The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-04, Page 7Ioi eknow Sentinel, 'Wednesday, June 4, 1997 Page 7 -: } orts lottery titickets benefits all by. Pat Livingston Ticket sales are going slow in a new fund-rais- ing effort by the local joint recreation board. The board implemented the lottery in an 'effort to help offset, costs of all. recreation programs \enjoyed bythe youth. of Lucknow, Ashfield, Kinloss and West Wawanosh. Dave Black, recreation coordinator, says tickets have been distributed to all ball, soccer, swim ming,hockey and skating' club participants and par- ents. ' Even if you don't have a child taking part in the currently low-cost recre- ation programs, the $50 cost of the ticket offers you a good return on your investment indirectly by 'supporting your commu- nity and directly by per haps putting some extra funds `in . your wallet, and helping hold taxes, ' Holders of the tickets. are eligible for a .series of draws the first being: the early bird on -July 18 when $500 and 20 free tickets will be awarded. The regular series of 44 weekly draws starts off on Aug..1. Regular Friday .draws will be for $150, $.75 and $50. The first Friday. of each molntb $500, $150, . $75 and $50 will be paid out. Every winning ticket will be put back ,into the drum and eligible for more prizes. The grand prize for $7500 plus five $1000 prizes will be made on June 6 at a dance. • Tradition has been that The OPP.rep�.rti.. Belligerent was with four other Tractor and customer remove from Kincardine OPP. were called to assist .in remov- ing a belligerent customer restaurant from the Pizza Delight on. May31. A female.. employee called police at 9:45 .pan when a male, 'aged' 47,. became belligerent. .Police removed the man from the premises. There were no charges Boy shot with -pellet gun A. nine-year-old East Wawanosh Townshipboy was. shot in the leg by a pellet gun last weekend. Kincardine OPP have charged an 18 -year-old township, resident with dangerous, use` of, a. firearm. Police report the victim youths. They were work- ing on •a dirt fluke when" the accused picked up the rifle and shot the boy ,in the leg. The pellet left ayrea mark. The victim, who was. shaken by the inti dent, did not require med- ical treatment. Wouldn't pay. cab fare A Ripley man, aged 24, •. was charged with unlaw- fully obtaining transporta- tion after he. failed to pay, taxi fare. , The : accused called a cab froth the .Harp .,and. Whistle, .Kincardine, at 1:30. a.:m';' May 27, and wanted a'ride; out of town. He . demanded to be let out at Pine. River, but did - rift have $12.50 to pay the fare. Police were called and the accused ;was, charged. ' 1. • freightliner • No one was injured when a freightliner struck a,tractor and a third vehi- cle swerved into a ditch'' in a May 27 accident near, Dungannon., our four municipalities,. working together as a unit, have been very suc- cessful in efforts for our community. Other munic- ipalities have been very envious of our community spirit, se let's prove we can do it again! Tickets are available from any. of • the four municipal offices, the 'recreation office 528- 3002, or wouldn't it just make the day of some youngster if you phoned and asked them to come by with one of those "Another Way to Play" tickets. Allan Drennan, 40, of ' Ashfield Township was driving his tractor north,. along County. Road twhen Thomas Cooke, 49, of Goderich attempted to pass in his truck at 4:10 r As Cooke .pulled out, he observed an approachr ing southbound.' vehicle, ;" driven by . Kris'tin,a `Johnston 1't, of Lucknow ' 'Johnsto,n swerved into ,a ditch while Cooke swerved back into, :his lane; striking the tires of ,the tractor. . • A11 three vehicles were damaged.. No. one .was'' hurt. , its entertains at dinnerauction Popular area song- - writer, Jeff White will be providing. some of the entertainment at ".the upcoming • dinner auction on Saturday; June 7. The . event is to raise money to. help send needy. children 'to•summer;cainp. In addition to a lively auction and full -course •dinner theearly bird draws on the Adventure :Raffle , will be made. Two lucky • winners and their compan- .' Please, come out ions will be enjoying in :-support thisevent. • adventure holiday , this simmer on a working Great Lakes Freighter. Dinner tickets are Only, $20 a person and :can be .. purchased. through the Children's "Aid Society .,(phone' .524-73$6 'for reservations) or .picked' up at the Candlelight Restaurant, where• the event will be held.. Gibson Menary The ' families bf :-Bev Gibson &:.James Menary are pleased to announce their forthcoming wedding.: Bev is the daughter; of, Marlene Harrison & Jim Harrison, Goderich. James is the son of Harold & Carol Anne Metiary of R.R.-1. Lucknow. The wedding 'will take. place Sat. June 7 at Lucknow United Church. Reception to follow at. Lucknow' Community: Centre. and OPEN ROUSE tO celebrate 50 years of marriage of Stuart '& Lois Chamney' SAT. JUNE 7/97 -.4•pm ' 13elgrave Community Centre, Belgrave Se RE KIICARDINE 396-3250 JUNE 6&7at7&9;25-JUNE 8 to 12at8PM ALL SEATS 54.25 TUESDAYS WINGHAM AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL CORPORATION Notice is hereby given thatthe Annual Meeting of the Wingham and DistrictHospital Corporation will be. held in the - Nursing Assistants': Training Centre, Catherine St., Wingham, Ontario on Thursday, June 19, 1997 at':the hour of eight o'clock p.m. for the revi- sion of bylaws; for the election of Governors; for the appointment of Auditors; and for the ',transaction of such other, things as may properly 'come before the meeting.. ' ' •. Copies of pthe, Annual' Report and Hospital Financial. Statementsmay be obtained at the front desk of the Wingham and District Hospital effective June 12', '1997 and at the Annual' Meeting. Memberships' granting. 'voting privileges may be Pur-' Chased at the front desk of the hospital for five dollars :$5.00) prior to five o'clock p.m., Wednesday, June 4,,. t1997. No membership sold, after that time will entitle the purchaser to a vote: , ', Dated at: ivirighami .Ontario, this 8thdayof. Mai', 1997.' -By orderof the Board.of Governors, ,c. L Koch, Secretary, n McGee, of McGee Pontiac-. Buick Cadillac is fi K pleased to 2$ announce that his st' son, Darcy,, has joined the sales staff at their dealership. Darcy has been the Parts KM°Gee: Manager for some. years. and . will be 'most familiar to our ' custoniers. Darcy would be. pleased to discuss your : motoring requirements in 'a courteous and professional manner at your convenience, whether: it be time or place. • "1929-1997- OUR: 68TH • YEAR AS A FAMILY' DEALERSHIB" 37 HAMILTON ST.,GODERICH 524.8391 or 1.800465.5507. Fax (519) 524-4134 Open evenings Mon Thurs.