The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-09, Page 8Page 8 ,- Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 9, 1997 BDO BOO Dunwoody p WARD MALLETTE chartered accountants Offering a fu00 range'of services: auditing, accounting, business plan. ping, income tax planning, personal financial planning, computer and management services. WALKERTON HANOVER MOUNT FOREST PORT ELGIN. B.F. Thpmson, FCA. L.H. Yellen, CA K.L. Drier, CA M.S. Bolton, CA R.J. Millon, CA J.J. Hunt, CA .H.E. Kibler, CA G.H. Munro, CA K. OaIsohlagel, CA R Thor; CA. R.G. Thomas, CA 881:.1211 384.3790 323-2381 832,2049 ra uation Betty -.gine Murray daughter of Charles efr goangraduated in June 1996 with ,Bath. Ofathfront 21ni71ersity' of Waterloo, Betty -Anne graduated from 'University of t Vr. tern, Ont./withherrBacf, of Education, 'She has accepted position_ with ,oast Heights Collegiate.1iJtc/ener.'CNe drew you could da it! LoveDad &Mom Brothers &Sister and their families 45th ] l7ed d inig nniver-,sary . On lune 28. .1997. Gordon 'and Joan Adage celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary atR.obi°ndales. /n Goder/ch. They were Joined by their ,Children ctnd their spouses. Ourside,a ratite limousine waited to take them an a scenic drive to visit fairrily and friends. The • edebratlon.conthrued the •next.day with..the first ' Waize X eunion ar: the Dungannon talk 8st. vislres! £ we.., your family! • COmbined,Sumrher Service Schedule. Lucknow United, Lucknow; & South Kinloss ,Presbyterian Churches = ALLSERVICES 10'a.:m. JOINT SERVICES July 13 .- Lucknow United July 20 Lucknow United July 27 Lucknow United :Aug.'.3 Lucknow Presbyterian "Summer. Music -Service" Aug: 10 Lucknow: Presbyterian ,Aug: 17 `,South Kinloss Presbyterian' Aug, 24 w: South Kinloss Presbytehan FOR PASTORAL CARE July Rev. Wm. Bres'nahian August - Rev. Peggy Kinsman August 31 Churches book to regular' service• S Y LUCKNOW POOL. 'will be hosting: NLS Course Cost: 960.00 (all inclusive) --Recerts's50.00 ' - Aug. 2023 9:00 aim._ 5:00 pari. Aug. 24 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.rn Instructors Course' Cost $170.00 (all inclusive)• Aug 25 - 29 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Registration by July 25th Phone Lori at: Daily (519) 528-2902 • .Evehirigs.(519) 528-2082 Children Ag_es.5. to.1 Q_yrs. Come . have fun at Lucknow Day Camp 'Aug 5 to & trom 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. To register 'call: Janet Cox 528-2400 or' Matt Martin 529-7033 ASAP u "ANcTHER WWAYTO PLAY" Tickets "$5040' each 528402 : OSS by Ruth Buchmeier South Kinloss Women's Missionary Society met July42 •at the "Country Lodge" with Janie Hamilton as hostess., Florence McConnell and Roely VanderKlippe were the directors. They started with a box lunch shared by members and residents. Eleven residents were there for the. lunch and six . stayed for the meeting, openedtby Nancy Maclntyre• ' f, Ruth,,Bell sang .a solo - "Bless this House" accompanied by Margaret Hamiltonat the piano. Rollcall "a favorite Bible verse." Mrs. VanderKlippe had two readings: "It is You" and "Laugh" and she also did the offertory"prayer. Margaret Hamilton led in a 'sing `song, Florence McConnell gave an inter- esting meditation "The. -",House of Many Lights." ' Evans. McQuillan,. a resident, played two selec- tions on the violin. The Lords Prayer was said to end the meeting, Sympathy is -extended to Elizabeth and IraDickie on the,death of Elizabeth's sister-in-law,. -Grace McIver of London. nista ::.Walt daughter ,of Don CS Linda Wall•' graduated from the .University of..Cuelph- a the June, 6; 1997 Convocation Wit . an honour lichel'or of Applied. bcienco degree,, Krista ., •majored _in Child &tidies and graduated with. . honours Krista will ;further her itudiea this fall at Nipissin University in the -bachelor of Education Program specializing ::at the Primary Junior'L'evei: Congratulations and'begt Wishes Krista�l ` Love, Mom Dad: Karah (Jason'` 1,11 • • Celebrate 100th birthday Holyrood Women's Institute met on July 3 in the Institute Room at Holyrood. Former mem- bers and friends were .pre- sent to helpcelebrate the 100th birthday of WL President Grace Eckenswiller welcomed all and opened with the .Ode and Mary Stewart Collect Joan Murray was the program convener. Several readings and contests were enjoyed. Joan gave a sum- mary of the history of WI and cif the Holyrood Wi.. SPecial memories of . the Holyrood WI were shared by each..person pre-' sent which was interesting and humorous. The meeting closed •with the singing of. O'Canada and the WI served followed by a time of fellowship. Everyone then enjoyed looking. at the pictures of former members and of the Tweedsmuir History of Holyrood WI arid other articles of interest. Locals ' - Jack :and Joan Barr: hosted" a farewell supper on Friday for Stephen and Susan Lindsay and boys.' Other session members and the spouses "attended._ They were Bruce and Barb Bushell, Don: and Betty Bushell, Don and Marilyn. - Reid and Glen and Erlrna Haldenby: ' On Sunday morning the into full membership of the church by profession of faith. During the ser- vice Gregory Joseph Reid, son of Brian and Jo Reid and Chance Benson Smith son of Jerry Smith ' and Sherife Emin, were received. in the Sacrament of Baptism. Pete and Joanne Van Dam entertained members of their families following . the baptism of Chance Smith. Also "there for sup- • per were.Brad Engel and Lea -Anne Haldenby. Visiting this week with .Myrtle Percy and Glen Haldenbys" family are Mike and Cathy,..' Jansen and boys of Cochrane, Remember, church this Sunday at the Presbyterian Church is at 9:30 a.m. this. will be the last Sunday grace. A. delicious lunch. Presbyterian congregation- Revti.Lindsay will be with and birthday cake was accepted Sherife Emin us. VanderHoeks mark 25th wedding anniversary Congratulations to Gayle ' and . Keith VanderHoek on their ,25th anniversary. All .who attended the campfire: and fireworks at Purple Grove Community Centre had a great'time of fun and fellowship -Linda and. Wray Thompson' of Mississauga visited, on. the long week- end with lis parents Wilda and. Harvey Thompson. WildaVisited"'during the week with Mary .Cainpbell in Kincardine and on :this past weekend Wilda and Harvey visited with.. Lauraine and Frank Burgstaller of Barrie. Also travelling :with'.them was - M-argaret Harkness of Bervie. Margaret visited with her daughter Mary,: Huber and, family also .of 'Barrie. Gladys Arnold 'spent the holiday with her fan11, ly :at home of. Joyce and. Jiirt McEvvan • in Kincardine. Jamie 1VIcEwan of Mississauga visited with his grand-,' mother on Monday On Saturday ,the 28th Maureen. gad Roy Collins acrid +'arnil;i hosted`a 25th • anniversary celebration for • her sister and • h.ubby,. Sandra • and . Bill Carroll. of .Waterloo... At, the same time there was a family shower for Lisa, bride -to- - : be of Mau.reen'.s' nephew' Sara Howell,. of Toronto. .Visiting. with Fran.. and' Jim Farrell and family were Irene and Joe West and ;fatnily.of .Stratford Also visiting' were Joyce - and John •Farrell' and, Marsha Farrell.: Fran and Jim attended the `60th' anniversay bar beetle ofthe:Bruce County Holstein Association:,at Helen . and Mark Guestcher's. Jamie and Glen Farrell. visited during the week ° with Joyce and John Farrell. and Tamil' of Y. Wingham. ,'Everyone who attended the WI ,coffee break on ' , Wednesday .enjoyed them- . 'selves. It. was; a good to hearabout the plans for the bus trip in August. SNOWDENIVAIRR Y 47 � Q . Ron & Barb Snowden &Jim. & Agnes Murray, ( .• are pleased to announce the' forthcoming :. wedding q f their 'children, Kerri Lynn aik Clint James. The wedding will take place. Sat., July 12„ d 1997 at the Lucknow United Church. Reception to follow at r Cornmp.nity Centre. sib . Anne McCosh visited on Sunday with Isabel Brook: Afterwards Anne • and Mary Anne' attended the after-•Stanley°picnic.at• June and Earl Elliotts. Visiting with June and : Earl during the week were Jane nand pen of Blind icaRiverSte, hShariElliott, Ian ,and :William Elliott. of Bracebridge, arid' Laj•la and Everett Elliott of Ferndale; Michigan'spent the weekend.with them. Marg Ku " of ;Waterloo visitedehl .with her. cousin. Katherine Collins- last' week..,Her husband Merrald Kuehl came up on Sunday and attended the 'family. gathering at -Jatheine=s: Ma 'ie .Colling', and : Marjorie Thompson attended •the'50th anniver- sary celebration of Isabel and Jim, Hunter in Lucknow on $unday. Marion Gamble enjoyed .supper and .a visit. .with Dianne and Wilfred' Gamble and.. family. She' 'enjoyed'Visiting with her. grandson Jeffrey who is, holidaying with his' par - bins' from Fort St..John • GRADUATION . Adrian Helm, son of Barb ,& _EvansHeim =a graduated from Conestoga College,., Kitchener, Wednesday June 25, 1997 with a diploma; in Computer. Programmer/Analyst.. Adrain hypes -to further `h. is education. by. attending. the University of Western Sydney; Nipian, Australia • commencing February 1998: