The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-16, Page 5'''IgegaOr gather • for ceilidh • On the beautiful sunny afternoon of June 29, . nearly 200 descendants of • John and Barbara. (MacGregor) MacKenzie gathered on the shore of Lake Huron at ,the • Ashfield Park, which is at the foot of the '12th Concession., This was an appropriate settingas it is similar to the lakeshore 'west of , • ICintail where Barbara and her family settled when they anived in Ashfield in. 1842. I3arbara, her three sons,Colin, Alexander and Roderick, and three daughters, . Annie, • Chrisdna and Isabelle had , been evicted from Dorn, in Killearnan Parish, Ross Shire, Scotland after hav- ing been.previously •evict- ed from Scardroy, Stath Conon two years earlier. Due teill health and harsh treatment •John had become a casualty of the eviction. --Those in attendance -1., were descended from all , the above mentioned chil- dren except Roderick who • was drowned at the age of • 20 years, while helping to load a lumber boat at Grand Bend They cline. from various parts of Canada and the U.S. and were of ail ages, from three wpeks, to the late • eighties. •Due to, the good turnout the mention of names would hazard the tisk of missing some. The afternoon, was spent with the older peo- ple visiting and reminisc- 1 ing many of them meet- ing and getting acquainted - with cousins whom they had never met before. The younger members took • advantage of the nice day, the wide sandy beach and • shallow water for some fun on the beach and a dip hrthe-water.• ' Following a pot -luck • lunch from an abundance of food, and a brief meet- ing, . those: present • expressed their desire for a :similar event at the .same •location, in two yeats •time.. 1997 AEROSTAR LIQUIDATION CHOOSE FROM NEW, IN -STOCK AEROSTARS, LIQUIDATION PRICED WITH • • WISE BOERS IISADIHE LEGAL COPit'izsao cashback avariable.On new in -stock 1097 Aitiasiars• with Bectainic 4-Wheet Drive. /2,000 eaShbeck available on new iirPatotk 1997 Anusports and non 4 -Wheel Drive Aerostats: Taxes payable • onfui puntage before caShbadi dedepted. Cannot becombed with * other oder. -3,9% financing on a/ new in -tock 1997,AerottarsMerosp00s for a Maximum of 48 Months on approved ore& Eg. /15,000 finaniied at3,9% avant " • Percentage fatO for. 40 month% Monthly 04111Ont S3,18.02,- cost of bontwringiS $1.224.72, end total to be repaid is S10,44.72. Iles is a serape calculation enly:Actual price may vary. * Dealer for details. Financing not available with any other • ' offer. tinned /me offer. Moflers exclude freight ($074 froense, imurance and afi applicable taxes. 'Dealer may se/ far kmiS, Mks truly change Wilhotit nOtice. See D�erfovdefal. Ontario Ff.f0A, P.O. Box 2000, Oakville:Ontario LW 5E4