The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-02, Page 21Page 21 48. Conning Events 4OTH. WEDDING, • ANNIVERSARY The family of Myrtle and . Orland. Irwin :invite you_to join thorn. in celebration of their parents 40th wedding anniversary Saturday, July 5. Dancing, 9 p.m. -1 a.m. at the. Lucknow Legion to Tiffins Orchestra. -27x FESTIVAL QF ARTS ' AND CRAFTS Courthouse Park on the Square, Goderich, Over 180 displays! Friday, July 4 noon - 9,p.m.;•Sat., July'5 10 a.m. 6 p.m.; Sunday .noon"- 6 p.rn. Sponsored ..by Women's Shelter and Counselling Service.,.of. Huron.--27cc, LORETTA LYNN, PRAIRIE OYSTER, GEORGE Fox,. ' - Hank WIilia,rns III, Blue Rodeo. Camping. Aug. 14th, • 15th,. 16th, 17th. Havelock Country Jamboree. • Havelock` 1-800-539-3353. Tickets.--27bc LUCKNOW FARMERS' MARKET Wednesdays 9 to 4, Lucknow Sales Barn; crafts, meat,: produce, breads, all. kinds of homemade baking. For vendors or information call: Ruby MacLennan. R.R 1 `Tiverton, NOG 2T0, ,353 5014. 187.43x. MAJOR JURIED ART AND RE:S W - A HCl S 'Coming soon to:Victoria Park, Kincardine July 5 and 6 to• Marina Park, Port:.Elgin,. July 19 'and 20' to Clangregor Square, hayfield:' August 2 and 3: Phone 1-, :800.214-5855. --23-27c0 SMELTZER/DURNIN • Wedding. ,.reception for Elizabeth•-Smeltzer:and Fred'. Durnin Saturday, July 5, 1997 at the Riplel Community Centre, 9 p'm,. Friends, neighbors and ,vela, '.lives please accept this 'as__ yew -personal 'invitation to the reception to celebrate our s -.ecial.da --27x • 35.. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the • estate of EARL WILLIAM STEVER late of the Township of Kinloss, in the County of Bruce, deceased, who died on.,or about May 18, 1997; • mustbe filed with the under- signed on or before August 15, 1997; thereafter the Executors •of the estate will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then has .'notice. Dated June 17, 1997. c/o CRAWFORD, MILL .& DAVIES, Barrister & Solicitors, • Box 610, • LUCKNOW, Ontario NOG 2110 :-26-28 36. Announcements TOWNSHIP of WEST WAWANQSH -NOTICE The Township Office• will beclosed for holidays' July .7th to 11th July 14, July 1` 7 Aug: 6.7-8-11 Clerk Treasurer Liliane Nolan 38 Auctions 38. Auctions 2 DAY ESTATE AUCTION. SALE This is an Auction for the Estate of Russell & Louise Brindley, 1t.R.#3 Auburn, Ontario: Mrs. Brindley collected ceramics and glassware for over 50 years. 1000's of pieces to be offered so plan to attend. Saturday, July Sth 12th/97 JULY 5"' - FURNITURE & COLLECTIBLES JULY 12'" - CHINA, GLASSWARE, CERAMICS, & COLLECTIBLES 9:00 a.m.. at the Belgrave. Community Centre Approx. 9.Km. South of Wingham on Hwy, #4 in Huron County JULY 5: FURNITURE: Fiat -td -wall cupboards; washstands.; dresser; china cabinets; 9 pc. dining suite dining tables; parlour tables;. small tables; .plant stands; wicker' fern stands; stools; chests; magazine & bill tacks; shelves; varsity;' mirrors; beds; & chairs. COLLECTIBLES: Approx. 50° crocks (Dodds Seaforth Gingerbeer, Brussels Merchariit Jug); birdcages; baskets; oid. flags; oil lamps; tins; graniteware; radios; lightfixtures;* pictures. & frames; toys; games; match safes; kitchen collectibles; tools; old, :hardware; rulers; cameras; .flashlights; pop bottles; milk bottles; sealers; ,.old bottles; violins; rugs;. trivets; irons; cast door stops; books; records; lighters; razors; clocks; butter moulds & paddles; pens; butter churns; postcards; advertising; calendars; railroad items; vases; dishes; figurines; tin trains; approx. 100 cups & saucers; spoons; 100's of .salts & peppe'?s;.. and more. JULY 12: China; glassware; ceramics; pottery; collectibles, GLASSWARE Pressed; Depression handblown; mould blown;. etched; 40's -50's -60's; opalescent; black; Carnival; Vaseline; Hobnail; `milk. glass; End• of Day; animal figures;, covered dishes;' Goofus; Mercury; etc. . PORCELAIN CHINA: English; German; Austrian; Barvarian, Delft; Occupied Japan; Japanese; American; Canadian; Czechoslovakian; Nippon; Noritake; 'Staffordshire; 'Ducal; Royal Winton; Chintz;. etc. , . *CERAMICSi Majolica, Fiestaware; character jugs;, Flowblue; ironstone; figurines; vases; bath sets; cookie jars; etc. :POTTERY: Bennington; ;Moira;Brantford; planters; Bisque; British Royalty .Commemoratives. SOUVENIR CHINA: Goderich; Auburn Blyth; Clinton Seaforth; Formosa; Kincardine; Pt. Clark; Perth Parkhill; Forest; .Sarnia, London;..Heidleburg; New Hamburg; St. Thomas; Leamington; :Whitby; Toronto;, Winnipeg; Vancouver Michigan. -COLLECTIBLES; Motion lamps; 'beadwork; candy. containers –100-s of- cups.,&saiicers;-.salt*-&•.peppers; vases'&_figurines .large: ofd 'ceramic figures; .clialkware glasses Avon; linens;. native' souvenirs, & baskets; Christmas decorations; dolls; crochet; quilts; clothes; purses; dresser accessories; •1,00.`s of souvenir spoons; Silverware; china cabinets.; washstands; .dresser; Gerrard Heinznian piano, small, like new; and more. PREVIEWS:: Friday, July.4, 5r8 pm Friday, July 11, 5-8 pm,,: FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: GEORGE HOY - 519-529-7929 LEN'BRiNDLEY 519-529-73.82 OR- AUCTIONEER BRIANRiNTOUL 519-357-g349 Not responsible for'. accidents or loss of property. TICE RE. SPOT SPRAYING OF .WEEDS This notice is toadvise r esidents ofthe County of Huron` that SPOT SPRAYING OF WEEDS in rural areas •will commence on June 9. 1997, for a period of approxiniateiv 12 to 14 weeks. Herbicides to be used are; AMiTROL T, Registration No. 16548; 'and DIPHENOPROP; Registration No. 15707. To be. :controlled are noxious weeds as per the Provincial.Weed Control Act; This notice compiles witn:Section 68(2) of Regulation 914 under the Pestcidespct.. For further:information, please call the Huron:Cou'nty, Weed at.519-524-8394. • 37'. Mortgages 1'' & 2nd Mortgage Money • • Absolutely No Upfront Fees Available os lovas • 6,50% Interest • Personal Loans If you qualify, payments Amt. ApproX." Mo.,Payment : 5,000. ' •41.66 '10:000'. ' `83.33 '1 S:00o , • '125.0,0 Consolidate your debts Call' (519)363.0211 1.800.3.87=1932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC. Gei ogood' Thing going. Yourself. Sh xssw Olhq,hL Tulde"� _ 38. Auctions AUCTION`REGISTER CONSIGNMENT SALE DAVIDSON. CENTRE FRiDAY,'JULY 18191 If you have something to sell, give vs .a call. Grant •McDonald 395-5353': , Wallace Ballagh _3924178-- Auctioneers LUelznoW Sentinel, Wednesday, July 2,1997 40. Lost/Found FOUND BALL glove. Phone 528-2620 to identify. --27x ULRICH Thomas and Vicky (nee Hackett) announce the arrival of Dylan. Lukas' on.. June 4, 1997 at Grand River Hospital, Kitchener, weigh- ing in at 8 lbs.,. 11 oz. Dylan is the first grandchild for Wayne and Gloria Hackett and Bert and Ute .Ulrich. Proud great grandparents are. Ella Hackett and Milton and Patricia Gutzrnan. --27x PENNINGTON Allan • and Valerie are. pleased to announce the safe arrival of Megan Patricia born June 18, 1997, weighing 5 lbs.; 4 Oz. Proud grandparents are Mary and Reg Brown of Holyrood and Betty and Roy Pennington of Wingham.- Many. thanks. to Dr. Gear and staff at St. Joseph's Hospital. --27 FARRISH Gordon, Mandy and big: • "brother Nathan are proud to • announce the safe . arrival of. Errima Danae Grace on 'June.13, 1.997 at North York General Hospital: Spoiling privileges go to Jean Famish, of Lucknow and 'Linda and Larry Gwynne., of Toronto. -- 27x 4 JEFFERSQN/WARING .:Teresa .: Jefferson and Stephen- Wring • are pleased to "announce the birth of Hayley Julia Waring. Alicia's baby. sister was born on June. 2, 1997 at Grand river Hospital, Kitchener. Proud grandparents are. Don and Wanda Weber, of • .R.R. 2; Lucknow, and, Steve and Debbie Waring of Acton.' .Great grandparents are Jean Henry of Goderich Bill and Joan. Waring .of, Port,' ,Elgin, and-Rotald and Mary McPherson of Brampton. • Great grandmothers are Lillian Heard:of Port'Elgin• • ,and `.'Mary' Facto . of Brampton. Grandpa Bob Jefferson is'Smiling down from'' heaven; --27x 139.Educational LEARN' AUCTIONEEBING. ; Classes held'. .Aug.: 16.22• and Nov. 15-21/97; For information. - Contact: .Southwestern.Ontario, 'School' of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N4.S. 7V9 .(519)537 2115,--27bc ' • COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute. of Canada offers : on-camus and 'correspon- dence courses toward a Diploma in. Counselling' Practice, to begin this, _month. Free . catal_gue,, calf' 24hrs. 1.800=665-7044. 27bc :• 4T. Garda Rif Thanks KEMPTON 1 would like to thank. every - ane for the. many Cards,, flowers, visits and, phone -,cali.s since .having my surgery in London. Thanks: to a dear friend Helen Smith for: providing a home away 'from home for, .;Janet.. Special thanks to pur great family for being there for both of us, Bill--27cc • SNOWDEN/MURRAY We would like to thank the St. Helen's community and the Snowde'n relatives for the showers, thatwere held for us. Thank you to every- one who attended 'and the :. gifts . we received. Everything is greatly appre- ciated. Kern and Clint. --27 • • 47. Cards of Thanks THANK YOU A special thank you to each and everyone who helped in anyway to make our fundraiser for Alzheimers a success, .Special thanks to the reeves, councillor - Paul. and OPP for cooking; The Lions Club, Legion, Kinettes, O.ptirriists, Agriculture Society, Scottish pipers and CIBC Sank in Wingham and. John Kranenburg for their help and generous donations. Also thanks, to our faithful vdlunteers for their support .e', and untiring efforts evry time; Last but not least thanks to everyone who came out for lunch and the strawberry' social, Your sup- port is greatly appreciated. Thanks again for a good community effort. We can nowmake a good donation to Alzheimers; Pinecrest 'residents, management sand staff.. --27 BELL These few words seem most inadequate to express my thanks to my friends, at school, and fn this wonderful. cornmuni,ty, for all your expressions . of friendship and love at the time of my retirement.from teaching. Your "Special -Me" books,' cards, and thoughtful.gifts, have made rainbows in my heart, n Tha . �y . , ys...a girls, for all the lessons' yoU • have .taught erne through the years, on how to become a better.teacher. and.friend ;A very Special'"thank you" to my husband Don, ,and my family, for their, love, under- standing, and; :.pat.ience; . because teaching is a' full time job.: It was: great; to see so manyy of• you at my'' dance. We had a rOckin' good time+. Ruth. :-27 48., Colrtflting'. .'Events BINGO Goderich' Knights of °Columbus, Thursday; 7 p.m. Columbus Centre,, 390 Parson's. Court, $4,7d0 in prizes;p'rogreasive jackpot of . $1000.00; regular • jack- pot. of .$1,250: must go. Lic. #15792,0.-13tfar. • '.BRIDAL SHOWER. You are invited :to a come and .go shower for Corey Hawse, bride-to-be of., Paul Helen, Saturday, July 5, from 2 4 p.m. at, the home of Carol Atkinson, 278 Place Street. --26,27x • STAG 8 DOE Jonathan Nelson • Joan Black 'Friday, .July 1.1,1997 tat Chesley Community Centre Bus leaving Lucknow District Co-op Yard at r__8:39 p.m. Cali 528=5186 if you wish to reserve a seat. • NOTICE Village of Lucknow ' LARGE ITEM GARBAGE PiCK-.UP Saturday, July 0,1997 CONDITIONS No brtish,lawn clippings.or •leaves NCS tires, hazardous ' . wastes,commercial wastes, building materials, batteries, residential. garbage that Should be tagged. Ali appliances with.. Freon must be stamped Freon. Free, Haveyour material out on the curb before 8;00 A.M. We' encourage residents to help themselves to "any ; item, left at. the . curb. Sorrteone's waste may be ;your treasure: Set large Owns out Thurs. & Fri. night for Sat pick-up.