The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-30, Page 20• Page 20 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 30, 1997 Family visits with Bridges Winston and Lola Bridges welcomed, daugh- ter Gail and Tim Collett and grandchildren Erin, John 'and'. Sarah from Summersid.e P.E.I., who arrived on,Dad's birthday July 12. They also visited sister Karen, Leo and family and had a family get together at the Lucknow family picnic. Attending the pic- nic: Karen, Leo, Tiffany, Jennifer, Darryl, J.J., Branden,Larissa, Lola - Jean, Lucknow; Winston and Lola, Lucknow; Tim, Gail, Erin, John and Sarah cif P E.I. • After a five day stay,. Gail and Tim went on to now St. Paul, Minnesota to visit Tim's sister and fami- ly then back to Brampton to another sister's family, and also to Gail's, sister's family Lorie, Randy and Paul in Oakville. Donna and Gary Thompson and girls, Arriy and Erin, and Caleb Ritchie of . Red Deer, Alberta, visited with their mother and grandmother, Bettyitchie and other relativ'Fs for a couple of weeks. There was a large crowd at the, auction Sale on Saturday for the house- hold furnishings of, Freda Macinnes. The family of the late Jim and Irene Little held a family picnic at Brookside on Sunday.. Evelyn Gray of North Bay is visiting with her sister and brother-in-law Elaine and Ross Errington, of Lucknow, and attended the picnic, Bob and June Gilchrist hosted'a birthday party for Herb Wilkins. -Seve'ral friends arid. relatives attended to 'wish Herb a "Happy Birthday, News from Pinecrest Manor Birthday celebrants at Pinecrest Manor Nursing Horne last month were Joe Dickinson, Gordon Rintoul, Evelyn Walton and Les. Manners. ' Residents had a fu1:1 month kicking off with red and white day to celebrate Canada's birthday. Other events included the start of ''swimming", a memorial service. and communion; the meal at the Legion,; ,the farm club, a trip to Scottish Pipe band concert' in Kincardine, sub day and the open house to, cele- , brate Frank Hayden's 60th birthday, , ; . ; . . 'Jack' Scott, Ella Wright and 'Barriet Daniels have joined the family at Pinecrest. Sympathy is extended ,to the family of Donald.. 'Henderson. • Please remember that the.'family support group meets on Aug. 12 at 7.: Lots of fots: of...fOotily.reuoiOns Summer is the season for family reunions - the. Clifford family .attended the McKenzie gathering; and Deanna . and motley Scott enjoYed the Bine family picnic at Bradley, 'Last weekend June and Earl Elliott, Anne imcCosh and Mary Anne Kukoly enjoyed the hospitality of the Don Morrison,,,family of Culross'Tow:nship at their annual barbeque. Myrtle Percy " . 'of Kinlough and Susan McGregor. of Scarborough, were dinner guests "of.: 'Wilda and harvey Thompson, on Tuesday. Tammy. and .Paul Cunliffe' of Etobicoke 'visited with ,her grandparents on the weekend • Isabelle C•assid,y of Mildmay visited with friends and relatives in, the area this past week. From all reports; the 4- H exchange group is hav ing a good time in Alberta, we'll' have a better report next week when they get .home. ' Bessie Maulden. Winnifred Percy and Joan Bertrand of Simeoe visited with' Anne McCosh• and ,'Mary . Anne ,Kukoly' at ''their trailer oil:the 10th concession. ,Bessie; Winnifred,and' Anne had a great time re'membering their high .school days in ''Lucknow. Those were the. days that you boarded in f,. the town and took your own food with yo}i for the week. What a change from all the conveniences: of today. • Our sincere sympathy is . extended to Bette Macleod'on..the. death of het "" son ;' Noel of • `,Mississauga.'A•nd'also to Don McTavish inthea. death of "his sister Louise:. Helms enjoy picri is in Waterworks Park The annual 58th Helm, picnic was held on July 20 at Waterworks Park,, in Lucknow. There: was an attendance of .23 on a beautiful. day. A pot luck dinner was held at 1,p.m. Visiting from `a distance were 'Shirley ' (Helm) Ellison : of Brampton and her two grandsons.' Shirley was originally. ftom'the Tiverton area., Many enjoyed seeing her Helm .fa#nilyhistory book. Grant • Helm took charge of the business 'fora, another year. A minutes .silence was held for Isobel Ritchie; Lucknovy -and Jetry. Helm', Forest. The new president for 1998 is Bruce Canipbell, B'elgt'ave.. ' 'The program commit-'. tee took over and was enjoyed by all and the Children enjoyed the sports. Glad !s Arnold ,and Edith Smith , attended` the bruce County Genealogical meeting in Scone last Tilesday. Heather •,and Sari• Finnie,` Spence, and .foseph •' spent the weekend' in Dunnville with Sam's : par- ents ' Gabrielle and Brandon came.baek with 'thein after spending a week with their grandpar, ets. Coulton Louther and. .:Skye Harrington are visit- ' ing with : their .Finnie cousins AIs:o visiting with her folks is Bonnie Boyle Happy 'Birthday to .olive Boyle Hughes of Goderich; Some of her, family from here .enjoyed ra picnic with her on Sunday in Goderich.. • Gail and Don Gamble .of ,.'Walkerton spent Wednesday with ;Anne • McCosh and Mary Anne Kukoly workingon their Colvvelhfamily history. Those boots were made for walking' and that's. just what Helen Errington (right) and Brian McMullen of. Kitchener, both with spots at. Fisherman's . Cove, did on Sunday as about 17 walked 12 kmto raise funds for the Lucknow and' District Fire Department. The. branch Helen is carrying wasto ward off the bugs. (Livingston photo), photo), 'Cove' walk • raises $824 for lo�al fire , . dept; The Fisherman's Cove • walk -a -thou on Saturday raised . $820'. for the Lucknow and District Fire Department. 1Vlandy Rhody, coordinator; says this brings the total to date to $1170., and more events are planned through the summer. About 17 people • walked the 12 km route to Lucknow, and several 'vol- unteers assisted. The group ended up at the fire department where they met by some of the firefighters with. refreshing cold drinks.' The weather was won- derful even .though the - bugs were a bit annoying, • • to say the least, on the first stretch of the walk. Dungannon 'Agricultural' Society's -FAMILY FU n9annon ridgy, Satur1 FR.IPAY • ,Teen Danoe. for Grades f5 - .8 , &• pm— 11: prn SATURDAY ! r Mud Bog beginning at 1 pm, with a tug-ofiwar during "half time" Foe more Info:' please contact -Heather -at -529-4907 , Refreshment Tent:11 am.-: 1 am with Open ;Air, Dance &. ,pm - 1 am $5 /person without a weekend pass: Ageof majority rectuired Hors Show for 4H'Achievement. Day. Arm Wrestling• r . Saturdas7s'everts being at 10 am SUNDAY,: Various events beginning,at a am Parade .Antique Tractor Pull 4 Baf3y Show - Graham &.Eleanor Townsend .Various children &, Youth Activities • Children s Eiiitertainfrient .lay Kira &Lori` Ladd. Horse Puil Iviutton Bustori Growrling of 'the Ambassador, Princes& Tiger Paw Exotics & Petting Zoo INVESTMENTS 524.2773 6oderich 1-800,265.5503 ' s Br.�►CK�' ' CIJ MTrs RED cuUR ►NTS Available Nowt;, LAKEVIEW. ACRES (Knoop Fait: Farm) wyk2 15 min. noHrth of 1 Goderfch 529•7110 ROAST AF F piNNER P. 4-7,pm Adults children • Preschootaro $4.00 FREE • - ' pa i,cludia in• edrhinf011 or wr;eieen4 pays„ Prepared by Mewling .tar Lodge. Order of•Easte'n•Star & • Dungannon Agrieulturfil. society For more information call: Bernice Glenn 529-7934 Susanne Pentland 625-7170 Princess