The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-02-19, Page 16rage 11 Lucknow &entice ,, Wednesday, February 111, 1991 tsto by Mildred Loree Congratulations to all Those that won medals at the inter -club competition at Stratford for members of the Skating; Club on Sunday. It is quite,an achievement to even have the opportunity to go on to the provincials and Lucknow can be proud of it's many young athletes. The sacrament of:com- munion was° observed in the Presbyterian Churches on Sunday morning, Cele coma The days are getting longer and the sunis get- ting brighter so hopefully all those that are suffering from, cold's and flu bugs will soonbe feeling better. Birthday wishes ,to Sadie Hamilton; a resident of pinecrest Manor, who celebrates her 96th. birth- day on Feb. 24. by Ratite ]Euchmefer The sacrament :of Holy Communion" was celebrat- ed at South Kinloss church on 'Sunday:. The communion bread has a special, significance for the children as they partctpat- ed in the Parable of the Yeast story. Due to time, the bread was prepared ahead but they observed. how' yeast grows, changes and becomes bread' and buns. This helped remind the, children that God has put us into . the world to be the leaven and make our. world a better place. • There as an excellent turnout for the annual:' Valentines games night at the South Kinloss Church. on • Friday. The evening ng Beni by Teresa Courtney and Margaret Errington ' About 50, members of the Lucknow Seniors Dining Out. Program,. under' the leadership of ' June •:and Ed Pyette, enjoyed a: bus trip to. London; last Wednesday to :the Good Time Music Hall ' Word:, was received by relatives : of Bernice (Murphy)1V aisonville that she passed away on Feb:: 5 in La. Salle, Ontario, age 74 years. She was the.. eldest, daughter of Pat and Irene (Austin) .Murphy, - formerly" of Ashfield Township ' . • Sincere sympathy to Bonnie and: Laird Spivak', and family on the death of her uncle Cecil McGee. Funeral, service was held in Goderich, .on Feb. 11. • Congratulations to. • Doreen. McCormick who celebrated her birthday on. Feb. 13. Sunday, callers were their daughter - .Kittiberly, son-in-law. Ishrad 'Raheman and grandchildren" Ryan,: Riede"). Alicia and .Of Kitchener. Congratulations to Carl and Fran Rieg•lit g Who :began with a light Meal followe. d by a big variety of gairies which were enjoyed .by people of all ages. Fred • and . Margaret DeBoer and girls visited' with Nancy'. and John Koobs and family, at Gowanstown on Sunday. The children of South Kinloss Church invited: 'their friends to collie: to join them at.'their Sutiday: School as they were learn - in about the friends of • Jesus during the month of February. S meet Glen Haven a by Mildred Loree Phemie Cameron welt- coined eltcorned the members: of the Lucknow Presbyterian W.MS: to the Glenn Haven Apartments for their meet- ing • on Feb.. 12. . Donalda Moffat gave a special wel- come to several ladies • of the :.apartment building who joined in the meeting. Mrs: Moffat opened with the call to worship from Romans h; 38 • 39 and several verses on "Love." . All the hymns sung. .throughout . had the word "Love" hi their title, Maudie Fisher presented the' devotions reading the scripture from Psalm 1 Her meditation was enti- tled "Viewpoint of Life," The rolleafl was answered by members and friends.. with a verse on "Love," Mildred Loree read several articles on dif- ferent mission opportuni- ties that are taking place around Toronto among dif- ferent nationalities. The variety number .by Grace ' Presbyterial and synodical. Gatntnie was a tape of dues were collectedand dward Klossen playing the programs for the year. his Paraguayan Harp,: were handed out. . The assisted ::by his wife World lay of Prayer Christine. Service will be held this Norma. Raynard con- year in the Anglican ducted the business part of Church on March 7 at 7:30 the meeting. Rev. Peggyp•m, Kinsman thanked the Mrs. Moffat, thanked • ladies for the refreshments. Phemie for the invitation .. served Sunday evening. to the apartment building followingthe service for and. following the 'closing Christian Unity. The new sprayer Shirley Hawthorne tables for use in the fejlov and Norma Raynard ship • hall have' arrived, served lunch. • WI iooks at citizenship Ieg:Mati�n.: by Mabel Whitby Lucknow WI met at the. River ' Valley apartments, for the. February meeting on citizenship. and legisla-, , axon. Grace , Gibson and Noma Campbell were hostesses with 11 members present. After a tasty ,lunch, president:. Alice ° . Taylor Opened the ..reeting with greetings and• A. poem. Digger, Agriculture and. : Agri -Food Canada's air- port detector dog,; and his. handier Howard. Clark reached a milestone of Rollcall was "should more Women be in politics and wliy." That lead to• a lively discussion. Donations were: sent to Palliative Care; the Durham. Flood Relief and as. o will be sent to Agricultural Society: "To celebrate the WT, 100th anniversary on Feb. 19, it was, decided to hold a birthday tea, and;a revue of Tweedsmuir books. Carda of appreciation will be sent to former . members. We would be pleased. to see any that are able to come. It• will be held inthe town hall at 1 p.m. • Grace. Gibson gave a 'reading' on "Life after the Budget." In 1995 the coun- try oun-try: was really sinking into debt. .. Noma Campbell talked about nuclear , problems, , in July 1990, Digger and Clark have found about 250 kilograms a month of Undeclared. products in- the baggage of •passengers,: arriving • orr overseas" flights a careen total' of about: 20 "met"ric tonnes.. of •sausages, butter, apples, dairy products, plants',. plant cuttings: and other related products. Digger is; •10,000' seizures of untie- ---• moi clared`food and agricultur- al products recently. Teaming up at Pearson • �S trip, s celebrated their 53rd wed ding anniversary on Feb 15, Branch 309 of the Lucknow Royal Canadian Legion hosted the branch level public 'speaking on Friday night, ' at ' the Legion. '. Speakers, from, :',St Joseph's, ,.Kingsbridge were Jonathan.Lalonde and Laura Stanley from Grades 5/6 and 'Luke Van Osch and Meghan Martin Grades 7 and S. • Winners atBrookside were: Junior - first Alison Simpson, second Holly Andrew, third Melanie. Blphick; lntermecliate first Cody 'Alton, second. Tess Gibbings,. third. Lynn Irvin. Congratulations to Tess Gibbings (Brookside) Who placed first and Cody • Alton (Brookside) second;and Luke Van Osch (Kingsbridge) third. in the intermediate division at the Lucknow Legion, Bob Bartsch; Horsefly,. British Columbia, visited his aunt -and uncle Elsie and Roger.' Pannabecker and cousins. Allan ' and Brian '.Dyck over the weekend`. Bob,' on a busi- Hess trip from Northern British Columbia,, pur-o chased a crane in Sudbury' 'for assistance in road and; bridge: building in the num ber industry,. Quinten, son ' of .Kevin and Juanita •Shiels; cele brated'his fifth birthday on Feb. 6, and again .on Feb. 9, with a :horse-drawn sleigh ride party. • Special. guests .of honor. were .: "his;• grandparents' George and; Bev Fielder, • Ashfield, Township, Eleanor and .Gary, Beaver, Crediton, his 'great grand - another Fredo Boa, ensall,, aunts, uncles and cousin ,and neighbors Roger - and . .. Elsie Pannabecker. A video, warning seniors, of con artists was featured. at the Stretch.' and ° • Tone. Coffee. Hour ,on Tuesday, Feb. 1L Birthday greetings and dinnerat the home; of friend's. ho iored Joe Courtney on his 79th that ' day. Wednesday night .win- ners were Aileen .TromiYier as high lady, Freed. Kuras high Men; Alvin Alton and Grace Finnigan were win+ . ners also, 11, 4v trained: to 'recognize the scent of these products while sniffing incoming baggage and to; signal .with -his paw when.he : finds something: Finding -these products ' especially corroding pipes and spills of heavy water. Paul • Henderson; was mentioned, What a great hockey player he was. He really put Lucknow on the. Map. •• • Ray, Macintosh played. several . love. songs, for:. _ Valentines,, Several poents were read, and., a comical reading given by iven b y Grace,: on"Elizabeth the Little. Hen." is serious b rsiness becau$.e they can carry animal 'and • plant diseases and pests that can expose a threat to Canada's' wildlife, 'pets,.. livestock, crops' and. ,. forests. Alkheifl er,Fact �A demographic, shift is ;tion. ages, the prevalence occurring in Canada. .As of. Alzheimer Disease the "baby, boom" genera= will sky -rocket: • fednesday • February to Saturday 0 :March • "�07 /k, fi, ; • .4e Vet Carne ire artd see our ,New, Samsung Entertainment Line 608 Campbell St. 528-2445 Fax :528-2766 LUCI<N'OW, Toll Free 1.-800-731-7787.