The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-16, Page 3Ianeknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 16,1997 — Page 3 COQ wants shared with- coccil taxes as an incentive tor new •busiinesses.to open. •- Reavie said, only a small portion of the tax bill is for village use (of. this year's mill rate - about one-third). "With down- loading from the province," said Reavie, "the taxes will probably go - - "The -amount they'd get - 'back wouldn't•make that big a difference," (in start- ing a .:business) said Councillor Tom Pegg. "The reality is that we don't have .the powerand support to do anything without town council," said Tyson. "If the . committee comes up with a plan," said Pegg, "bring it tows." McKillop stressed,. "We want tp work together, not separately.': Tyson said the econom- ic development committee is' looking.,at..conducting surveys and having meet- ings of groups of people with similar 'interests. "We have to Eaves Irani page 1 give support and, input. • Tyson told council. about a small village of .1100 in the west that was "drying up. They recog- nized the need to do some- thing." • Through an .economic. investment corporation, seed money was provided to help start up new- busi- ness. "Seven new busi' nesses came to a town of 1100 peopl:e," said,Tyson. Reeve Stuart Reavie -said there was a similar corporation in Bruce coup-• ty already - the.Bruce Community Development Corporation (BCDC): Tyson said it was her experience that the BCDC focused on the peninsula. Reavie disagreed say= ing that seed -dollars :were available to starta "viable business." . "Do people know that?" asked .McKillop. • • "Maybe.: that's part of the problem,". replied Reavie. . The`. suggestion was made that perhaps council could waive part of the shared vision as a goal.;.", she. said. teens . in grea shape for tourney It wag a beautiful, hot -,Ross Pepper and Frances. and, :sunny day; last ."fuer, Mitchell club; Tom Saturday, with., good-. Phillips and : Barbara::, greens .for the ladies paris Carbert, Lucknow club. • or mixed parislawn:bowl-, The 'consolation winners ing_tournament sponsored were.,Gerry Doney and by MacKenzie and Shelagh Long from. the McCreath Funeral Homes. Stratford club. Top place winners were: Jack and Audrey : MacDonald, Lucknow club; John. Kuindersma and . Sam Townsend;; Stratford club; Marjorie Leslie . and Marilyn. Lancaster, St. Mary's.,club; Ken Chaprt and Marjorie Solomon, 'Lucknow ;club;: Brad Petteplace and Jane Treleaven, Lucknow: club; ooc�ohoclona000. El Huron County's Complete o I1 IIICLE � �L E. • RENTAL E' Racal students are. at Madill (i) Adella Andrew The daughter of Allan and Linda Andrew, R.R. 2, Lucknow. Adella will. enter the University of Guelph this fall to study human kinetics. , Simone Sleeker Simone is the daughter or Simon and • Monika Bleeker,'R.R. 3 Wingham. 'She has been.. accepted to the UBC this fall to 'study chemistry. ,. . Steven Cere The son 'of Jane and Brian' Cere, Lucknow, will study computer sci- ence at the ,University of Waterloo in September.. - Jane deBoer Jane,, the daughter of Wim and -Elaine deBoer, of R:R.'1, Lucknow, will study at -Queen's universi- ty, Kingston;. this fall for a Bachelor of Science degree in. nursing.. . Tasha. Mayer - Tasha, is heading to the University of British Columbi'a'this September for her Bachelor . of Science. She is the daugh- ter of Jh.anne Mayer,.. Lucknow, ' and John Mayer, Barrie. Christopher Montgomery The son of Dennis and Shirley O'Malley, of R.R. 2, Teeswater, Christopher will, attend . McGill University in Montreal in: September ina pre-med program, with an eventual -goal.of psychiatry; Claire Weir Claire is the daughter of .. Patricia 'and Aubrey Weir, of: R.R. 3, - Lucknow. She will study geography at Queen's University this fall.... u �+ 3 Headquarters le al 0 Small & Mid-sized Cars E. o Passenger & Cargo ip E1 Vans, Pickup Trucks ID 0 Daily,; Weekly; al , Monthly 10 Insurance Rentals & 0 More 0.0 Free Delivery at ELF, . III] 13 CAR & TRUCK RENtA1S ID al Division of Suncoast POW El 1 500 Huron Rd., Goderidh 110 r CALL COLLECT for Helen IC 11 1i 524-8347 o. ©eeeeeeemeeena LOAD MUTUAL FUNDS OFFERF WITH NO FRONT END OR END LOADS (Mil,, sio0,0 Trimark, Templeto John F. 400/ 5yrs as of Jui 14/97. 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Fee Schedule Effective `Duty 9th;1 X97 CLASS OF;PERMIT (a) New residential/and residential additions • FEE: $50:00 plus $0.35 per square foot of floor area excluding the garage. $0:10 per square foot of . floor area of finished basements and/or garages shall be added to the fee. (b) Detached garages and residential storage sheds FEE. $30.00 plus $0:10 per square toot of floor area. (c) New farm buildings•and additions thereto FEE $30,00 plus $0.08 per square foot of floor area (d) Newr commercial, industrial or institutional and additions thereto FEE '$30.00 plus $0.35 per square foot of floor area. (e) Liquid manure tanks • FEE $2.00 per foot diameter, minimum char9e of $100,06. Liquid manure storage under barns less than 1.2 metres in depth included in fees for (C) above. Liquid manure storage under: barns greater than l:2.metres in depth subject to an additional fee of $100'00 (f) Separate installations of silos FEE: $100.00 (g) Separate installations of steel grain bins and private swimming pools • .,FEE: $75.00 (h) Separate installations of decks, :exterior landings, canopies, chimneys, fireplaces, and woodstoves: FEE $45.00 ,(i) Building renovations in excess of $2,000 estimated value, !=EE: $30:00,plus $4.00 per thousand of estimated value of construction urChange of use . • - : FEE $100.00 • (k) Building and renovating without a permit FEE An additionalfee of $100.00 may apply to the regular fee schedule (1) Demolition Permit m Roofing, eavestrou hin dr,tidin o FEE: $10 00 ( ) g g -'�g g' f building which does not involve structural changes No charge (no FEEpermit required) '. _