The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-09, Page 7Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 9, 1997 - Page 7 'from page 6 Lynette Kerslake, of Staffa, holidayed with her grandparents,: Tom and Margaret Young. Jana and Shane Burns, Goderich, were overnight guests of their grandpar- ents, Jim and Margaret Errington. Candace Nivins,. infant daughter of Cheryl and Ralph Nivins, was hon- ored at a baby shower at • Dungannon church on $uly6.. June Pyette celebrated • her birthday June 25, in great,style by co -hosting two buses bound for Midland to cruise the 30,000Islands. Following;' 'sightseeing, a bounteous smorgasbord 1!unc was ,enjoyed at the Drifters restaura `dland. Dungannon Seniors e're•among the travellers. Sympathy is ext to Beth Rutledge o passing of her brother -in . luwG . alvin Rutledge, age X91, at•Timrnins; Seryice of remembrance was h Nile Church Dungannon Interment.t. Fellowship hour • took place at the,hotnea3f ands Donald'Nicholson', niece of the deceased Violet ISurni�n, Clinton, `;aftendea. the wedding of her grandson 1FredDurnin, whose Marriageage took on. Ju'l'y 'S; ,to .Elizabeth. :<S;meltze•rat Pine, River •United ChurChurch.Steception followed at R ;community' Centre. A ,me}noiiatl; sexyice at Dungannon 'Cemetery. took place art•'June 29, : with, I�ev Alex MSGilvery 'officiating. Music was provided. by • S,herilyri 1�ibey at thekeyboard and --two-gospel-solos-ren, by Ruth Altori::� '•. • Brian oto hers; man of the board asked for a moments silence, fol- lowing the readingof the' 1,996-97 honor roll:.. • Campbe11;. r, Blanche Culbert, ..Florence McIntyre, Crawford; K Dawson,Louise Br Michael :Pentland; Leora Wright; Hazel Webster; Ernest Arnold, Jacqueline Berry and Iva Carr; ° • ,Collectio�n; was 'taken for cemetery.. up-kee board Chairman announced that laneways had been elleci, and that: a generator was used for the day's•ser- rice• replacing the use of hydro for. speakers • Allan and.;•lirina Reid :from► Port', co attended the serviceand • renewed,.acquzintanresin the will"age: .' A. special we1Co —Elwyn --and • °‘ A • Br'in.dley.who hav Chased the former 'Willetta Mc'Whi.nney hone opt Albert Street, heon Wind nt in ended n the eld at Helen place iple:y•. ; dered chair Grace Stella aln :er indley, p. The .the' grav- lbo•rhe me to nge1a e pur- Under One TIM alk Sale! Root, Psii no/ 11