The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-02-26, Page 3ttueknaw Sentinel. Wednesdav, Eebruary 26, 1997 Page 3 TKh,•i�ss....ders blue bores Kinloss township -council continues its efforts to P.m - mote. recycling at the landfill she. Four 95 gallonbins will be purchased, at a cost of $83 each. An Order for 100 blue boxes will also' be placed with. Bruce Area Recyling, The blue boxes willbe sold to residents at cost. George,McBride has been appointed as livestock,val- uer, to replace Paul Maclntyre, who resigned' the , posi .o - .. tion. ' Council has now agreed that the reeve and one. mem- ber from the. Kinloss recreation representatives will meet with other reeves and reps to resolve the recreation agreement dispute. • Council is looking for volunteers to fortis a committee to -study production of a Kinloss "township history •book.. Once the, committee is formed; an application will be 'submitted to the federal government for a grant. The '$461 Association of Municipalities of Ontario:. (AMO) membership' feehas been deemed worthwhile by council. and,will be paid for 1997. Ontario Small • Urban Municipalitiesand Rural Ontario Municipal Association are affiliates of AMO. Important informa tion about changes to government structure and inforina- tion sessions help keep council better apprised. Reevelim Boyle's manner of sharing county infor- mation nformation with council was questioned by Councillor Gerald Mowbray. Boyle. handed out the latest Bruce County 'Highways and county council minutes for review, Mowbray has Concerns that no verbal report is being brought back to: council on county issues that affect Kitloss. Cauncilagreed to give Kinloss. Community Centre 20 • .free bag: tags, after ` Councillor Gerald .Doelman was approached about..this'matter. Bob Bergman attended the meeting to give comments. and voice concerns. on -the proposed amalgamation: with Lucknow. Council's .next meeting will be field. at 9:30 a.m..on March 3, ratherthan,in the evening, so discussion may take place on the union contract .with the road depart- ment* employees. The contract is up for renewal at the end of May. Qn a mission, cl.�an �.p landfill slt0:. West Wawanosh town:- ship own:ship council is on a mis- sion to clean up the land- ' fill site. At its DecenTher meeting, council directed the landfill site:supervisor,. George Dodds, to siphon the water out of the trench,. fill in the trench complete- ly; build a: wire mesh bin to house plastic oil . con-" tamers, and dispose of piles, by Jan.. 6, Council also said that elimination of scrap :piles: must be. maintained on a continuous basis. In •keeping with the commitment .to beautify the landfill' site'by'planting.' grass sexed and trees along the fence line in the license fee bylaw to spring, council authorized . reflect this change, All the purchaseof spruce other rates remain 'the Trees with •. . a maxi - .1111 u' nn budget of $500. Reeve. Bob. Hallam.. will` meet with land -owners adjacent to the landfill site to discuss ways of lowering water levels around the site. If•you own more than two dogs, it's going to cost you :$40 for each :one in excess of two. An amend- ment was madeto.the dog • • same as in 1995, Council has con- s e n te d onsented with con ditions, the severing of. 100 acres from a 200 acre parcel at Lot 19, Cont, 6, owned by , Alex and 'Janet Van Niekerk. Conditions includea' legal entrance way on the west half of. Lot 19, Section 65' of the Drainage .Act be addressed satisfactorily, . and ;that the buildings are within the proper separation distance .to the property line. The payment of the final two percent hold' back, -less .$21,500,• has. - been made to D' Amore `. Construction Ltd. for .tile Dungannon drainage pro- ject. The: $21,500 is being retained . until, 'issues between;. the construction company,. Huron Tel and, Ashfield. Township are resolved.: • ' .Andy. ''•McBridC' of Maitland _ Engineering has been appointed to Make a preliminary report on, pro- posed drainage works filed - by'Fina:Bos. BARRIO W. REID DCKARTERED ACCOUNTANT P.O. BOX 300 . WINGHAM, ONT. NOG, 2W0 W NGHAIVI KINCA BQINE 306 Josephine St. 357-1522 •'357.1551 (Fax) 1-396.7977 •Auditing Accounting • Tux' Services RUSS TAYLOR D.A. KEITH RAYMOND C.G.A. BARRY REID, C•A. ovv it alI freaks dawnat taunt *from page 1 ' • Public Health. Currently;. the county doesn't` pay directly into' the Home Care budget; Still to, be calculated is the cost of amibulance.service for all. county residents, '"We have beenunable to ascertain even . an estimate,.. Jamieson. said: • .$6:6: million in Jong .`term care Costs. Jamieson called this a' "conserva_ '. tiive"; estimate. Actual fig- . ures could . ruii' as high • as $10 million. The cost is in addition to -existing bud - .gets for, eounty .homesfor the aged . $1.2 million t� take' over 110 km _ of provincial highways 6, 4, 9 and 8.6 - $13.4 million 'in, wel- fare, child 'care and public 'housing costs.. Still to. be calculated is the cost of "special care" housing - $5 million .for munici pal •water and sewage.treat- arch level menta plants The figure = $57,000. to replace loss of $33, rriilion under relates :to,capital costs, and. 'provincial' 'grants •to ai:r-' farm tax rebate changes could fluctuate' from year ports in Tobermory, and $58:0,,00'in •telephone to,year Kincardine; Port Elgin company, receipts that .will $200 00 to', replace ...$15.8 million to ..-now go to the province provincial grants tothe replace`lost:provtncal•sup-instead of the municipality.. county library system port grants, including the . yf 'f id: .., ,;.:._.c.i�....•N:c`w v...'.. ;n`'f1......ifs....y...:.�.'S..,u.',•.::u. a.-...«.,.ua•.:-a.,:'aw..�tv,:r:...-.. 732 .,een St., Kincardine (519) 396.725.9 MORE THAN JUSo o® ss• ',Snug •Booted Qat *Kincardine Sgquicentemial Reunion rsMats & Sweats •Ait,tude Ts 'Scoters Domain *Ps' •Pool rs "Fresh live "Skaters Ts •Gn"bssear *Jackson ' *Alien Waticsiwp'•DVSShoei' • *Maple Cargo Pants • ..•AZTEC'W.a Bands, 5unglass •Straps, Snowboard Leashes . •Chain Wallets *Trucker Wallets • . `Street Rod Change Pune •Snug Wallets :Change Pluses. •Independent Wallets !Smith amasses •Style Eyes:Srriglasses '•GRUBWEAR Selt-6uddes.; Charms, Watch Bands , olacksa+ararms•Pach s ' •ALIENWORKSHOP Beks,. Stickers, Pads. Has, Backpacks, Dutilebags •' ,Stiduxi•360Spin Magazine SrtowifoardCanadaMagazine *Fat Loos•Na'vMead.Bands nug 'SKATEBOARDS" •Sl;ckes•Patdses.•Vleas . •GRIP 'TAM Clear; 8ta FlUoieSeeitDUFFLE BAG, 'ilk Ai Waal, !BAMACK& Maple, Alien Watc11,4.OWE, ARMOUR: Super Clip Skate Peck 5hoeProtectianIQ . •Cbtling •Bas Bearings *Risers Rails KiflgPins .Moulting ' Hankvare • . •WINTER WEAR•.' 'Jacksat•Alien.WadUlaP "SPRING/FALL COATS' . •Gikwear *Alien Workshop '.SNQWBOARDS•'• ..garol7A: leashes, stamp Pack; Ratchet Drives Edge Sha�peness' '.RcpRODUCIS Wait, Leashes. • • StampPads,BoardBags •�1 "'T55 • •11\T1(,F (1 ()THiti(,• .•DENIM" PANiS•Srirrg•Eaeddel.,. 'NO Waldwp•Grutiwear SHIRTS 'GnbwearHATS .. ' •IN UNE SKATES* •ROLLERBLADE • ••'' Thedriginallain&Skate • Bowds•FusionWax •lacksoat. etkvtk'NiderJca2Buardnfrivugs i. •• Koddsler gaBojarneltrajc . Boots NoNameWax ,HATS/TOIJQUES . "Kincardine icenenorod tteunarr•Grb ar.Fresh.live •lion OW *Street Rad ' •Adrenalin Real •Channel 1 '..0 nd Krog►Snug •Alien . Wort sdwp �Smiectow •Brnoleer• `ecelle*. *tun* '. Parts "Grind • Plate;•ProtectiueFquip " ,:BtiisBearings•wHEELS oT-' '7 H•type •iron Caw .Trairs Pads Bade Pada . PROTECTIVEEQUIPMENT "TSG on 'Knee Pads , • EllioW Pads, s,Cuards PRO TEC'HELMEiS-' •ROLLERBLADE• •starwiara & my Gea i Knee ' Pads*Elbow Pads .•Helmets • "Wrisit',vantsrLaces 'Go•es HOURSi Ma►..10-6 Tues:+Wed.1,1?6 ' TMtrseSat.10:4 ' •front,page 1 Chesley, Durham and Meaford with "Primary health centres," without 'beds' or ctnergency ser- vices is the most'contro- versial proposal in the report. Eagleson called the terms of reference given • meeting remains in dou� the DHC by the province "flawed." The question now, he. said, is "if we aregoingto. be forced to 'vote on this report based on the terms of reference, :dr are we going to vote ' on ;how 'the' people feel?" The D} -IC 'chair was • critical of "local politi- cans" such as Bruce MP Barb Fisher, who are now complaining about 'the, terms of. reference forcing a flawed report. "It's their terms of ref-' erence. They gave them to us," said Eagleson. Eagleson: said the coon, ci i' has heard "loud and clear what the people want." A response from the minister of health was expected within the •next, few days, said Eagleson. Until then, the ;status of the March, 4 meeting. remains in doubt. Your Com p lc(c Ilc►tnc Decorating ('entre FINLAY I)ECOILtTORS 1 UM.; '. 1.`1 11.1It1+ili,t'1'.\1'1\incl:VIVI1.\'I` WALL 1►1ir,:it AND (',Ii.. PAINT M,`1101 ..401 I.I •('I:.C1111' 52S-3131. 6