The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-04, Page 1VOL 124 WK, 23 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4,1997 65'.INCLUDES G.S.T. 1997 Federal Election Liberals win;. Steckle returned in HuronBruce About 67 per cent of elig'ibl'e Canadian voters cast their ballots on: Monday returning the- Liberals to govern with a small majority - 155 of 301 seats. The Reform Party will ;form the official opposition with 60 seats. „ The Bloc Quebecois garnered 44 seats, followed , by the New Democrats with 21, Conservatives with 20 and one independent. •In Huron -Bruce, Paul Steckle, the incumbent Liberal` Kwon a second term with a huge majority- of 24,243 votes. Steckle reiterated his '93 promise to represent the con- stituents. onstituents: ' Doug Fines .(Reform) came in second with 9,963 votes, followed by Colleen Schenk (PC) with 9,230, Jan Johnstone (NDP) :with 1,063 and Dave Jo$lin (CHP). . with 779. . In Bruce Grey, incumbent Ovid Jackson won the rid- ing with about1,700 more votes more than the. Reform party had. All six ridings in•this area'. went' to the' Liberals: .Provincially, the. Liberals claimed10I of, 103 ridings.. , 14fldf:i1: roduod by 41 per cent by Pat Liivingston Lucknow councillor, Rick McMurray is •very pleased" with the efforts of village residents in theirapplication of the three.R's - reduce,_reuse and recycle. McMurray who sits on the Mid -Huron Landfill, board says that from April 1996 to 1997, :there was a'reductiotn of 40.9 per cent in waste goinginto the landfill site., "We expected -to see a 40 per centrange wren the bag ` • ,. tag was implemented," said McMurray County restructurtng .now .could. join Rick. Cook(header) and Vivian Henrnn slher side -of Winghant Eventg=included-team roping,- - er) competed Saturday at the Spring Creek Bob . steer wrestling and were sanctioned events Jamieson memorial . cowboy competition out, (Hilgendorff photo) People: are composting and recycling, more amid it showing up.in municipal waste comparison figures In. the first four months of 1997, a. savings of $739_.20 has been realized. • • • "We're very happy with the program," said • McMurray: "Residents ate helping to zero out our envi- ronmental costs." arn gais 13 by Ron Wassink The five municipalities that make. up'south west Bruce. county :could be restructured and amalga- mated by' the end of this century. • The borders that define the town of Kincardine, :'village of Lucknow and. *townships of Huron . (Ripley), Kincardine and Kinloss, will •be redrawn' into bne municipality. That's the recommenda- tion, of; Bruce County council, ,a recommenda-, tion that needs two-thirds majority approval to pro- ceedwith county -wide restructuring. , Pour °of the .five .reeves attending a special' meet- ing in Ripley .'last. . Wednesday 'night were of the opinion the county restructuring initiative will 'pass. ' Kinloss councillors are still leery and are look- ing for ans'wers to ques- tions before jumping on the restructuring .bandwag . on. Up until last' week's meeting, only the town ships • •Of: Huron, and Kincardine, and the town of 1Cincardne, had been involved in local restruc- turing talks... It; was the, restructuring initiative at • the county .level . that brought the five munici- palities to the table. • Last Wed,nesd'ay's meeting; however, 'started out as a tri -municipality meeting,, Kinloss and, Lucknow were invited to join, a half hour later, • The half hour allowed reeves and deputy reeves of :Huron • and . two Kincardines to ponder •the future of their restructur-, ing talks. " It was. based on the' county's ,restructuring pro.- posal;that:the three Munic- ipalities decided, the only option was to 'involve ,; Ki'nlos's, and Lucknow as well. But, if county council dors :reject restructuring, "we could still go with three, or five,". said "Reeve Gordon Jarrell, Kincardine township. "Lord help us if that ;happens'," said Deputy-: reeve Stu Mowry of Kincardine. Councillors :fear a "no" .to. county restructuring would bring rn provincial-. ly 'directed initiatives sim- ilar to :what happened in ,Chatham/Kent County, where municipalities . didn't have .a say. how 'restructuring would hap- pen.• Mowry said a -worst case scenario' would see `the province forcing Bruce. and.Gre.y counties, plus the city of•Ow.en Sound melding. into one Munici-' pality with Owen Sound being the 'centre of'in.unic ipal politics: That's the fear of Bruce , County council too and: that'•s why the county dusted off a six,.--year-014 restructuring .planthat would bring the county. :down from. 29-30 .munici- palities to eight, ` • The •annalgamation of the: five communities in southwest Bruce would create a municipality*of 15,000 people ' Initial speculation: is ' political representation would lle achieved. through a ward system. "That's preferred," said Mayor Charles Mann,. Kincardine "Representation �tivPnr.e"sentatiorby pd it • "No way," said !turn to page 3