The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-01-01, Page 1310. Nous * 'DURHAM WALSH Townhouses in Kincardine. Under new management, Freshly ,painted and reno- vated. Two, and three bed- room, 1, month trete rent. Available imrfiediately. Phone 396-98$2.--03tfar, . SMALL TWO' bedroom • house: in Auburn. Only ' requires first month's rent. Available January 1st, Call on weekends 529-3733, 5itfcc GOOD • FAMILY, home, clean, "close to downtown,, quiet street, 4 bedrooms, $500/month .plus utilities, references required,, Phone 528.3631,--01-O5u NEWLY DECORATED, apartment, Your Choice, upper or lower. Large living room', country.. kitchen, WO bedrooms, $350 plus utili- ties. Call 526-7355. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE 'for rent in. Lucknow.; $650/month, utilities induct- ed. Phone' 528-2426. =- 46tfar FARM HOUSE for rent 3-4 bedrooms 7 miles NW'.of• ' Teeswater.' $650 per month: - .B'arn, workshed and 4(L acres pasture optional: No :pets • in house; Phone'519- 665.7818 .or 519=336-6581.... • -5i-Moo ' HOUSE.. FOR ;rent 2 1/2. miles NE of Teeswater..3-4' bedrooms,: • ,Whe.eichair. accessible. Workshed and 2 acres optional:, Whirlpool bath. N•4. pets .in house.. Phone 5.19-6654818: or 519=336-6581..'--5i-03cc•.... 2 • * ..- a 6Welnt d p.W e . $ATTENTION'STUDENTS$ ' Make alot ofmoneyselling. chocolate bars:, New prod- ucts available, Nothing to pay in:advance.. Fast. deliv •erv1-800-383-35.89. Oi bc. Lowoo'imaisamor2140111111/10rChIll LARGE STORE front for rent on Lu,oknow's' main street. Hell:maintained and excellent location. Available Nov. 1/. ' Call 528-2110 or 528.391'O after 6 p.m..- 37tfar 20. Help Wanted . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL urges readers to use cau- tion when 'sending money for business opportunities or employment advertise- ments. Be certain you are' dealing with a .reputable company before releasing any credit card information or sending any money. Remember, if an advertise- ment sounds too good to be truer.it probably is. ;-32tfnx LARGE FINANCIAL SER- VICES Company accepting applications from honest,, motivated individuals with entrepreneurial spirit, All. training •available.Send resume to Exeter Post Office, Box 83, NOM 1$6. -- 52.01cc: `RETAIL SALES Parttime clerkposition available 15 ;hrs/,reek approxi We are seeking an outgoing mature individual who enjoys being'..heipfuI ,and courteous to others in a busy retail environment. Job duties include general 'clerical duties, stocking and, arranging shelves and assisting •in,maintaining` overall store's. appearance. A. willingness to Werk day timb hours and 2.:cevenings pg"r Week is. required as is.. punctuality . and neat presentation -Apply in pe"rson,•or in writing •by. :Tuesday January 7 stating experience, references and telephone, number to: 16 Shopper's Square, Goderich "N7A.100 519-524=6.901. `.: Bush i.ss Opp. We CASH• INCOME, IBEX CANADA needs Distributors throughout Ontario. Secure the rights to a disposable, high dernand product con- sumod by virtually every- one( investment $3,795.00. Financing O.A.C. 1.800- 538-6054.-.01bc NEW BUSINESS expands to Ont: Discover why banks pay oyer $78.0/day for pro- fessional cleaning of com- puters and electronic equip-. ment. This . method is' used• by hospitals, schools to . effectively remove. bacteria. PC Computer Cleaning inc. `.is'expanding,due to high demand. We -need; people . . who want to be Self- employed. Small investment to start this. professional, simple business. Toll-free 1- 888-259-4599, Ext.' 444. Limited opportunity in your area --oibc HOME BASED BUSINESS THATHEALLY WORKSI: For information calf ':(519)524-1634 BERGiMAn A0TO130D.Y • (519).528 •-2338 =- lnsuranre'. Collision Repairs • 6. �a. -rpt s uiaotow, est 110,2110 • 26.Heip Wanted a TRANSPORT: DRIVERS NEEDED. NOW is the time totrain" for your class A2 license. For interview dr:, application dontact Ontario Truck' Driver Training London - 1-800.263.47%7 ' (job placement assistance' available). -=01 be ° „ WQrkingrtogether to find employment! Available for unemployed °individuals who are job ready'•and need assistance in finding;employment opportunities' 'Learn rieW. job search techniques'tl ea pork, and :discover haw to tap the hidden job market ° Learn to prepare ;informative and impressive resumes, covering letters and calling cards Mai got results. ; Expand, ,roar network of contacts for employment. Obtain access to the Internet, Computers, Faxing, Telephones, and more:: • Up to date resources are available for interviews; resumes, job searching ideas and employer research etweetr 75 and 8Q%: of the participants':will 'be employed within :. 3. - 6 weeks.. INFORMATION SESSION Walkerton Public'Libraty '1253 Durham Street. friday, January10,199? at 1:30 p.m; in the Gatllepy: Room The Job' Finding Club starts January 20 and runs until, .February 7; 1997 Location: ,Walkeitoa Public Library ,For further information or to register; please call J,BJ EMPLOYMENT SERVJCE8 INC.. (.5)9).372-0684 r rl 888-287-.)loz Sponsored by Hurnan'Resource. Divetgppenrent dein • Development Conade ' resources humalnes Canada Lnelmow Sentinelo Wednesday, JannarY 1,19 97 ,: Page 13 3g�fer,�4el�e 29. Under* 35. ogal' 13o'ticos • The . 000n Conti Board of Education :Invites Proposals from sny Interested psriles to form *joint partnership to provide the schools-4ml the brander Duron County Certimunity with educational and community services through access to the Internet. Proposals; mast be rete ved : no later than 4:00 p•ne. January 110, 1997, All inter'es ed 'parties must attend an information Meeting at the Education lend Learning Retources Centre on Friday, January 1i0th,. 1997,. at 2:00. p.m. . For further information, interested'apptisanfs should apply in writing or e-mail to: , • Janet BairdJackson • ' Superintendent of Busines1 The Duron County Hoard of'Edukation ' I6J Princess Street East Clinton, Ontario NOM 11.0 jbj@huroned.ediM.on.ca ., A. Carter Chair t P, Carroll Director 31. Service Directory R..A►. HAVENS ELECTRU-C *Residential "Farm "Commercial Electrical Contractors• FRE EST MAT S • E 1 E Rod Havena ' LUCKNOW 528-2301. CARL SLOETJES Sales, Installation, Renovations Replacement Windows & Doors c • nom .cabinets • Vanities *Carpet .and Linoleum ' : • Roofing • Free Estimates ,RR7 LUCKNOW 529-3164;, STEW'S JUNK REMOVAL.; f CLEAN -QP` SERVICE BIG :.OR''SMALL . WE HAUL IT ALL 395-382O INSURED WE RECYCLE 33..'Misc. . .�.,..., 31. Service Directolry, AGNEW ' JEWELLERY'" REPAIR - watch, clock, jew; ,ellery.. Free estimates. Pickup arid' delivery can be, arranged, '698 .I.1avetoak 4treet;. across from Medical Centre. Call 528-3532 or. : 528-3940.'--18tfar" • •MARRIAGE• AND Personal Counelling, W. Turvifl B.A;,• private. practice.Evening 'appoint- Monts available, Kinhuron Medical - Ce,ntre, .; 1004 :Queen Street, . Kincardine Call 396.-3384 or -396.8564::; 0leowcu Dave Seabrook Excavating ••Gravel *Top Soil : :Fine Grading •Float Service Large excavator trucks, loader, dozers : Reasonable rates 528=244 528-3144 RR 5, Lucknow , 34. persona NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS . Alt claims against .the estate of HENDRIK ADOLF HARTEMINK late of the Village of ,Lucknow, In the County of Bruce, deceased, who died on lir about November 11, 1996, must be filed with the. undersigned on .or before February 28, 1997; there- after the Executors of the • estate will distribute the - assets, of the estate having regard gnly to the claiirns,of which the undersigned then has. . notice, Oated December 10 1996. • c/o GEORGE .l: BROPHY, Barrister & Solicitor, Box 610, LUCKNOW, Ontario„ NOG 2H0, -- 51+,52,01'' NOTICE TO CREDITORS In 'the estate of KATHLEEN.DOLORES MACDONALD. ALL PERSONS• having ctairrts against the Estate of KATHLEEN QQLQRES MACDONALD, `late of, the. ,Village of Lucknow, in the County of:Bruce; deceased; who :died on or about Atte 14thday of. August, 1996, must be filed; with the' undersigned',on' or .before :the 4th '.,day of .January, 19$7; thereafter. the Executrices of the estate will •proceed;to distribute fine assets of the estate having regard Only AO the Claims of : „which the under;ignedihen:, has had notice., Dated:this 10th` day` at DeCernbet, '1996. Crawford, Mill :8, Davies,.: Barristers&; Solicitors,,, 217 Josephine Street, Box 1028, • Wingham, Ontario. NOG=2W0:----51,52,171 - 36. Announcements lt' has recently .been 'brought to my attention that some pathetic people have felt the need to send cards with my STOP COLL ECTtON HAS, ' SLES. Creditguard 'has the edge 'you need to deai with thgse Bill Collectors and resolve your overdue' bills; .Call tis now, 1 -888 -879 - name forged 'on them: •Why ••do you feel such a thrill from DEAD DOCTORS DON'T hurting.",people? Let me Secret:: answers to assure: you that I; am quite many health` problems' capable Of sending my: own reveale¢l."The most impor-. correspondence Perhaps 4440:- 01 be taut audio tape you "will ever • .you shouldfind something . 34. Personal *A cost;wili'be Incurred: EVANLV-RAYS PHYSIC. ANSWERS - Police use us, Rated #1. in Canada. Instant .answers' aboutleve, money, career, Lucky #s, 97; I�redietions. Achieve Success( $2:99/min. 18 +. • 24 'i-1rs.: Call .1 -90c1,451, 4005.--52-14cc ,.. • HAVING A. DRINKING ' PROBLEM? AA can help'.. . Phone Goderich'524-6001 4r Walkerton '881-3635..- listen ` .sol' Message else to do with your idle (519)696-3018. Free info:4 • time You have 'succeeded. in upsetting "a lot of people 'A cost wili be Incurred.. HEAVENLY : ; Thousands ANSWERS..:Thousand's Satisfied Callers 1-900-451- 3703. $2,99 ;per, min.,. 24 Hie* 18 Yrs+==01bc :. . for those who. have receiVed these cards, .1 am serty, Youcanbsettiot more,{i. anJ�+rur .4licence, dr e g driving. with your stupidity;. This has already been a difficult year and you've ;just added to it• (you obviously have ,sad lives). I wilt opt be spending "any more money to send in ..owts „for lntrTOH caw oM►rreet'MONO APITUrit MAW, mow flp 111 • . The WarM►ps