The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-04, Page 6Page 6 -- Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 4, 1997 Meeting will deal with manure management and laws involved "Manure management" is a topic that has literally "raised quite a stink" late- ly,, receiving lots of public- ity in Huron County, as well as elsewhere in rural Ontario. The interest originates "Vith recent trends towards rapid expansion and inten- sification of some types of livestock .operations. Resultingconcern over manure management has, led a number of munici- palities in Huron County. to adopt ;bylaws which require the completion of nutrient management plans for some forms of, intensive livestock opera- • tion. As with any change., those who are affected need to be as.. fully informed as possible, so they understand .the processes that are taking place can make appropri- ate decisions or undertake suitable measures to respond to the situation. Recognizing the need for information on this subject,. the Huron Stewardship Council and the Huron County Federation of Agriculture is hosting an information. session entitled' "Manure Management - The Law and You." The •event will take place at 8 p.m, on June 10, at the Goderich Township Hall in Holmesville. Mir WO1U ARAM PARK `111 ',�'.e,'rr!'##!"°tir.:; Warning: Frightening Scone,, Not Roc. for Ch tdnn NO PROMOTIONAL COUPONSACCEPTED LONG DISTANCE? CALL 1.800-265-3438 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO Trevor Hunter Trevor D. Hunter.. M.B.A.; son p'f Muriel and Herb Hunter London, Ont. graduated from. Richard Ivey School of • Business U.W.O.. with a Master of Business. &y, Adminstra.tion ,.degree. Trevor is presently. lecturing in :Moscow, Russia bust will return to U.W.O. as a ' research. assistant to the Business.. School: Trevor is a grandson of Aleta Conn of Wingh•a . and .grandnephew of. Tim' &` Isobel Hunter and. Lorna Button of Lucknow and a : nephew. of Cecil' and Marybelle Cranston of Dungannon.: Y�1� !IJ ru rte. MANUFACTURERS+DISI711BU701Fs "DIRECT TO YOU" • For Outdoors • Pools • Garden Areas •:Sunrporits Speakers and their top- ics are as follows: •Dr. Gordon Surgeoner, University of Guelph - evolving manure manage- ment and other, environ- mental issues for the increasingly diverse "popu- lation in rural Ontario, •Wayne Caldwell, Huron County Planning, Kinloss township coun- cil has decided to'incorpo- • rate the recovery cost of 9- 1-1. -1-1' property signs and labor to erect them into the 1997 mill rate. Council had first planned to do a separate billing butfound out that abutting 'munici- palities were doing the former. . Herman Fischer attend- ed ttend ed the May 22 meeting to request an additional two. loads of stones for fill in a hole he dug on municipal road allowance, on Sideroad .5, Council agreed to give him the two loadsfree of charge, and Department - Huron County's approach to nutrient management bylaws. •Kevin McKague and Paula Neice, Ecologists Limited - key components of a nutrient management plan, i.e, production, envi- ronment and community. •Paul. Vogel, a London lawyer practicing in the area of environmental law legislation that applies to manure management, how and to what extent it applies. Participants will be .asked to complete a short questionnaire identifying their information needs relating to manure man- agement. It is hoped that their input can be used to develop additional educa- tional opportunities to deal with the specific needs that are identified, There is no admission cost and everyone is wel- come. For trtore informa- tion, please feel free to contact Steve Bowers at 482-3428. 1 -1 -.costs go on tax bill • ..any further loads will be billed at a cost of $50 each. James .Steffler will be paid $170 for a calf killed by wolves. The manure storage bylaw was discussed briefly.,.The clerk willcon- tact the county level to' see if there has been much response for ,a need of such a bylaw withing the county Council agreed to pro- ceed with a road .mainte- nance budget of $287,000 and a construction budget °of $83,000. This will be incorporated into the over- all budget and be available for reviewat the next meeting. A request for 20 free garbagebags 'tags for churches withing .the township, was approved, if requested by the church. Although 'full guide- lines on the new infra- structure works program have not arrived, council tentatively plans to submit an application for some funding on the new culvert for Conc. 3.. and 4. On a'$10,679 project, if theapplication was approved, the municipality would be responsible for $3560, and Me federal and provincial' government would pick up: $7,199. Mark Becker, clerk, said even if they can get. the above approved, the total cost of theculvert project would be much greater than infrastructure funds would cover. In connection with that project,. Council approved two pipes rather than one. Alton i*:1:niof Hope amide Ron and -Edna Alton,.'of Lucknow,,placedsecond in Diabetes.Society's most;important.fund-raisers. In the the carriage class with donations of $800, when they . first.six years a quarter.of a million dollars was raised.'. participated in the seventh annual Flame of hope trail Fifteen carriages' and 240 horses and riders took part ride for diabeetes recently. • in the trail ride; north; of Elmira, with more than' 100 s' ' Karen Larocque, of the Dungannon area,' was ;third volunteers helping to organize the -event. with'.over $400 in donations, and Ann Made }Anderson; All • expenses for the ride; are ;covered by corporate of Langside area, was also another .participant who . sponsors, so all money raised by participants goes helped raise more than $53,000 for research into dia- 'directly to research that is dependent. on fund-raising betel:. activities, particularly since federal moneyhas: been The• traild • ride' has become one of�;the Canadian .reduced.:• Shoot winners Vivian Hogan, Kay: .y Watson,, Cliff Watson and Joe Courtney .were . shoot, • winners at the Drop. in Centre last. Friday, Teresa Courtney had the Most shoots.. 'WE HAVE IT ALL FOR GREAT CASUAL LIVING" PLUS REAT PRICES LL YEAR LONG ' • Ha,drnocks' • Artificial Plants, Trees' and Flowers •Shade Houses- • Accessories tcg Casafrfartca Rha n Wicker .V11WI4 MAat6lt. Classic Dislinc to `Utility IT lath/1g iI11lIPc'SSltllt Quite Simply. the Fihest Tiedition • Wrought Iron If.V.C.'Iiibular Renin Furniture • • the Ultimate' in Elegant Outdoor, •.," Living ��y ti GRAND BEND 238-2110 Nwy. 83 E (2 Mlles from fhb Water plant) Mon.-Fr1. 8:3b•5 s Sat.10:00.5 ' 40 SETS oN DISPLAY WE ALSO MANUFACTURE, UMBRELLAS, REPLACEMENT CUSHIONS, FURNITURE COVERS. Valerie Weber (left) attained gold in all levelsto achieve the Canada Cord. She was presented with the Cord and severalother plaques from the Lucknow Guiding Association by leaders 'Joan Finlay and Joanne Atkinson,:' and Bruce MPP Barb Fisher,:(Livingston photo) -Birth:day GIub Loretta Thompson ' *June '2,1993, 4 Years Old Hilary McDonagh June 6, 1991 6 Years Old Bradley VanOsoh- June 8, 1991 6 Years Old Nathan McMurray June 10, 1992 • • 5 Years Old LOAD MUTUAL FUNDS OFFERF WITH NO FRONT END OR END LOADS (Min. s100,0n ;. •.) Trimark, Tempieto . A1C, Etc.... John F. c/o ABC 1 (319) 5 Pvlutur.1I Funi1 Lu the CFP estments Goderich, Ont • 4-2773 or 1-800-265-5503 ce Sponsor: Associated. Financial Planners Limited irformation,about any.mutual fund is contained in its ed prospectus. Please read it carefully before. investing. Your unit values and investrnent return will fluctuate.