The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-25, Page 8Page 8 — Luckntow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 26,• 1997 Jan's alloy of fists aft Studer ^� Paintings •-► Oil, ,Acrylic & Water Colour -by Lagace *ART SUPPLIES «PORCEL,A,IN DOLLS *TEDDIES •SILK GARMENTS, *UNIQUE GILTS FOR HORSE LOVERS & much more 26 Jame' St. TIVERTON 3684806 - OPEN • Mon,,9-12; Wed, 10-9 Thurs, 9-3; Fri. 2-9; Sat, 2-6 Sun. by appt. •or chance TIVERTON DENT[TR15T 30 Plus Years Experience Horst Feige C.D.T. & D.D. Denture Specialists. Ron Feige D.D. & H.A.D. 'O 4.. S.`1. or SALES TAX. X DEI. T RE MANUFACTURER + DIRECT 'WINE PUBLIC No Charge for.Consultalon or E1►ailuation. ' W . • DEtNTURES • REPAIRS • RELINES All°denture work is done in a Denturists" Dental Laboratory on the premises 58 West Street, Goderich (across from Culbert's Bakery) Beside the Chiropractor 58 We' St., Goderich 9 524-6688 HEARING AID & DENTURE CLINIC The Kinloss Kairshea Women's Institute•. cele - 1 brated their 50th anniversary witha pot luck dinnerlast week, Members include, from the left, back row: Una Matthews, Betty Finlayson, Maimie Roulston, Alice Doelman, Alice Ritchie, Irene Haldenby, Gladys Johnston Muriel MacKenzie, Ruth Langen, Elizabeth, Pickle, Aitene Bradley, Roely Vander Klippe, and Vera Schmidt. Front row: June . Gilchrist, first vice president; and charter members Ann MacDougall, . Marion. MacKinnon,. Elsie Houston .and Margaret Mowbray; and president Donna McBride. (Livingston photo) Kairshea is 50 years youn June Gilchrist was the hostess at the Anglican church hall on June 19 for the 50th anniversary of the Kinloss Kairshea Institute with ' 19 ,members and six visitors present. Everyone LVCKNOW DISTRICT • COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO Sunday, June 29th Saturday,•June 28th Christina Todd and - Scott Macrarlene. Wedding CALL' 528-3429 9a.m-5p ome oin us Jun th th IZ. v. • off Baby .. i fashions FREE DRAWS Gift" Certificates' 1 -$2500 2nd :- 15..00 3rd",510.00 Many, Many More 1n -Store $pedal r.r. :imr LUCKNOW abourite off ' Placeimats .,' 528-3016 enjoyed a bountiful smor- gasbord dinner with color- ful flowers in gold and purple decorating the hall and tables the, Institute. June Gilchrist .had made the beautiful anniversary cake. Pout of alae:"chartered' members - • 'Ann MacDougall, Margaret Mowbray, Elsie Houston. and Marion MacKinnon, i were present'. Each of` these members reminisced briefly on memories from theseearly years. The rollcall was answered when each ;member told who her • FO.rrelZs have u.eists-faun • Pietjie Kragt of :Prince George, B,C; Ingrid Callaghan' of Surrey, B.0 and Marlene Godfrey vis- ited with Tim and Fran ''Farrelland familylast week, Christina Farrell is. starting her summer vaca- tion oft' :at • the 4-H Leadership Camp • Kwafinda. Carmen Farrell • .is enjoying a canoeing expe- •clition; in the Dorset area, with the Chaimer's-;Youth. Groups Fin and fellowship were enjoyed at the bar benne'. at. St,-, Andrew's United. Church in Ripley tin Sunday 'afternoon,. 'there was a great turnout and `pit was a great success for its first Year. '• Sympathies are extend.- ed xtend.edto Marie MacDonald and family. on .the passing oaf Jim.'MacDonald last Week: • Congratulations to Rev. Vinda:and• Jim Wilke on their 40th' wedding' anniversary. Friends gath- ered at the manse.Saturday afternoon • to Celebrate at an open. house. ; Congratulations to:. Paul.. MacDonald and Christine Goodhue who are .now *experiencing •wedded bliss 'after their marriage on,. Saturday., Cheryl Stephenson has been visiting with 'Marj Thompson this past week,. Maureen and Roy Collins and. family enjoyed a visit from Maureen's parents, Peg and Sint. . Green :and Amanda Carroll, Maureen',s niece • Recent visitors :'with Deanna and Morley Scott:. were Betty Helm:: and` Elizabeth .and. Harvey Nicholson. Dinner , guests this ' past Week: were Audrey: arid Edward Linnen of Goderich ;and Joyce Linner of Manitoba, On Wednesday, Anne McCosh, Currie ::Colwel l • and Mary Anne Kukoly travelled to London *to enjoy a belated 50th wed- ding .anrnversary -celebra 'tion with Rita and'Roy Webster. • Thursday' evening. Roberta and Jack. Denny, of ,Arth.Ar visited. with their relatives Anne • and Dick McCosh and Mary .tonne Kukoly. ' ' Grade 8 graduation cel- ebrations were held Thursday evening at "the • Ripley School: •Congratulations to' all our graduates and to Derek Moulton•, who was valedic- . torian.. , Friends andrelatives gathered Sunday: afternoon at the Community Centre-. in celebration of Bonnie Boyle's birthday. Bonnie is home for vacation from her missionary workin St. Kitts, West Indies.' • Leo and Joan Richard of • Oshawa spent .the weekend with Wilda and it r ey Thompson. Sunshine Sister had been, Then followed "Show and Tell,,, ' Alice Ritchie and Shirley Downie won the. lucky chair prizes. 'Irene Haldenby gave the courtesies; Arid the • evening:closed with 9 Canada. ' o. . s— e hot Excellent, goal tending by Caitlin Hamilton, B.J, Mayer, ,Torben- Nielsen and Buddy Chamney was instrumental' in the Atom:. soccer team defeating the. Goderich Kinsmen'.3 to O. on June 3: •• Goals were by Cory Hamilton (2) and: Ricl ard- Elliott. .• O,n•June10,.`the teat: lost a close o:ne:3 to, 2 ::• .when they Came up against 'the Wi•ngham• •, Blizzards.. Lucknow started strong,' with a two goal lead, both • • from Shea Hanii;lton, but 'W.ingham came.on strong. • in the second half with three quick goals, Stephanie' Morrison made:her: 'goal keeping debut and proved her wor_ thy, by blocking a penalty shot, -:Ryan Brink and 'Tyler' Nicholson, provided excel_ lent:defence on full back. On lune '17, Lucknow' did the destroying in this • game when they hosted the Clinton Destroyers at Brookside school. • ' It was an easy 7 to 3 victory With 'goals by Richard Elliott' (2), Cory Hamilton' (4, Buddy. Chamney (2) and Torben Neilsen. Strongoffensive assis,. tance cajne • from Hamish • Black, 'Ashton `Chamney' and Angie. Bell.