The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-18, Page 8Page 9 -- Luckuow Sentinel WeduesdaY, June 18, 1997 1 Crary closure is a mistake by Pat Halpin Wi:arton says Bruce county is making a mis- take by imposing a two- week shut down of the county library system in July. "The library board, this county and the province are going inthe wrong direction," said Wiarton Reeve Rick 'Gilbert about funding cuts that forced a shut •down to balance the library budget. "We shouldn't cut back if we're 'going to keepµ libraries." The decision to close all libraries in the, county for two weeks was approved in the county budget to compensate for reduced: provincial grants. Those grants are expected. to disappear entirely in 1998. Library board chair Tom Boyle said. the ti'rning .of the shut down was made after .consultation with staff, who will take the time off without pay. "They didn't pick those two weeks to lie around at. the beach because they won't have the money to do that," Boyle said about the temporary layoff, • Kincardine reeve Norm Annetts echoed Gilbert's concerns. "It•is the busiest time for the Kincardine library," he said, . ' Annetts admitted tourists and cottagers account. for the increase in library use in the summer. • But tourism iii our sec- ond biggest industry," he, remindedcouncil. e4, ; "There is a. `felt; of OM - petition for tourism dol- lars. If we don't address, this we're going to lose out to Simcoe, Wasaga .and Lambton. • Boyle rejected Annette suggestion, that future. shut -downs should be scheduled during . the. Christmas and' March breaks., "Students need the library ,at. Christmas break," he.said, Boyle suggested patrons can stock pp onbooks to carry them over the July shut- down. "We didn't think it would jeopardize the sys- tem all that much," Boyle said. Boyle reminded council the 'library board presented two draft budgets, one of which did not include a shut down, He admits the. board "took a some flack" for the shutdown, but he reminded council the option is the result of a. county funding decision. "We should evaluate what we want and what we need," he said about the county library system. "Under restructuring to eight municipalities, souse of: those libraries could be considered to.. be jeopar- dized." bj In his annual report to council, Library director Marzio Apolloni' . said provincial, funding cuts have .already shown up as a decrease in library use. Apolloni said the cuts .. mean fewer new books and "a direct negative impact on use". He pre- dieted the trend will con- tinue as book•pri'ces rise sand library budgets fall. Figures show circula- tion dropped from 512,171 items in 1995 to498,992 last year, Apolloni said the. decrease is due to the, cut 'in book buying budgets and the closing of branch- es ,in Elmwood and Allenford. • On the pitive side, Apolloni said the county library system'will expand the type of information it offers by making more use - ofinternet access and by developing partnerships with school boards: • or •HIP OF ICSH Financial :statement For the Year Ended December 31,1995 TOWNSHIP OF ASHF7ELD' CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,1996 BUDGET ':ACFUAL ACTUAL .1996`. -` 1996.. .'1995 TOWNSHIPQF ASIFIELD. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS. YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31:,1.996.' • BUDGET 'ACTUAL 1996 • 1996 APPLIED. TO: Current' Operations General..government Fire (Note 3) Conservation authority Protective inspection and control Roadways ' Street lighting ` Waterworks system Garbage collection • Garbage disposal •. Health services (Note 3). Parks and recreation (Note 3) Municipal.drains' ' Pit rehabilitation Capital Arena Phase II Roadways Garbage disposal • Municipal drains Total' funds expended for the year Net appropriations to reserves and reserve funds (Note 7) • MUNICIPALFUND BALANCES, -end of or user chargee (Note 6) Capital operations not yet ` • ' ' $164,100. 20,000 15,535 5,500 455,000 , 2,000 6,500 22,160 38,500 2,000 30,800 20,650 752,745 $179,725_ 15,306 • 15,535'. ,4,227 454;703' 1,363. 4,524 19,658 28,681 26,336 23,308 773,366 154,400 114,242 " 45,000 • • 199,400 982,145• year, To be used.to offset taxation permanently • ° financed (Note 6) TOTAL APPLICATIONS FOR THE YEAR 5982,145 11,783 ACTUAL` 1995 $160,684 17,531 ` 15621 3,847 :... ' 476,000 1,160 5,270 10,453 22,032 • 26,624 :. 16,503 4,217 759,942 ' 101},000 265,019` 10,904 50,457 16,025 . ' 426,380 899,391 1;186,322.. 67,511 38,741 (11,795) 26,946 $99 SOURCES OF FINANCING: Taxation and user charges Residential„ and farm:;taxation Commercial, industrial and ' business taxation Taxation from other. government Telephone levies.' Waterbillings. Licences and permits Fees' and service charges Municipal: drainage charges Grants Government of Canada province of :Ontario $2,384,046 • $2,387;711 82,043,633 ::111,778 111,979. - 133,531 2,691 -'. 2,481 2,691. ' 26,864 31,199 26,864 ' 6;000 6,426 ., ' 6,450 9,000 ' 17,343 12,189 71,920, 91;580_ 39,583..:' 18,437 11,767 10,855 2,630,736 2,660,486 2,275,796 29,037 429,680 414,299 446,977 • 429,680 414,299. "Other • Municipal. capital drainage collections 40,891 Penalty and interest on taxes 27,169 Development 'charges ' Severancefees' Investment income . 4,000 28,579 38,233 , . • .1,500' 1,000 . 7,644, 476,014: 38,996 . 42'83,0 . 11,120. .72,060 . • 76,956 92,946 .MIN 0011.11••i•. • Total funds raised for the year' . . ' 3,132,476 ' 3,151,741 • 2,844,756 • Deducts amounts received or receivable for county and schdol boards (Note 2) 2,140,207 2,147,769 1,819,219 1,025,537 Net appropriations from reserves and 767 (Note..��_ ,. 93,551 ... reserve funds 7) MUNICIPAL. FUND BALANCES.- beginning of year •To -be recovered from taxation or , ' . (10,891)' ' user charges (Note 6) 767.. ' ' 767 57,189 992,269 1,003,972 Capital operations•not yet permanently financed (Note 6) (10,891) TOTAL FINANCING AVAILABLE FOR THE YEAR (10,891) (104 4) (10 ,124) • $982,145 $99,84$ (79). �� 57_110 61;176,198