The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-25, Page 7Municipalitics. will play role in county c rkf r It includes employment ities • will have to provide • support services, job ' "meaningful Work" that placement and volunteer gives. welfare.recipients a community service'cona- chance to learn skills ponents. • through volunteer commu- "Our challenge to all nity service. the•reeves and all the Iona- . ' "I am requesting that 'nullities is - it's our pro- each municipality repre- ject, We need everybody. sented here today partici- involved to make it work," pate in this program." Verrips told the June ses- Verrips,; said community sion of .county council. He service involves 70 hours said that means municipal- *please turn to page 14 by Pat Halpin Social servicescom- missioner Dick Verrips, says municipalities will.. have .a role to play in Bruce county's version of workfare. Verrips said the coun- ty's Ontario Vtkirks, which is pending provincial, approval, will be a new way of providing welfare. and employment services. Quiet', filed with emotion by Pat Livingsto Fraught with strife and emotion, Quiet in -the Land portrays an old .order r Amish community held together by its strict moral ' beliefs, -German ancestry and pacifism. However, if you immerse yourself in the play, one • can take the general conflict found therein an d. rel ate' to it. The story ' revo.lves. around two families, the. Baumans arid the Brubachers, during the. days of World War I. David Fox as, Christy Baurnan, the .stern elder in tlle;,.commuanity, plays a,, the than sheloves. powerful role as the wid- 4 I Kirsten Van Ritzen, ower whose rebellions son ' who plays Kate's mom Lydie, provides humorous relief, appearing to•be a bit flighty, but really is a wise- woman. isewoman: Quite in the Land 'is filled with a wide variety of personalities, some in conflict with eacIi' other, some understanding the Yock challenges his father and his beliefs. Christy"s pride brings him much • pain and sorrow. Yock ( Barna lyforicz), struggles with his o*n beliefs and in a .maj.oi blowup with his father decides•to leave the cornother's view point while' munity.. He begs, Kate others refuse to do so. Brubacher ,. '(Sharon If you didn't see it.when Bernbaum) to come, with . it premiered •at :Blyth in. him,.but Kate's "need of .19$1, don`t miss ,it this the' church and my own: time around. Quite in the people" are so strong that Land plays in.repertory. she refuses to' leave with,, until July 25, Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 25, 1997 -- Page 7 Best GIC Rate C.50% a yrs as of June 23197 A,.-. INVESTMENTS 524.2773..Godertoh 1.800.265-5543 IIA r701111 Saturday, June. 28th Ban - fpm . All Morning rancatrs & Samagrs �nCrrtainmrnx] 11:30-1D0 • - ;x.30.11:30 lemmin wkfi Nt Main" refry Misr y 414.91G111 Mouony Nyland Games with ChlIAmes theatre rim optimist Gr,th MMnr,wr. Pro for 6ntertilnment :. OiZP.150� w DEBBIE$ coun4,ry (vlMr��Ec Afar* Farm. Adwntwr tNel Ht.y #E luaknow 928.2900 SMELTZERIDURNIN' Elmer and 'Marianne Smeltzer are pleased t0' announce the forthcoming marriage Of ' their 'daughter. Elizabeth .:Mabefe:'to .Frederck iJames 'Duran son of Mike and Betty Wu Dalton, and. the late Donald DuMin. sat iuiy 5th ;3:30, pm at Pine' River •Untted:BChurdh . Reception to :follow Ripley Community Centre. 9.pm GIVE MEOjA�jN '.. • 'A - 1�L Cwo. March is. Kidney Month. Please give generously, • . TteIaiterFousura,orr :. oses.NADA . David Pox as Christy Bauman and Sharon Bernbaum as Katie Brubacher in a scene from the Blyth Festival's 1997 production of the award-win- ning Quite ward-win-iiaing'Quite in. the Land. Announcement Wayne and Kathryn: Todd would like tp announce the `forthcornIrt.g' marriage 'of' their daughter, 'Christina, to. Scott, MacFarlane, son 'of Murray'. and Helen MacFarlane, on Saturday, „June 28, 1997• at Luctknow • United Church; An ope. n reception will follow 'at the . Lucknow Community Centre at 9:00. Everyone welcome: Happ Anniversary Myrtle and 'Orland lrwin The . family, of Myrtle and O'rlarid 'Erwin invite .you ito join them in celebration of their parents' 40th Wedding Anr''iversary Saturday, July 5th:. Daneing.9 - 1 at the Lucknow. Legion to Tiffins Orchestra: MEMORIAL DESIGNING ,.. OUR SPECIAi„TY... Est. since 1903 3 Durham St ,•Y1laikerton Large. Display of Monuments& Markers For more information call Sam,or Grant 881-0234 1-800-634-8804 ppirinj 5001AntilveroaN 1947;11997 MICKEY & VERNA . MARSHALL of R.R. 4, Kincardine , . (formerl); of Listov,fel) will.•celebrete their. 50th. Ariniversary on June 28th. • Love & Sett Wilhes 'Muth & Dad frcim Famiiy; Grandchildren &' I t' Great Grandchild, Kayla Narita , WacVougatl graduated May 28;1997 train the University. of'Yl7aterloo with an ,lfonours 8achelar of Science- degree ciencedegreeiu Xlnesiology Morita is the daughter -of Sharon , 311an..7 (acVougall ,;Moritaplans to attend the. University ofiVindsor this fall re? obtain a Bachelor of LducatIon degree. • • Cvngtatulattansjfarlta from your fam/ly." THEATRE: KINCARDINE 396-3250 JUNE. 27.& 28'at'7 & 9:15 pm- JUNE ;29 to JULY 3' at 8 peri. CDM pC3B114 me lLucknOw Lions Club . ,may 1�" /44; d .`tit cid % • e 1/44 IL4 2 Sham $11,000. Guaranteed $10,000 in Prize Money Sunday, July 6,1997 Secure your seat by advance purchase met ',nuttier. BINGO STARTS 7 00 P.M. DOORS OPEN 0:00 pm. AT THE LUCKNOW ARENA Yucca linrriit r,rrM' Admixes Tickets Coil 1•141Este• Mows We SPINAL ONSTER 000