The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-04, Page 3Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 4, 1997 —Page 3
Kinlossand Huron question cost benefits
*from page 1 The issue of savings
Councillor E $.mer . Won't likely be realized
Stneltzer, Huron township, • immediately. after amaiga- in the audience.. mation, said Jarrell.
"I can't envision what it "Savings ' probably
will look like, but it will, won't be evident for one
be quite a change," said or two years. I don't think
Reeve Murray Thompson, the status quo is accept-
Huron. .able, savings or not. ,.. it's
Mowry said a ward sys- not an. acceptable option. I
tem would eliminate an think the savings can be
urban/rural split and, ide- . proven,tut you won't find.
ally,.would-see councillors it initially.
representing w.ards where' 'We're negative of the
the urban members would ` new •area," Murray, Said.
know • the rural problems, "Andif that can be over-
• and vice versa. . . come,: that remains to be
"It will take some seen. -
• learning,' Mowry said. "There are enough neg-
IKinl•oss township; as wive things that make you
well. as 'Huron,. • • worry." ...•
• want to.know. The con -
the cost bene. Kinloss sensus among
fits of amalga- . the council rep-
' mation. is 'fjrlyres.entativesDep.uty.-•.,was restructur--•
.: reeve Leo negative' ing: and amalga- •
Murray, - mation• would
KinlOss, said' -_ . _ D.R.. Leo -Murray only work if .
• Mk . council is . they put aside
"fairly, negative" toward , , existing municipal bound
• amalgamation. Among aries and turf protection.
questions they want• ., They acknowledged they
answered are: how' will. would have to change their
their municipality benefit mind set tothink of the
. from' tax dollars new municipality as a •
Kinloss, will the township.. whole, rather than .as the
get a fair voice at the, Municipalities that how
council table, and, will exist:`
roads in the township be. .. Deputy=reeve. Cecil
•' neglected in favor of pro Sutton; Huron, said the
jectsin the town five municipalities would
"How's the . be going's in
revenue -split?" circles unless:.
• asked Murray. Great"we getoff our.
"As the money ••.backsides and•.
is raised, ossibilities' . make a''com
where does the.1 mitment" to
payback `come` •.fol.' t�Le f we• restructure.
in? What's the • Lucknow Reeve .' S a y'1 n g
share of our Stuart Reavie it's inevitable •
work being anyway,
done? Sutton said, "We know,
He saitt a lot of work what's going to happen (if
would: have to be , done to there .is amalgamation)
• assure .."everyone is used ... it. will be forced; on us."
according .to -the money • Sutton acknowledged
raised. the Inuit icipa1iti-es
N••r,..;,i:fit rain•'•
R.esionse T'canx > ou
.aunt Forest Contin
round searcnsi
'moss township
onday. hoping to
clues un t'
have to compromise on.
some issues,
Stuart Reavie, Lucknow
reeve, headed the county
restructuring proposal.
• "I see great possibilities
for the. five. We can work
out our differences as fay
as representation. We
would be one municipali-:
ty. It Would require a
change of attitude.
Reavie said the county
.looked at This area's five --
municipality amalgama-
tion because of services
now beingshared and that
the new municipality
would: be ,large enough to
hire its own staff. An
example •he . ,gave was
water 'treatment. One -per -
son could handle the job
for all areas, rather. than
the contracting out that.
now exists.
He said the countyis
proposing an implementa-
tion of Jan. 1 1999, which
would allow municipali-
ties two years to "achieve
equalizationand represen-
• It's that two-year mora-
torium that he hopes the
province will approve:.
Reavie said he also. sees
changes with a new county
_council, predicting it will
be an eight -person council,
with representation by
heads of the eight rnunici-
-palities.. Each would have
• weighted votes •determined
by population, i.e., 5,000
would mean one vote. The
new south-west municipal-
ity would have three votes
as opposed to the new
Tiverton/Bruce township
group (2,800 population)
which would have one
The group decided to
carry on with Bruce Shaw
of Exeter as facilitator.
Shaw is former mayor and
high school principal. He
was the facilitator for the
/recently disbanded' seven
lakeshore municipality
amalgamation group.
County council meets
June 10, where the restruc-
turing vote will betaken.
The five, south-west
Bruce group will meet
June 25 in Lucknow,
whether the county plan is
adopted or not.
"Iff the five go together,
I would like to see all
council (members) sit at
the table so when a deci-
ecision is made, it's there,"
said Smeltzer. He said that
was the case when Ripley
and Huron amalgamated
and it saved each council
having to goback to their
respective councils.for dis-
cussion and approvals.,. -
Shaw said that would
'make . the meetings,
"unwieldy", but said coun-
cil members should be in
the audience when meet-
ings are held. '
4 ° .
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