The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-09, Page 4rage 4.- Lueknaw Sentinel, Wednesday, July 9, 19917 Changes of address, orders for subscriptions, and undeb've alik copies (return postage ginairanteed) are to be sent tialhe Ludmow Sentinel at the address indicated here. Mvertisung is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error, the por- tico of tin adyertisbng space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable rates. A Bowes Pur lislnera t onininnity New paper 6119, Campbell St.. $,aseknow, °Tata ie P.O. Box 400, Lucicrovv, Ontario NOG 21-1O phone: (519) 528-282 fax (519) 528-3529 ' -- Established 1873 ' Torn Thompson' Advertising Manager Imon �` � Pat L v n — General Manager / Editor Phyllis Matthews Helm — Office Administrator Joan Courtney — l'ypeisetter Subscription Rates advance: Local Regular' $25.66 (incl. postage and O.S.T.) within 40 mil. radius. Local Senior $23.52 (incl. postage and OS.7".) within 44 mi. radius. Out -of-area (40 Trifles) $25.56 (incl. postage and r.s.T ). Foreign & USA - $90.00. Publications mail, registration no. 0847 held at Lucknow, Ontario. • e-mail: lucicsentWlauroratel.orn.ca Internet address http://www.bowesnet.com%tucknow/ 2500 invitations mailed for 1958 reunion (from the 1958 Centennial minute book, as. compiled by the late Stuart E. Collyer, who was secretary..) • By Febmary 15 of the Centennial .celebration year, 2,000 names had been received by the invitation. committee. Twenty-five hundred invitations were to be sent out immediately, - The program committee was making progress. The Toronto Police Association was to send 12 men, for travelling expenses, to stage a demonstration of toss- ing the cabre, discus throwing, etc'. A letter was to be sent to the Detroit Police commission regarding the possibilityof a team from there to provide competi- tion for the Toronto team. . . The Toronto Girls' Pipe Band would `send 10 to 12 girls for $110 per girl and transportation. , The Toronto Scottish would bring 20 members and a leader for a fee. of $15 per member and $30 for a leader, phis .transportation. A $500 program was being. booked with afire- works company. From the Feb.• 26 meeting we found, this comment. "It was reported that at Embro the Toronto and Detroit police force teams got out of . band after too much refreshment" After discussion: on the merits of staging a Scottish competition or hiring some bands for the day, a showing of hands proved the meetingto be in favor of hiring, bands. The historical committee reported attempts were being made to rent part,of the Hedley building -on main street to be used as a picture gallery. • John Brent wasto meet with the program commit=. tee to discuss the program in general and to provide information regarding musicians' unions, fees etc. The St. Anlrew's band of Detroit was eager to ,attend thereunion- 18 members plus 6 dancers for a fee :;$.350 plus about $125 in transportations. The Toronto 48th Highlanders could supply a band of 20 to 25. members at $12• each, $24 for' a leader and $175 for transportation. Icy resurfa.cer is not a. am Dear editor, • It- has been brought to our attention recently that in a recent edition .of.. the Lucknow Sentinel, there was. an -item, "The Club spearheaded the Novice hockey. tournament, the Zamnboni' for the• arena,..." .(Sentinel . May 28 40 years of Lionises): We note the promi• nent mention of our .trademark "Zamboni" and . its..'proper capitalization. However, we would liketo point out that the unit that , was pur- chased is .not a Zarnboni Ice Resurfacer and was', produced by a different manufacturer. We introduced the, first•; Sentine Memoirs 70'yens ago : July. 7, 1927 ood slogan - : Sometimes' �Lucknow-seems`a-bit slow in getting a thing done, but it rarely fails to make a good job of. what it ttmdertakes.`• The town .signWarns for which civic patriots have been looking at for sometime; were set upintime for the Dominion Day; celebration. • • The incoming traveller is wel- comed with "You: are iii. Lucknow- now ucknow now ' Drive canny," over a , large horseshoe:4 the time-honored emblem ofluck. The slogan was submitted by. Mrs. Dr: Connell and she won, the prize Of $10.' Tire departing • traveller . sees: "Always welcome to our Sepoy Town."a _ The painting was .done by Mr. Ernest Scott, sign painter, and line piece of workmanship; 50 Years ago MOO, 10,1947 err main street lighting - A new street light setup prcr vides. for 23 , lights 'from Finlayson's corner to the Supertest garage. They will be in staggered for- mation, on six-foot brackets 'at a height of 20 to 22 feet The fixtures, for .a .new reflector. 'design; Will con= tarn: 500 'hundred watt lamps. East .and west of this section, 11 lights are -proposed on a-ninefoot bracket ,with lamps of lower wattage either 200 or 300. • Train derailed : - Derailment of a freight train, south of 'Ripley, caused a 34;. hour traffic disruption before repairs were. Made to tie hne Resigns ' post here ,• -'Alex MacLeod, who has for.1.7 years effi_ ciently fulfilled the duties of ` Kinloss, township roadsuperintendent' has.' resigned. 25 years ago July 12,1972 wimnung .pool gets approval - Lucltnowand District Lions Club has agreed to spearhead a drive F to raise, funds by public dona, - tion , to install a. swimming' pool in' • Lucknbw to serve the... surrounding area, Purchasee bowling alley -. Mr. and Mrs. David Sproul of Nile area have purchased the Lucknow Bowling • Alley from W. and Mrs. Bob Fairish: Sells main .street block. � ,Art Breckles has sold his apartment block on; Campbell Street to .Mr. and Mrs. (Sharon Stanley) Tony Bedard of Toronto. • • 1 .i ice resurfacer'to .the sports -?world ahnost 50 years ago and it has been .copied but never duplicated., We've invested much money, effort andh pride, to make 'and' keep Z'annboni prod- . ucts ,the best available. As 'ya result, for many people - the. Zamboni name lxas become synonymous with ire a iefs. alt anal: peareditor; has Come <to. join, attention that if the, latest (county) amlgamation proposal is approved we will be forced to become one department with Kincardine We' have been informed that plans have. already`been=initiated- to 'take over control of th'e'notal departments •(Luckpow acrd Ripley): by centralizing management and operations 'in Kincardine. - As chiefs of . Ripley and Lucknow, we attended a fire department amalgamation meeting in Markdale put on by the. fire Marshal's office. One question .: asked point blank was' `what, savings have been seen by departments forced to. amalga- mate'"... The answer was "absolutely none. and in fact; costs .have risen significantly in every case. Some departments have also lost trained, dedicated volunteers due:to, this restructuring process." • Rip ley • and Lucknow departments - operate. mainly as lural departments With no full tune. employees: This keeps costs very low without loosing ,our, effective- ness ;. • 'Speaking on,behalt of Lucknow and District Fire' Department, our budget has been less 'than $58;000 • per year for many .years. This ;represents a. cost to„each, of the four municipalities of less than $15,000 per year - something we should all be proud of as rani sure there are.:not many _departments that can make similar statements.. : . ,On behalf of the Ripley -Huron Fire :Department, with Operating costs of less than $65,000 per year, we feel that our cornnitunity has been served with well- trained and dedicated firefighters. Amalgamation that will put unwarranted rules, tegulalions and costs upon us ;will s , • ice resurfacing machines. Please remember that our trademark isalways 'ail` adjective (...Zambon i Ice Resurfacer) and .never as ('noun (...a zamboni).; If we can. ;provide any additional explanation.., or information please lets. u know. Frank Zamboni: Executive Vice -President: • conce ne amation tot increase or itnprove the' serviceto the. community. We may be 'volunteers but we take great pride in the job we do to serve our :communities. , Lncltnow'and Ripley Fite ,Departments have an excellent working 'an'angement 5 and are both: operated ;sensibly and pro- fessionelly'and at very low costs... M chiefs, we suggest to councils: that ,. if this amalgamation plan gods through that fire departments. should remain as 'separate entities' and retain our own bud- gets as:,per our':individual needs. We do • not want to absorb any `costs from a large er departments ' 'Another concern: we4 as fire ehiefs, - have is -the lack ''of information that the county has given us (mainly, none). This letter has the support of the 43 firefighters of Lucknow and .Ripley. "Districts; ' Peter S teer,: Chief, Lucknow & District Fire Department.: Doug Martyn, Chief, , Ripley -Huron District Fire Department. • Letter polity Letters to the editor must: be signed and include .the author's 'address and telephone. number for verifica- tion purposes.°Letters should he topical and are routinely edited, for length, sty.le.and 'charity. Brief k- ters which make a, point have more impact and stand a better, chance of inclusion. Personal attacks,. con sumer complaints and potentially libelous letters will be rejected.