The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-09-10, Page 2Page — Lueknow. Sentinel, Wednesday, September 10, 1997 Weedshard to manage COMING EVENTS for Month of September, 10th - Come out to a music show tri Wingham 17th - "The Alzheirners Coffee Break Day". Everyone welcome. 20th - Finecrest will be putting a float and exhibit in the Lucknow Fair. Residents are looking forward to the day. 22nd _ $hopping trip and out for lunch. Wal Mart. 26th - Monthly Birthday Party - Boyd's Orchestra 27th - To Ripley Fair 30th A trip to the "Farm" PINECREST MANOR NURSING HOME from page Westbrook's were told would be taken care of by the county. Murray admitted there was a "communication mix-up" regarding the payment of the bill, and told the Westbrooks by,. letter that although the damage:to their trees "was a very unfortunate. inci- dent," the costs incurred MS FACT #8 by the contractor in cut- ting the noxious weeds must, by lavy, be recovered by the Township of Ashfield. • She said the damageto the trees and the charge for weed cut- ting are two separate issues. : The closed session of council lasted about one hour, Afterwards, the Council passed a motion ... directing the .Agriculture and Public Works• commit- tee to develop a "practical and relevant" weed inspection plan with ".appropriate rules" for use by the county's municipal- ities and the weed inspec- tor. The Council requested the plan be ready for review at their year-end meeting in November. .We don't know what causes multiple sclerosis, but research, is closer to finding the answer. Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada ' 1-80.0-268-7582 • ngr u afut)ns go to Jeanette deBo�r :00 winning the $SO.QO cash random drawing in our Sommer Review contest phis summer! hank You fo all .the young people from lucknow and area who .participated in: fhis contest. Nope you all had as much fun as we Huron County to .ask for provincial fund from page 1 the province's uncertainty. Tuckersnaith Reeve Bill Carnochan said he is, con- cerned the request specifi- cally notes $6,5 million, as the total loss of the Farm Tax Rebate. Howick Reeve Norman Fairies said the real impact of losing the Farm Tax Rebate could be bigger than anyone expects, and Carnochan said, "If we show our hand" we are poor poker players at this point." The motion was even- tually carried after it was agreed the reference to $6.5 million be removed: Within the same discus- sion, the council did agree to table a motion which would have allowed the county to assume down- loaded responsibilities for child care, social housing, ambulances, septicinspec= tions and property assess- ment. Clifford lead the charge against the motion again stating the action was pre- mature in light of uncer- tainties at, the provincial. level. Reeve Mason Bailey of Blyth agreed, and said it is important the council not get ahead of initiatives being.taken by AMO, the provincial association of municipalities. "What we are doing might be completely dif- ° ferent than what they want us to do," said Bailey. • The original motion was defeated and follow- ing the defeat, the council agreed to table the issue of County control over, down- loaded responsibilities until more information is provided by the province. September is Arthritis Month The month of September is arthritis month and the new slogan is "Care Today -'Cure Tomorrow": One out of every seven people will suffer from some• form of arthritis, which is up from the pre- vious one in 10 people. Arthritis also doesn't just affect the elderly, all ages are at risk. For more information call 1-800-321-1433 or visit the arthritis website at www:arthritis.ca. gI<elton emorials MEMORIAL DESIGNING ... OUR SPECIALTY... Est. since 1903 3 Durham St.,, Walkerton Large Display of Monuments & Markers For more information call Sam or Grant 881-0234 1-800-634-8804 if URONPERTH DtW Cr MtLLT/ ammo. The Speech and Language Services Working Group of the Huron Perth District Health Council (HPDHC) is interested in receiving proposals for the following system components: public awareness/education• and early indentification;. • simplified access and common intake; and • the designated agency... through which funding will be flowed. These functions arepart of anoverall system plan for an integrated and coordinated speech and language services system for preschool aged children (from birth to age, four) and their families. The goal of the speech and language services initiative is to ensure:that every preschool aged child who requires speech and )anguage•services will receive such services. Proposals are expected to be consistent with the HPDHC draft Speech and Language Services ;Pian (September 1997) Proposals must demonstrate the following deliverables: • • commitment to the principles, goals and objectives as outlined in the draft plan; • child/caregiver focus; • partnerships/linkages with community organizat!nns/agencies;. •' build ori existing resources and infrastructures; and . • systemic (district) perspective. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Proposal packages are available front the HPDHC which provide further guidelines and Information including: ; 1) an outline of the functions associated with the system components listed above; 2) an outline of the associated required skid sets; and specific criteria. An information meeting wit be held at the HPDHC September 15, 1997 from 2:30-4:30 pm, (Participants are requested to RVSP to the. HPDHC.for this meeting). Submissions should be mailed to: Huron Perth District Health Council 235 St. George Street P.O. Box 610 , Mitchell, Ontario NOK 1NO Submissions must be received at the HPDHC by 12 noon on September 29, 1997: