The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-25, Page 117"777•71.!..- Lieeknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 25, 1997 - Page 11 W441:\•,',VAWASWMOSWPOOMAUtt; ,WR.F.Z.Mi.777W:tafF•No•-""'";1;" 7:::":.;K;"" • 7..;:c":27W/A` 31:•)EX 528;2822 01. Articles for Sale 02. Yard Sale 03. Garage Sale 04: Antiques 04a. Crafts 05. Cars'for Sale 06. Trucks for Sale SPORTS & RECREATION '7a. For sale.General '7b., Wanted to Buy 7c. Wanted to Rent 7d. Bicycles 7e. Motorcycles Snowmobiles .• 7g, ReC. Vehicles 7h. Boats, Motors eto, 7J. Service & Parts 714. SviiimminTrtoOls o5. Computers • 10.. Pets ' • • Oa. Horses: " FARM MARKET 11a, For sale General"• 11b. Wanted to BUy 11c. Wanted toHire 11 d Ernpl. Wanted ' lle„LiveStock llf• Farm Produce 11g. Equipment 11h. Services 11j: Farm' Lend 11k. Real Estate 111, Wanted to Rent „ 11 rn, For Rent 12. Real Estate 13 Mobile Homes: 14. Vacations 16. ,For Rent 17. 'Apartments 18 • Houses for Rent 19a. Bed &:"Breakfast 20. FicOm & Board ,. 23. ComMercial 24. ,Wanted•to Rent 25. Wanted to Buy 26. Help VVanted • 27. Wanted General • 28:. Bu,s.inpss ppp.• 29., Tenders ' • • 30. :mpi. Wanted 31.: Service Directory 32. Babysitting 33. Miscellaneous' • , .34. Persdnal 35. • Legal NotiOeS• 36. AnnOunCements 37. Mortgages 38. AudtionS 39. Educational 40. Lost & Found 41. To Give Avvay 42. Obituaries ' • 43. Births Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In.MernOriarrt 47. Card of Thanks 48. Coming Events • irp•-•-••••••=mip RATES AND DATA 1 week- $4.25 • 2 weeks - $7.48 3 weeks .or more - 63.27 each week extra words at .16 each Cards of Thanks .$4.25 for 25 words extra words at :06 each In Memoriam $4.25 + .35 for each Iine of verse Birth Announcement - $10,00 flat tee . 3 + 3 ads $10,59 pre -paid for 25 words extra words at .16 each Thursday Spacial $3.25 for 25 words Must be placed and paid on Thursday Save a $4.00 billing charge by pre -paying G.S.T. not -included in above prices rrffi Call 528-2822 • O • I!, FIN Sale 18" SATELLITE DISHES Starting at $479 cash and carry or With no Money down $1430/month•ly.•We offer over 200:channel's, including •DisneY, HBO, Cinemax, - Discovery, • History, and many more.. • For a no obligation in-house demonstration call A-1 Enterprises; Grand Bend; 1- 800-293-2378.7r24-27Pc • . CONFIDENTIAL TYPING The Lucknow S.entinel does , confidential custom typing for customers, resumes, let- ters etc. We can offer you a number of different print types and sizes, Call our ° office or drop in for more details. ---atfrix 1. For Sale PERCENTAGE BOER •• CRO s% GOATS frorn! Ram H., Breeder"s - well 'bred proven stock. boe'linga $250.00. Papers available. Kerith Farms, Grandview, Manitoba. Phone/Fax: 1- ' 204-846-8133.--26bc . . . . • THREE GLASS cases on • pedestals. 'Perfectfor dis- playing gollectables in your hOme or 'fet - . se5' long, gold Pith with navy velvet displaY. $230 each. Call.5297339, 6 -9 p.m. or weekends. --23tfrike, KRANENBURG'S BUTCHER SHOP 612 Campbell St. LUCKNOW 528-2242 10 Lb. Box Patties 1 99° 2BreaSchnitzel dedPork 99LB THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL urges readers to use cau- tion when sending money. for business opportunities or employment advertise- ments. Be ,Certain you are ' dealingwith a reputable, Company befotereleasing any credit card information or sendindany money.: Remember, it advertise- ment Sounds too good to be true,it probably le.,.,--32itrtx • -STEEL BUILDINGS ' •*: STEEL BUILDINGS FOR .• SALE... Ends included 16 x ,•24$2,480.0.0:. 21 x 30.• $3,760,•00. 25 x 40 • $5,624;00. 32 - "x 44 • $6,835.00:- 34 • $8,360 00 "x • *60 . $9,.988L00. • 46 x. 70. $13,044.00. ' "56 X 90 ,$22,888:00, Others. Pioneei 1-800-668-5422.--26bc. i For Sale GRAY'S PERENNIALS We have hundreds of types of •perennials still in stock.' Large plants, in bloom are dug from the field to create instant flower beds; .FREE , carnation With every ptir- chase. Sling us a sketch of your flower bed and we will help you design a show- piece at no extra charge. Buy the plants that have wintered in Bruce County and tike it! Hours: after 4 p:rn. weekdays andel( day weekends. Location: 3 miles west of Walkertonon the Kincardine highwaY. Call (619) 881-1522. -26cc DOWNRIGGER SPECIAL: Walker electric,downrigger - lifetime warranty $329. Lake • -HUron Rod Gun and•Marine 368-7162. --2548cc THE KIDS SHOP -summer' blow Out salg up to 40% off • storewide; everything must go for neW•fall arrivals.: Check ot:ir,Osh Kosh at .3 5% off, Clothing for tots to, teens. --25,26ar . • USED 8 X .8 POSTS„ 6ft lengths, great for walkways, flower beds, barriyardS, beach walls etc, $3 each, Phone 395-4131. ••7-25tfar' .1\liopsE RIFLES Winchester, Browning, Sako and Tikka. 300-cnags, your • choice $595. Lake Huron ,•Rod , Gun and Marine. •Phone 619-358-7182. --24:. 27cp • • - • I: SUMMER . . • CLEARANCE SALE • . 1. For Sale INTRA' HERBAL BLEND Are you suffering from asth= ,,ma, allergies, arthritis, '10w energy, frequent. colds, high cholesterol, high bloodpres- sure, menopause etc', Try 30 day supply Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. For more information call Marianne Bollinger 529- 7807,. and Linda Hopper 528-2704. --42tfcc - • • CUSTOM FAXING Need to. send or receive a' fax? .The Sentinel does cus- tom faxing:, for oustomers. • Drop in or Call 528,2822 for .distails.• -41tfrix • WEIGHT LOSS New breakthrough Program. Lose the poOnds, you want to lose. No enrollment fee. • No • monthly requirement. Pimple, •cOnvenient,' proven. Complete 'rife °‘vithOut obhg • edam. Marianne Bollinger.' 529-7807;- orLincla•Hopper 528-27a4.,--1•8ffcc STEEL 0111010GB • . FUTURE 'sTEpt..Btikt).- INGp. Durable, Dependable, neeredfAll-Steel Structures.• Custom -Made to .spit. your'. needs and•req.Uirernents. Factory -Direct affordable.. Prices. Call 1-80e-66878653 • ext. 536 Jor :free brochure, - • 'Ur DISH Surntrier !is, here -. and .so are the hot deals from L & A 8puthwest Satellite.: I • Echostar now only $399 - or $13/month 0.A.C. ball 524- 9595 day or night 7-20fcc •THE.LUCKNOW SENTINEL has the following: pappis • available• in Our office 'on Wednesday.' Goderich Signal Star, Kincardine News, Clinton. News. Record, IVlitchell Advocate, Seaforth Huron Expbsitor." •-•-•-16ffnx , • Pkg. of 30 • Tart 49 349. We will be open Monday, June 30th • CASH & CARRY Jim's Smaii Engines Lawn &Garden Etpiipment SALES & SERVICE • POINT CLARK 395-0554 • WHY HAVE. A ,YARD SALE? pail us. We buy it all. Nntiques,' Furniture, Coins, etc. No, fuss - No Muss. cat 519-368:0214. 10tfar. SAWMILL $4895. SAW LOOS INTO BOARDS;. planks, • 'beams. Large capacity. Beat sawmill value anywhere. Free information 1-800-566-6899. Norwood RA, 2, KilWorthy, Ontario POE 1G0.-261:ic THE LUCKNOW• SENTINEL is available at 'the' following locations oUtof town: Htil.yrood General Store, Ripley Superior Market; Daweon's • Store Dungannon; MicNay's Store; Amberley, Triangle Discount, Goderioh; °Brian's Valu -Mart, Winghair McPhee Winghem,•• ' Hart 'Food Mart, Teeswater, . • MacAdam Mini Mart, Flipley, Port Albert,General Store, °and Keith's Repair Seek/16e; Whitechurch. -9tfnx WOODSTOVE PIRE- PLACE glass, will not break from heat. Cut to any Site or shape.' The Chimney Sweep's-StOve Parlor & Gallery inc. 368-5274. 41tfnbcprix • 1 For Sale SALES OF guaranteed reconditioned appliances; 'repairs and service to all • makes; purchasing and pick up of used appliances; parts new and use. Call Ted at ' AFFORDABLE APPLIANCE REPAIR 395-4842, --:25-29k • WOODS' FACTORY sec- onds dehumidifier from $169. Call Pollock Electric, Ripley 395.2982. •••-23tfar • BEAUTIFUL HANDMADE craft items for sate: Pictures, 'cicicks, bird house and morel For•a complete Catalogue, please call 524- 1867. -22-24,25-27ga Pick up your copy of THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL at any of the folltiwing • ,,Lucknow • businesses Beckers Milk, Belt's Discount, Lucknow Village ,Market„ Rx Central, Lucknow, HJ Used Cars • ••• and Annie's' Gas • Bar, and , Hamiltbn Fuels •-52tf' • •. •• • NEED A RESUME? • Professionally prepared, . laser printed on quality :paper. $15.00 for 5 Sets " We, keep your resume on file in case you need changes or 4pciti•is at a later data -Call us or drOP. in for details. :The Lucknow Sentinel, 528-2822--04:tfnx • DISH BLOW OUT 75 channels including 7 Movie channels (total choice'package) free ,for.,1 year $795 cash and,carry'ar $975 installed, no mainte- nance fee, takes included. This is a clearance ot last Years stock: Limited time • • offer.,When they are gone • - weWill not match our com- petition, we willbeat them.. 'Sd Tech.529-1.026. -•;11tfcc • • ' ONE YEA A OLD laying • hens. Please call 524 4908. Leave Message, • , • • • 2. Yard Sale YARD SALE, Saturday; June 28; 7:30 a.m.'- 3:3p ITI Corner Ross and Willoughby,Lucknow. Home baking, windows, STEEL BUILDINGS A -Z PR -ENG BUILDINGS INC. Farnt Storage; corn,' Mercial industrial. New Types, Steel/Viood, quonset, Cladding, *For true value, action and aniwers- Wally ,(416) 626,-1794, fax (416)626-5512. FREE brochure. CL1P-SAVE.- 26bc ' • • • toys, books, bikes,. cash register, trib, strofteiS: --26x 3. Garage Sale GARAGE SALE - Saturday, June 28th, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2 1/2 miles West of LucknOw on Hwy. 86. Clean, like new household items, country collectibles, 'bodies, big bargains! --26 • • . . ,