The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-16, Page 11• • Tiorti eultural S ocety With a "too cool for comfort" breezes blowing. on July 9, the •Horticultural. Society pic- nic in 'the park. was enjoyedin the town hall basement. Following the boun- teous dinner, secretary, Alice Lamoureux, made: the following proposal which was unanimously B fools down'. Blyth The 13 Kooas '.hosted Blyth 1 at Brookside on July ' 9 and gave the visi- tors isi-tors their first season defeat 5 to 2. -Outstanding goaltend- ing was provided by Tyler Nicholson as . Blyth came on strong late in the game. • Good stand up defence came, from Tara Crawford. Goals: Shea .Hamilton, Cory, Hamilton' '(2) Richard Elliott and B.J. Mayer, with assists. from Ashton Chamney, S. Hamilton,Brittany Ackert, . Torben Nielsen and Cory Hamilton (2). agreed upon -by all pre- sent. That we open free membership, for young people aged eight to 18 in our Society.. They could then gain experience in 4 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday,,July 16, 1997 -» Page 11 vcrelcomes .youth horticulture for personal interest or career. Young people are eligi- ble to .enter the August flower show in any of the categories in their classifi- cation. information sheets will be available at .the library. Young members may join in the Lucknow Fall. Fair Sept. 19 20 with the Lucknow Horticultural Society. Swan Meyer; dau8hter of John and. Kini Meyer, and granddaughter of Hendrick ' and ., Aaltje Middlekamp, graduated from Osgoode Hall,York University on June 13. 1997 receiying her bach- elor of .Law. ($he is currently working in Toronto at the" Criminal . Law firm of Robbing ' Bernstein t1" tissoc. Congratulations.: Mom and. Dad LUCKNOW & DISTRICT LIONS ClUB s Dalibtr- .13ingo Lucknow' Community Centre BINGO JULY 2Oth •500 Jackpot Winner Fed Whittington,. Tiverton. Doris Cretes Fisherman's Cove, Joyce Altord, Lucknow Carol Ann Ldmerche Kincardine Community Centre opens. at 6:30 p.m. The Chamber of Commerce's annual teddy bear parade and picnic was on Saturday. From the Zeit is best dressed Becky Scott, big9est Mitch Martyn, most like' owner °=: Ji1Iy Hackett In front is most unusual - Hayley Martyn, and smallest bear Natasha Stanley. (Helm photo) Dungannon man is seeing red as he,prepares for MHF 150tli anniversary event George 'Smyth of Dungannon, .is see- ging red these days. He "has been t, usy get ting, his collection of Massey -Harris trac torS'.ready oto' display at the upcoming :shows inthe. area. 1997 is'' the 150th anniversary .of Massey -Hams Ferguson. The first: show was 'held;this:past weekend 'at ilderton close' to 100. antique Massey-aariis 'tractors, were :present. The second show is. this coming weekend at 'the .Milton Agricultural Museuni grounds; '(now,called the Farm .Museum) July 17, 18, 19. and 20. This show is to be the official celebration of the, 150th anniversary of Massey -Harris -Ferguson.; ' CKCO television' from Kitchener recently helped ,protote these events. by sending a remote crew to the.fun), of Orland and 'Laurabelle Reichert,""of Zurich, to tape. a segment, for their Sunday AM show. Orland and and hisson ken have quite an' extensive .collection of.. Massey -Harris 'tractors and accessorieswhich have, '.•appeared. Irl many magazines in the states and Canada.' George was asked to bring a few bf liis rare tractors to the taping of the.show, :shown. Sundays Between :.f3 :and.. X10 a.in. This segment was aired, on July 6: In George's, full' size collection of 15 tractors :he . has: •• 1954.• Pony; 1953 Pacer; '1954 Colt; .1954 .Mustang; 1958 333; ,1956.444; '1957 555; 1'941.-101 Junior; ,. 1939.1,01 Super 'Lwin. Bawer, 102` Tumor; 102 senior; :(2) 1941 201 •Super• (very rare); ..1941 ' 81; 303" . Worknull. loader and backhoe; and. several: -toy tractors, and accessories.- . George also has some implements to displayalong. with" his tractors; a M -F • Chain saw:; .#6. 7' Semi; inount .mower;: #1'1 Grain grinder; #26.2 - furrow, plow;. ,#41 highway mower.. He- will be displaying these tractors _ and equipment at the Dungannon Fair slid Tractor Pull on Aug. '.9 and 10 along with several other local ' Massey collec- tors whom George will be contacting. 'George will be trucking some of his - tractors td. istractors'to. the Milton. Miisetim .grounds, this, coming Weekend' where•many Massey enthusiasts will 'lie gathering, to celebrate this 15Qth Massey anniversary. Needless -to -say, there will be many red shirts, red .hats,, red coats and red tractors on the grounds to catch everyone's eye: 1f{,fji art , • =f t ' � r; ,., .. Cline - Stevens Angus & Corinne Cline, Waterdown, announce theforthcoming marriage, .' of their daughter, Angela Joan to Williari Dale Stevens,' Son of Will'rarn;& Barbara Stevens of Ancaster. The wedding'will take place Saturday, July 26th, 1997 at St. AuguSt'rne's Roman Catholic Church, Dundas. , Angela is the granddaughter of .Helen. . Redmond, Lloyd & Margaret Cline all of Goderich. JEFF PENTLAND C ADEEN B(LLSOI )0 .19, 1997 8 p.m.. JEFF 'S HOUSES. Age of,Maiority $5:00 Donation/Ticket iJJ,(LYDT4 ..:.IT ROEKSI" f;RI A(, SAI °' Te rn, ROUIN( fTONF • cirir aff CA"iot OONlNOI ENDS THI,{R$DAY IT!" . IERCQLES FP" II DIVINEI_.. THE NO. YOR(.TIMEf LONG DISTANCE? CALL 1-800-255-3438 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO THEATRE KINCARDINE 396.3250 1 July 18 & 19 and July 21 to 24 at 7:00 p.m. July 18 .&,1g and July 21 ta.24 at 9:OO p.m. 1"J }RDER TO TRAP HIM HE "AIJST i3E', JME HIM TRAUOLTA/CAGE FACE/OFF www frite.off , ton Sun, July 2Oth •- Live in Concert JOHN MCDERMO'IT ALL SEATS ''4.25 TUESDAYS iri`INTEE LISTINGS- WANTED PAUL ZINN 520-2411 1.49 AC-glie drained, 16th As • . 100 AC LQh Ashfield, 85 works e. . 3/4 ACRE BUILDING °LOT' - I glis $t_ $35;000, :ST., HELEN'S 4 bdrm. bungalow, finished basement, ,garage and shed.,Reduced to sell. CANNING ST. $ bedroom, private lot, new siding and front porch: $82;006.. E: WAWANOSH'-100 acres,, 70 workable; 4 •bedroom house, barn shed • $49,900. - 3 bedroorri heat,.carporf.. ONE ACRE' , .Building lot • near 1Lucknow $45,000. • HAVELOCK ST, - 4 bedroorrr; woodloil` heat,' wood .floors •$74,900., ASHF!ELQ .- 3. bedrooriis,;; double garage, 4710 acre, $82,500.. HISTORIC iAlCKNOW 4-5-- bedroam, new kitchen and baths','. formal Ii.ving/dining ooms garage;: 8/10 acre: I,pt. HAVELOCK." -,Completely tepovated,. 3 "bedroom house; 11 'bath, move in 'conditioh. Reduced tb FOUR - Serviofad'building Pots starting at $27,000. KINLOSS,. 4 bedroom home- on 1. acre ''lot, adde. -of'. •Lucknow..$69,906 n.' :7.8 ACRES - edge o Luckriow. Reduced... 'GOUGitST., - "3 bedroorn; garage, new siding, $.72,000: 149. ACRES.,- Ashfield Twp. • all workable HOLYROOD a'bedroom. house with garage, $5$,000. ' For Information on, Properties' listed' below; Oontact. Richard D. Askes 519.528-3935 Res. 519-528-2740 Fax CCANMERCtAL B.IJILDING LOTS •- 3.3 acres Turnberry Township, edge of Wingham. Pay Tess 'taxes,. possible 4nvestmeht proporty ' 80' x 80' BUILDING L07 with 24' x 36' small barn, just off main Street, Lucknow. Zoned commercial $2,000, Good Iodation, for small engine business. LISTINGS WANTED '