The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-11, Page 15Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June U, 997 Page 15 "'"VZSMIMMASSIMMUMMI.„‘"ASUMATAVAMMUMMOW4MIMMO,,'" VRIMMWMAIM,WAVAVAMMIWANNAMISMOZOWSWArya,:it•Marair702FAM1P' NO CLASSIFIED 528..2822 01. Articles for Sale 02. ,Yard Sale 03. Garage Sale 04. Antiques 04a, Crafts 05, Cars for Sale' 06. Trucksfor Sale SPORTS & • RECREATION 7a. For sale General 7b.. Wanted to Buy 70, Wanted to Rent • 7d. Bicycles • 7e. Motorcycles • 7f, SnoWmobiles • •.7g. Rec. Vehicles 7h. Boats, -Motors etc, 7J. Service & Parts 7K. Swimming Pools • 08, Computers 10: Pets • 1004 Horses FARM MARKET 11a. For sale General •11b.. Wanted to 'Buy 11c, Wanted to klire 11d. EMpl. Wanted 11e. Liveatock . in Farm Produce - , 11 g,.Equiprrient 11h. Services • • 11j, Farm Land 11k. Real Estate 111: Wanted to Rent • 11m: 'For Rent . 12. Real Estate 13. Mobile Homes 14: Vacations 16: F.Or Rept• • •17.. Apartments. 18. Houses for Rent 19a. Bed & Breakfast 20. Room & lBbard. 23. Commercial 24. Wanted to Rent 25. Wanted to Buy :•• •26. -Help Wanted 27. Wanted General • 28. E3usihess Opp 29.. Tenders 30. Empl.•Wanted SI. Service 'Directory.. 32. Babysitting 33. Miscellaneous 34. Personal' • 35: Legal Notices 36. • Announcements 37. Moitgages • 38. Auctions 39. Educational 40. Lost & 'Found 41. To Give Away'' 42. Obituaries, 43. Births , 44. Engagements 46. Marriages MemOriam 47. Card of Thanks 48. Coming Events RATES AND DATA 1 week $4.25' 2 weeks - 3 weeks or more - $3.27 each Week • • extra words -at .16 each. Cards of Thanks -'$4.25 for 25 words' 4 • •• extra words at .06 each • In MO1100011 $4.25 + .35 for each line of verse Birth Announcement - $10.00 flat fee • 3 + 3 ads - $10.50 pre -paid for 25 words extra words at .113 each Thursday Special $3.25 for 25 words Wet be placed and paid on Thursday Save a-$4.00 billing charge by pre -paying G.S.T, not included in above prices • 111111.1.1111/MA iip 111111.1. C411 528-2822 51 1. For Sale.' : 18" SATELLITE DISHES, Starting at $479 cash and carry or with no Money down $I4.80/rnonthly. We "offer over 200 channels,. inclUding. Disney,. HBO,. ,Discovery, History, and many more: For a no obligation in-house demonstration call A-1 Enterprises, Grand E4end,,1,* 800-29342376. *--24.*27cd CONFIDENTIAL TYPING • : The Lucknow Sentinel does. confidential Custom typing' for 'customers ; resumes, let- ters etc. We can offer yciu a number of different print types and sizes. Call our office oi; drop. in for more details. --8ffpx PERENNIALS ' FOR. Sale -• a Wide seiection from large mature garden. Also 4" pots started 'in, Jan A few herbs •" and Negetables. Annual' :such :as Petunias from Western Butcharts "Special Seeds. Phone,526-3601 Perennial Pleasures. . FARM IzIESH asparagus weather permitting: MacKenzie Farms, Judy 395-5140 for inquiriee or • orders. -22-24 • • • USED 8 X 8 POSTS lift lengths, great for walkways, flower beds, barnyards, • beach walls etc. $S each. Phone, 3954131. --22-24ar ' . • ,„ N. „Len- ,. • Weddiiig Equipment. Rentals. Candelabra, Wedding Arch, Arbor. • Table Linens, -Flora• l, -- and mor.. 'leather 31cC9ncliey •5244190 • For Sale • 'WEIGHT'LOSS ' New breekthrOugh PrOgram. Lose the pounds you want •to lose/No enrollment fee. No monthly requirement. , Simple, convenient, proven. •Complete info without oblig- atihn.:Marianne Bollinger 529-7807,, or Linda -Hopper 28-2704. ,--1.8tfcc. •' , 30 - a" x 2" SPRUCE 12'. long,. Bench type drill ores!, ,black tool' box •full size, bug deflector for .1/2 ton truck::: Phone 52842707. J -24x • ' 1. For Sale THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL • is available at the following • locations out, of town: Holyrood General Store; Ripley Superior Market; Dawson's " Store; Dungannon; MacNay's • Store, Amberley; Triangle Discount, Goderichz Brian's • Valu -Mart, Wingham • .MoPhee IDA, VVingham, Hart Food Mart, Teeswater, • MacAdam Mart,. Ripley, Port Albert General Store, and Keith's Repair Service; Whitechurch. --9ffnx WOODSTOVE & FIRE- PLACE glass,. will not break from heat. Cut to any size or shape. The Chimney Sweep's ;StoVe Parlor .& Gallery Inc-, 368-6274. -- • .41ffnbcpnx • 18" DIGITAL SATELLITE Starting at $499. Cash and •cern,/ or.W/No money .down $17.1 i monthly. Save time and money with a no oblige- " tion, in-fidnite dernonstra- tiOh'. 'We' will beat .any and all our competitors, Call col - .it 519-238-5128., --23ticc: 1. For Sale 10 FOOT SATELLITE dist), Drake receiver; excellent condition; Woods 22 cubic • foot freezer, excellent 'condi- tion. Call 528-3345. --24,28 WOODS FACTORY seconds dehumidifier from $169. Call Pollock Electric,• . Ripley 395-2982. -23tfar BEAUTIFUL HANDMADE craft items, for sale. Pictures, clocks, bird house and more! For a complete • catalogue,:piease call 524- . 1867, --22-24,25-27cc • Pick up your copy of THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL at 'any • of • the, following Lucknow businesses: . Beckers Miik, Beff's Discount, Lucknow Viliage Market, Rx Central, Lucknow HJ Used • Car • and Annie's Gas Bar, and," Hamilton Fuels. ,-52tf • THREE GLASS cases on • • pedestels.. Perfect for dis- playing collebtables in your, home :or for retail use, 5' 109; gold trim with navy; velvet display. $230 each. • .• cao 52e-7339; 6 - 9 p.m. or weekend!. -723tfroce • ADULT ENTERTAINMENT. Order the best videos by mail•and pay lee!' FREE video offer! FREE cata- logue, Confidential HMC Video; 4840 Acorn 11-201, 1NTRA7HERBAL BLEND. Are you suffering 'from 'astti- • Ma, allergies, 'arthritis, lOw energy, frequent colds, high. cholesterol; high blood pres- sure, menopause etc Try STEEL-BUiL,DINGS -guaranteed, or your - ' back. 'For more inforrnation, • 30 day supply Satisfaction FUTURE STEEL. BUILD- •1NGS. Durable, Dependable, , Pre-engf :neeredi AH -Steel Structures; Custom made to suit your needs and requirements Factory4.Direct,affordable prices. co 1.4007668-8653 ext. 536 for free brochure.-- 24bc - • • •THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL • urges. readers' to use cau- tion when sending money • for business opportunities or empioyment advertise- ' Pt -tents. Be certain you are dealing with e reputable dempany before releasing any credit card information • or , sending any money, Remember, if an advertise- ment sounds too goocito be true, it probably is. -!-32tfnx STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL 131.11LD'INGS•FOR SALE... Ends included. 16 x • 24 $2,988.00: 21 x30 $3,740.00. 25 x 40 • $5,624.00, 32 x'.44' $6,835.00. 34 x 56 • $8,360.00. 40 x 60 • $9,988.00. 46 .x. 70 $13,044.00. 56 x 90 $22,888.00. Others. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422 --24bc money. • call Marianne Bollinger 529- 7807; and Linda Hopper 523-2704. --42tfcc • CUSTOMFAXING Need to send or receive a fax? The Sentinel does cus- tom faxing for customers. Drop in or call 626-2822 for' • details, -41tfrix • .• • 18"DISH BLOWOUT 75 channels including. 7 'movie Channels (total choice package) free for 1 • year $795 bash and. Carry or' $975 installed, no maintenance fee,. taxes included. This iS a clearance of list years stock. Limited time, offer.,When they are gone we will not match our COM- • petition, We will beat them. SC Tech 529-1026. --11tfcc poYs SIZE' 18 double • breasted suit, wont once for graduation. •Phone 528- 3635.i-19-21 22-24nk MOOSE RIFLES • Winchester, Browning, Sako • and Tikka. 300-mags, your choice $595. Lake Huron Rod. Gun • and Marine. .Phone 519-368-7182. --24, 27cc • • Montreal, Quebec ,H4C 1L6.--24bo- THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL has the following ,papers available in. Our office on Wednesday. Goderich Signal Star; .Kincardine • News, . Clinton . News Record; Mitchell Advocate, Seaforth Huron ExpOSitor. -716tlnX, WHY HAVE . A YARD • SALE? Call ue.:We bUy it • all. •Antiques., Furniture, Coins, etc. No fuss -No .Muss. CatI 419-363,0213. 10tfar • ' • NEED A REsymE? • ProfessionallY prepared,: laser printed on quality • paper. $15.00. for 5 sets • We keep your resume on 'file 'in case you• need changes orupdatta at a later *date. Call us or drop. in • for details. The Lucknow Sentinel, 526-2822-104ffnic Point in the , Right Direction • 4 Antiques KATHLEEN MILLARD Antiques & Collectable!, •opening June 7 , 96 Penetangore • Flow, • Kincardine (acrossfrom soccer field), 519-396-2094. Something for everyone. -- 24;24cc ' S.. Cars 1977 JAGUAR XJS. For ale. Make an offer. Call 519-528-5853. -22-25xc • • EARL'S AUTO PARTS LTD. RR 1., Kincardine • CASH FOR CARS Phone 395-2947 Lucknow &RipIty 6. Trucks 1991 FORD RANGER XLT.. Black cap; box liner, loaded, excellent conditionCaII 528-3345. 7-24,25 7e. Motorycles 1984 ATV 4 wheeler Honda 200: Excellent running con- dition $2,000. Call 524- 4/67. -23-24nxe ..• ',70! nee.. •• •.• .1995 HAR.DTOP' COLE- MAN trailer, sleeps 9, fur- nace, add -a -room; set up in Port,.Eigin; as new $5;000 or best offer. Phone 529-, • 3164.7-21-23,24-264: • 1980.GOLDEN FALC.01<1;.' •35 ft.. 1.twing:out, air Condi; Honer, furnished. PhOne 357-3246. --22-24; 25-27nx •., SIBERIAN HUSKY, CKC registered, female, healthy, copper, andwhite, blue eyes, great mom, going into 4th heat soon, Must sell, $500. Call 528-2797 leave message. --24x I'M A PUREBRED yellow, neutered male Lab, 7 years o 'Id, looking for a loving home, great with children, • good farm dog. FREE. 10a. Horses ONE YEAR OLD Arabian Filly. light chestnut, halter broke, good temperament, asking $1,400. Cali 357- 1967.--24x of