The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-04, Page 161. Page 16 - Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Arne 4, 1997 „spartImm Kintail Over 100 Squirts School in soccer league restoration sLucXnow • began their season on May , Opthnist who sponsored a TheLucknow S qui rts u Pport of the at the Kinsmen Soccer Mosquito team, Cliff's field. The energy level Plumbing and Heating was high As 44 junior sponsored a Pee Wee squirts divided into six team, and Knechtels spon- teams to play from 6;30 to sored an Atom team ,as 7:30 and 61 senior squirts well as B Kool. play 7:30 to 8:30. These All travelling, teams soccer players aged four to will play a 10 game:schecl- eight can be seen every ule wrapping up with. a Tuesday evening. at the weekend tournament in above times until the end . July or August depending . of July. You will be sur- on the team. • prised at these young ath- This program could not fetes abilities run smoothly if not for the Oer 250 la ers have Lhelp of our 16 coaches in egistered for v,pyucknow the travelling league and • r . soccer this year a definite many parent volunteers at l increase over lathe squirt ever. st year. Good luck to all. the . With three more travel- „ teams. Remember it's not ling teams this year 'and how you start your season several sets of uniform it's how you finish, needing to be replaced, it Dribble it, trap it, cross it, left us short on uniformshead it, pass it, KICK We .are grateful for the 11' soccer Track & field champs • face off on June 14 • Five hundred athletes from, the county's elementary schools will compete in 54 different events at the June ' 14 track andfield ChainPionships.,This meet will show- case the top three athletes in each event from each of the county's .five athletic regions: North Bruce, South West , Bruce . South East Bruce Lakeshore and Central. Bruce The opening ceremonies take place at•9:30 a.m, -at the project begins If you are looking for a Wayto join a ftin- loving group while contributing to the Coln- -munity. at the ,same time, then come to the next ,work bee at Kintail School on Highway- gl north, • On the Victoria Day long weekend, about 20 volunteers •spent.. the holiday wielding Masonry hammers and chipping mortar off century old bricks from Kintail School The weather was wet and Cold, but an enthusias- tic group of supporters, some from .as far away as Guelph, Whitby and .Goderich, came out anyway, because after two years of fund raising and planning, they could finally begin phase one of the reconstruction project Contractor Torn Shiflett,' who is donating his expertise to oversee -the restoration of the south wall of.Kintail School, had braced the wall inside the school to stabilize during *reconstruction. After his initialexamination, he stated hewas pleased with how well the school is built; 'the joists are solid and the building is well tied together. In 1893 our forefathers must have pre- ferred working with bricks to wood, as they used three rows of bricks in the construction of the school. Volunteers •••involved in the May 17 work bee estimate • they . cleaned about 1,200 bncks of the 10,000 that com- prise the wall. The 'workers finished the.day tired, but happy 'with the community spirit and sense of accoMPlishment. • . • For inforraatiOn • on this project, contact Yvonne .Sinnett at 529-7288, Bonnie Kuik 529-3163, or Marion'MacLennan 395-5351. • , 1 Davidson Centre, Kincardine, and will include a march ' ' in of athletes and coaches who will be led by pipers and • , A group of volunteers 'began the arduous task of , restoring kintall School on the May long week end The project started three years agO. 'the color party Of the Royal Canadian Legion. Paul Martindale, director of education, will formally open the games. • Awards will be presented through the day, with the regional team.championship declared at 3:30 p.mat the close of the meet - • • o les have and 0 recon The Rookie ball team is participating in the WOBS, houseleaguesouth division this summer. The team plays against Listowel 1 and II, Mitchell and II, and Goderich. .their first three games of the season the team has a 3 -.0 record. The Rookies have collect-. ed their wins by outscor- ing the oppOsitiOn 57 to .18. The team defeated. Goderich and Mitchell I (twice). Thirteen players • are playing on this team. • The uniqne aspects of this game are: the use of a pitching machine,, 'five , pitches and 10 players on " the field. • ' • . • Coaching this team are Al Murray, Gord Kemp, ' h d rice of lambs down at Brussels Fed steers' and heifers sold.$1 to .$2 higher last week; cows 'sold on a strong, active trade, veal sold steady; lambs Sold $5 - $10' lower; 11 classes of stockers sold $2 - $5 high- er. • , • , Steers 385 sold from 92.00 to 97.00 to high of 103.00. • ' Murray ' Shiell,. Winghana, 12, avg 1338 lbs., aVg.'95.17 to 100.00; - Don Shiell, Wingham, 11, avg. 1381 lbs • 96.10.to 98.75. •-` John • Glousher, Witigharn4. 3, -avg. 1376 lbs., avg. 9547 to 9800 • George Chettleburgh, Wingham, 3; avg. 1188 lbs., avg. 97.02 to 98.00. Heifers 140 on, offer sold from 90.00 to 95.00 to high of 96.50. Kada Farms, Bluevale, 11, avg. 1168 lbs., avg. 91.51 to 96.50. G. don Daer, Auburn, 2,, avg. 1117 lbs., avg. 93.97 to 94.75. ' • Cows 233 selling from 45.00 to 63.00 to high cif 80.00. Keith Moffat, Bluevale, ; weghing.1325lbS sold for 79.00. . • • . Adana ' Weber, Dave Black. Holyrood, lbs., avg. 63,36 to 6800: Bulls 20 on offer sold • . urraygg from 61.00 to 72.50 to high of 76.00. . There were 321 veal on offer selling: Beef: 90.00 to 117.00; Holstein 85.00 to. 100.00; plain Holstein: • 70.00 to 8540. • Lambs: under 50 Ibs. 155,00 to 1137.50; 50 -.80 .lbs. 155.00 to 187.50; 80 - 95 lbs. 160.00 to ,170.00; 95- 109 lbs 132.50 to 157.50. • , • . • Sheep:. 35.00 to10.00. Goats: 20.00 to 127..00. • - • „ • ' . ir el by Jean Ross Whitechurch hall board hosted -a sho6t party on •,Monday night with six, tables High. play-, • • • Two wins and loss recorded by Midets • • The Visiting Listowel team had' six home runs that made a big difference when they piayedl the Midgets onMay 27. • Shane Petteplace and Troy McKenzie hit home runs bringing in three runs.. Spore Listowel 18, Lucknow 6. On May •30, Mitchell visited Lucknow. Lee Cran stOn 'h ad- two -home runs and Scored another .7 . run., LucknoW's' pitching and defence 'played excel- lent to record the 6 to 0 win. • Lucknow travelled to Mitchell.on Ante 1.• It was a good gameiuntil the fifth and sixth innings when LuicknOw's bats came alive for a final -score of 22 CO 8 for L'ucknow. • These third year Guides moved up to Pathfinders last week when the Wildlife Trivia local Guiding Association held its parent/daughter banquet Leaders in -Trees. that are cone -bear -the back row are Dayle Taylor and Trish Scott New Pathfinders are Lori ing are called? (conifer- Blake, Cindy Willits, Susan GUay, Laura Knechtel and Erin Moran. Phili dJ i M n (Livin ston hoto) ers were Vera Falconer, Kay McCormick, IVIerte McFarlane ,(on White, card, aird, Cal Burke. Janet 1Vlatlieri and Mina Edgar .had.the trtost shOts. A birthday.party was held on 'Sunday ,for Agnes Gaunt. Thirty family -member's gathered at noon at the, home of Don and Jean • Ross for. a family dinner and get tOgether. .• Mr. and Mrs Miner Sleighthelm , spent the weekend with 'Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Sleighthohn and family in Brantford, • Jack Inglis of Yancotiver visited on Monday with Elroy and. Louise Laidlaw. ' •