRIZES! „LIVE BAND --DETOUR LINE DANCING Saturdays September. 20, 1997 9 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Lucknow & District Sports Complex Tickets 8 ._ Advance' 1 Goo at the door Can: (519) 528-3528 or (519) 395-2806 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT Holyrood General Store MacNay's General Store, Amberley Lucknow & Ripley Co-op Video Shop, Lucknow Your Favourite Things, 'Lucknow JOIN THE r ' ' Sponsored by the LUCKNOW AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY IN CONJUNCTION. WITH THE LUCKNOW FALL FAIR.. Licensed under LLBO^ 364-2860 IJNDAY, SE. INT�4RIO SI 3 yearold pacing colts �Paulantis* PAC in cooperatioix with Advantage Hanover Travel Service * LOONIE - TWOONIE DAY * E LL. AIR WEEKEND Post Time 124 p.m. by Kevin Sbillinglaw It was Dove at first sight when. Ira Dickie and Elizabeth (Mac1[ver) met in Hope Bay. ° Elizabeth was a teacher and when she began teach- ing in Hope Bay; she need- ed a place to stay. "The woman who usu- ally boarded the teachers wasn't doing that anymore, so. I was told that Mrs Dickie (Ira's mother)' might , do' it," said Elizabeth. "And she did." Ira and Elizabeth were married on Sept. 19, 1942 at the South Kinloss Presbyterian Church and traveled to the east coast for their honeymoon. "We couldn't go too far because of the war And because gas was rationed," said Ira. During World War I1, Ira worked in. C9llingwood.. building Mosiquto bombers. He .has also worked at a Canadian Tire in Toronto, owned a nixed farm in the area and was a machinist at Champion Road Graders. Elizabeth, has been a teacher, working at rural schools all over Ontario. Ira's hobby now is woodworking and helping one of their sons on the farm..During the winter, they ,travel to Florida with' a trailer and stay at several -different campsites while they are there. The Dickies have four sons, who are all married, and have nine grandchil- dren. Their oldest son, Denver and his wife Brenda have two children. Next in line is Douglas and his wife Donna and they have three children. Second youngest is. Walter and his wife Janet `and 'are parents to two kids. 'William is the youngest son and his wife irene and • they have two children. Tutors needed 4• Over r their 55 year mar- riage, the biggest change that the Dickies have noticed is about technolo "I remember using a horse and buggy and then moving on to the:Model T,".said Ira. The Dickies have also From page 4 adults and 33 children that theycan help get the matched •with. tutors, is new'fitors ideas on how to also. looking for more start. She .added, that the adultlearners in Huron, program also offers tutor County who want help training sessions four innprov.ing their basic tithes a year, with the next reading and math skills. :. one coming: up: Sept :2a at Kannegiesser noted, that Che Huron Board of adults wanting assistance Education "office: in can call either, herself or Clinton. ' Shelley, and they will try "'We are •going right . ` and match • them .with a `down to the basics," tutor that best serves their •' Kannegiesser said about needs. and. goals: She' the. upcoming 'sessionadded that like the tutors, . which will be. held at 1• the'program> is very flexi- pm: and again at 7 p.m. ole for learners. They' noted, as. well, `It's student that there is no pre-regis driven they take a Dema teering, and that people are ry control of their learn- welcome to dust walk into Ing, she said, the session and get, more However; the pair di'd information note that the -children learners having, difficulty .(People) can come, � with � the b�a ai+� skills are they can meet us, they can • generally referred :by indi- vidualfind out a little about the program,". Kannegiesser , ' schools, instead of stated. ancath , . pgramredirtsectly. llinge Pro.:. The co'drdi.nator also "Referrals of students said,, that they have.: designed the program to attending schools in be veryflexible to the `vol- Huron County are general-, I through the teachers .. unteer tutors' deeds and • Y.. g • time restrictions.. ' and. principals," . "Thetutors have a say ` Kannegiesser•said, in who".they work with and Anyone looking , for when: It's not like us more information.or who. telling them this is what.would like. tovolunteer: as You: 'have to do} a tutor can ca11 either Kannegiesser said: Weselan or Kannegiesse'r The program, .'which : at 4827948. ., currently has . abou•t 10 LOCAL OFF TRACK BETTING NILD►IAy , .. STATION TAVERN 23 Absalom St. 367.-2642.: T ASA. SULKY SAM'S 18 Yonge. N. 9343752 ' TELETHEATRES OPEN SAT. EVENING Area has 'truck saftey blitz A truck; safety blitz was conducted on. Sept 9 and ID in, Bruce and'' Grey counties. The inspection, ' was done by the Ministry of Transportation's Kitchener Enforcement unit in coop- eration with the OPP and'. the Owen Sound Police -. Services. been very active at the South Kinloss Church where Elizabeth has taught Sunday School for many years and Ira has served as; an elder and is part of the choir. Ira and Elizabeth agree that. "it has been a wonder- ful.55 years of marriage." Health councils to be merge The Huron .Perth cation -of Orders -in. District Health Council Council .(OIC) for current (HPDHC). is expected to DHC members and .the merge with the Grey. provision of new OICs for • Bruce District Health the new Council members: Council (GBDUC), It is not clear when. this District Health Council process will take place. (DHC) representatives, It is `currently `note. were told by the Ministry. known what the impa,ct'.of of Health on Thursday, this restructuring will be ' September 4.: The Ministry ' on existing DHC staff and g of Health held a meeting sites. This and a number on•thatdate of; all .DHC of .other issues will be Chairs and Executive addressed by a "transition:.; Directors to outline: their al team" comprised of a. , • decisions regarding the small`number of existing • restructuring•of the DHC HPDHC and GBDHC.. system: The existing 33 members. The transitional . DHCs across Ontario are team will beappointed by. expected to 'undertake. the end of September. mergers to, reduce the • As the DHC restructur number of .DHCs to 16.. Ing takes .; place, both .the.., ".It appears that the . HPDHC and the GBDHC Ministry is expecting that will need to. organize their the mergers will be workloads so that existing accomplished so that the planning - commitments . new DHC covering Huron can continue. In the case '. Perth and Grey Bruce can 'of. . Huron 'Perth, the be funded as a single'enti- LIPDHC will continue to ty by April 1, 1998 the workWith the.distrct's start of the next fiscaleight hospitals to move the ,year, explained Fraser hospital 'restructuring ini Bell, HPDHC Executive tiative forward: Similarly, Director: This means that the planning work that the considerable work Must be HPDHC has undertaken in done between now and the areas of Long Term April. •1 to :deal : with Care,:: Mental Health, staffing/severance issues, Health Promotion, Speech sitting: issues, and to create. Languageservices and a new Council of volun- other areas, will continue teer members.. The transi- as DHC. restructuring pro tion will involve the revo- 'ceeds. After the two day. inspection,, the. results were.'130 CUSA' inspec- ti.ons, 146 other "inspec- tions, 49,vehicles'out of service, . 20 plates removed, '42 operators charged, 22 driver charged and 38' per cent out of ser- vice. ...h. ,w Nlrs Sharing a Healthier Future`'' with PIr7lNffl/Paf)r 7