The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-09-10, Page 4Page 4 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 10, 1997 A 8owes 1' tblishers Community Newspaper Sts Campbell St., Lucknow, Ontario P.O. is ox 400, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 2H0 i- ---� phone: (519) 528-2822 fax: (519) 528-3529 Es lashed 1873 - Thm Thompson - Advertiing Manager Pat Livingston - General Manager / Fetor Copp Pkwy i "J s Matthews Helm -- Office Administrator . Joan Courtney - Typesetter Subscription Elates advance: Regular $25.66 (incl. postage and G.S.T) . Senior $23.52. (inncr: postage and G.S.T.I , • Foreign & USA -- $98.00. Publications mail registration no. 0847 held at Goderich, Ontario. Published 52 times a'year. VL/1IF,f 0 CMCLLA,OM • • Changes of address, orders for subscriptions. and undeliverable copies (return postage guaranteed) are to be sent to The Ludlow Sentinel at the address indicated here. Advertising is accepted on the condition that.in the event of a typographical error, the por- tion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature. will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable rates. c mall: lucksentmhurontel,on.ca Internet address: http://www.bowesnet.com/hietcnow/ Pork producers face injustice with false accusations Dear Editor: As a pork producer, who has attended, all the open PROTECT neetf ngs, I feel a great injustice has been done, to myself, my fellow pork producers and our way of life. The accu- sations made by PRO= TECT against the pork industry :comes with no proof, only biasedopin-. ions. Ifeel this group has denied us our "Right of , Habeous Corpus" and . that all sources of pollution should have been .exam- ined by PROTECT before singling out the pork pro- ducer and ; his liquid manure, Runoff from , dry. manure pads, :milkhouse -waste and faulty septic. systems -pose is great livT- ronme nn threat. t This is is a daily unnoticed runoff that can aino.int to thousands ands thousands of gallons of -'manure per year; that is 'allowed to seep into our;'. waterways. Wake .up PRO- TELT n'lanure manage , a . anent begins in '.the barn- yard! Is :.it ,possible . PRO-, TELT is not addressing these sources of manure mise nage`ment`because they fear'thp: results may suggest, their own. homes 'and farming operations:_ are: at fault? $ I can: finger ;point as well. as the next, however, thisis an immature atti- tude and tti-tude:a.nd pit's neighbor against neighbor. If PRO= TECT 'truly wants t • o clean-up the ,environment :lets all : work ,together, examine all sources and, do. our. best so`. we can . . proudly say, "We did it' together' An ela Miltenbur' •First time in charge of papeT not so bad ' • ning my awn paper and I just graduated college!" and so began to look forward to working in, . Lucknow: • As the weeks went by, I began wondering how I .was going to put together a .broadsheet paper, like Goderich or Clinton, by, myself. I mean, erven after all the ads; there . was still going,to be.a lot of space to fill. Thankfully, I found - oiu that Lucknow is not a broadsheet paper, but a tabloid size which means Vit lot less room to fill. This made me feel 'bet'ter about. Working - here. , As many of you know, I'm here filling. in for Pat while she is on vacation. As ..she stated in her column last week, I have just completed college and have been g y. valuable experience b covering for people on vacation in the area.. • , I have worked:in Clinton, both as a reporter and as a typeset- ter, which , incidently involves, a lot more work than just typing press releases. I • have `a new ' found. admiration for typesetters: At Mitchell I wasi a.. reporter and when .. I' worked. at the Foci's I had to paste up thepaper. I figured that after all that experience, I would have no problem here in Lucknow. When I first asked. about Lucknow, after I agreed to work here, I found out that it was a small office. So small' that there was only one editor, -reporter, pho- togerap:her;. dark room technician and, for lack . of a better . term, paste up person. •• . Obviously, that person is Pat, who does get a lot of helpfrom the office staff, but this still means that she has a lot to do. Of course; after heat- ing this, my first reaction was "How can.. I possible re iforrnation from ros ective Catholic teachers Applications for teach- ing positions with •the )Huron -Perth Roman C,atholie. Separate School Board will have to include, 'more information in.addi- tion to the usual material Contained in a resu_m. A :decision to require teachers .to :supply a . faith reference portfolio was :approved with only slight, discussion on its structure.' The faith 'reference portfolio .will require applicants for teaching • posi'tions to submittheir pre -service certificate' in , religious studies as well as the faith reference form including, its; 'reflection paper..; The reflection paper requires applicants to respond to the followiig question in 200-250 words: "Why I want to be a teacher in. a Catholic' School'. and .. believe I, would be an asset in the Catholic School: system in Ontario." Trustee '' "`.Adulpho: See Zleachers page 10 r • As . "these kids at the PPuddleduck s. Day Cafe prove, hav- ing fun is for all sea- sons. iy Ke Sllfl`i1111f atv run a whole paper by myself?" but my second reaction, which did more for, my self esteemwas "Wait until all my'class- mates class -mates hear about me run - • :.e When I finally began working here, I was very relaxed. Things were going smoothly, I.had a ;few stories to write, a few photos to take -and a column idea to come up with. This is no problem, I thought, I can handle this., Now Monday is _here and I have lots of work. to do and ..I can feel my stress level slowly • rising., But I have faith in the staff here, they 'have been great,. and I :have faith. that the paper will be. ready.on time. Besides, I still have to brag to all my classmates about running my own _paper, Sentinel Memoir Junior Farmers; during bus .70 years ago• • Sept: 8,1927 mall crowd... for Junior'. Farmers A: busy time on the farm and . holiday counter- • attractions accounted fors a rather small crowd at the field day held in Caledonian Park on Monday, under auspices of the Ji~inior Farmers and Junior Iisdtute: 'However, the :day: was fine, and ;;:the 'program of -ball; games and athletic events was greatly enjoyed, so that the organizations are very well satisfied with the -resullS of their efforts. 'The concert given' M- the evening was , very entertaining. 'Mr. W K Riddell of Walkerton, presided and operated some instructive and mirth- ful movies; which: were . greatly. enjoyed. Son's; long absence causes ,anxiety to parents - Some young men, after leaving their boyhood home,become careless. about writing to parents or brothers and some, after a few'years, give up writing altogether, little knowing or perhaps little oaring about the anxiety and pain they cause their: parents, who throughout the unforgetting years remain their best. and truest friends. An.. instance of this kind was brought to our attention recently. Mr; Angus MaDonald. of • Kinloss field day me on farm Township; 'has a son, Ronald, who went to the west some 29 years ago: For a time he wrote to his ;people, but the last' letter frons him is now.` 11 years old, and since that time the .par- ents have not heard from him nor of hien..Ronald will now be.,45years of age. 50 years ago Sept 11, 1947 •T ocal students win Provincial ,Scholarships . w John • C: Crispin and Shirley E. Sherwood. havebeen awarded Dominion -Provincial scholarships to maintairr'Fthe'enviable 'record of the. Lucknow High School' in producing 'scholarship whiners. John's scholarship has a :'resident value of $200 and a 'non-resident value of $400. Shirley's scholarship is worth $;100.• 25 .year's ago Sept..13, -1972 iss Dominion of Canada at Lucknow Fair. :Leading the Lucknow' Fall Fair parade on Saturday, Sept: 16 will be . Bonny Brady,, Miss Dorninion of Canada. •.She. will spendthe day in. Lucknow and on Saturday evening will crown Miss, Midwestern Ontario at the beauty contest held :in conjunc- tion with the fair. 2' 3,N."5'ir,'wv'*,�e, {��'/J,:,•; lr'....,'',.1:y'r:'w••ft4 4/•-•%,