The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-01-01, Page 1V014. 124 NVIC.,
as successful y;
Mention the Lucknow
, and District Co-operative
annual meeting and most
people in the area will
think immediately of a
• stormy night. So this year,
the directors decided to.
change the date from
January to December in an
attempt to foolthe weath-
er. No Such luck, : although •
conditions. were not bad
enough to. force. the can-
cellation as hashappened,
-in the past . •
One hundred and thirty
shareholders attended the
52nd annual meeting at
the Lucknow 'Community
Centre on Dee. 19,., to.
receive and;; approve the.
1996 year end report.
Jim Gibson, board pres-
ident, highlighted activi-
Plies 'from the year, report7
ing excellent profits
because Of an increase in
sales. -Also;: a patronage
ro'm Grqwmark." has
helped.: strengthen,the Co-
During the past year,
• the Co-op has added, a
new "office increasing cus-
tomeraccessibility and
also purchased a new six
ton fertilizer. spreader.
Jim thanked the board
and members . for a
rewarding,six years on the
board as this was his last
year •
' Auditor John •:Hunt
from BDO reported;. that
•with increased sales and
holding expenses,- it made
for a' very good year for.
the members. •
With :that the board
announced an 8 per cent
share dividend on,'class
"A" shares and to. payout
. ?an.y class "A" shares to
members over 65 and 15
per 'cent of class "B"
shares. 'It was With great
pleasure ,that:the board,.
•announced a cash 'patron-
age of just over $28,000 to
,• bo returned to its members
for petroleum ' and : fertiliz-
er purchases.
John J£uenen, the
Ontario south.director for
Growmark,; gave a brief
report. for the company
,. and congratulated the Co-
op on :a good year, Bernie'
Daly` from. the 'Growmark
regional staff, congratulat-
ed the Co-op for a good
year and represented Allan:
Scott: with an award from
Gr•owmark for `member
cii=op achievement in the
top 20 per cent of all
thember co=ops. • -
Garry Ballagh closed
off the -night with his
humorous speech called
"stress relief through
umor".•The Lucknow Co-op
lhas ;been in business. for
52 years and is locally
owned by -8x0 members,
and currently employs 11,
,full° time people. The sue-
cess of the Co-op is due to
thee.. support, , of • the
Lucknow and Ripley area
'population `
After seven years of indepth research, two history books - Reflections of
Westu:Wawanoeh an•:A Htory-of-Ashfield - were.. officially
..; . ..... _ . ,. . ,
nGhed on' Dec. 20. Schools in West Wawanosh and Ashfield town-
ships were presented with copies of the books. From the left:. Sylvia
Meurs';for Lucknow and District Christian ;`School, Marian Zinn, -and
Marne Wilkins, historians,; and Lois Tebbutt accepting' for Brokside
Public School. A representativeresentative from St.. Joseph's School,Kingsbridge,
was absent. (Livingston, photo)
;j Kinloss township coun,
cal has decided it 'will'.not
go to the expense of hav-
ing one of the new. road
names changed.
It was 're , -oi ted .earlier
y... . p
In De. cember that 'Wilda
McArthur had wrote to
' council questioning the'
•, ,naming 'of Certain roads
for 911, purposes. She also
Stated in her letter"that she
hoped no, roads in the
township were 'named,
after any councillor as that
"might be considered a:.
conflict of interest."
On, perusing the : list of •
road name's, Wolfe Street`
is the new name that will
be given to Sideroad 30.
One of Kinloss" council-
liars has the• . surname
Wolfe. ' . .
At the -Dec. 16 meeting
•of, 'council, .the clerk
informed the members
that the name of Wolfe ..
Street could be changed.
The costs related to 911
signage would be. about
$135. provided the town-
ship .didn't.have topay for
any county signs' tai :be
changed, ..
Council agreed to leave •
the name Wolfe Street,
Hospital Restructuring
Donna Moffat, the
ham • and District
hospital board representa-
tive for..: Kinloss• ,and::
Lttckriow, recently'faxed a
letter to Barb Fisher, MPP,
regarding the Huron -Perth
District ;Health, :Council,::
In a telephone inter.
view last :week,. 'Moffat
said. she had phoned,
Fisher regarding her con-
cerns and followed it up in
writing. "She said she.
needed something. setting
:out the .:flavus in the
District Health Council's
report," 'said Moffat. "I
expressed: the' fact that.
Bruce County. which ;I
represent, was not taken '
nub' account in this 'study."
.The polo . Moffat7bwas
making to Fisher was that.
the people she was con-
cerned with are .Fishe'r's
constituents. "I wondered
if she could have .any.
input. on our behalf," said
Moffat. •
Moffat has` ;been a '
board rep for four years.
:Minutes from the Dec.
amalgamation. meeting
between Kinloss and
Lucknow were distributed
to council;
Council reviewed .the
terms of reference, ,pre -
• pared by the. coordination
team, and suggested that
the team be changed to
,. only have one representa-'
tive from .the -village of
Lucknow, rather than two.
.This will be discussed• at
themeetingnext almalgamation
Lengthy discussion
took place. regarding the
proposed amalgamation.
Video; Lottery Terminals
costs of widespread', intro-.
duction of videolottery
terminals into our:cotnmu-
- nities" has :led Kinloss
council to oppose VLTs
beyond race tracks and
charity casinos..
The resolution was
passed in reaction to Bill
75, the Alcohol Gaming
and Charity Funding
Public Interest Act, 1996,
• that provides for the 'intro-
duction Of VLTs in estab-
lishinents-licensed to serve
Other .areas. of ' concern
are the lack, of
local government consul-
tation with respec`i''to the
placement of VLTs, the
major negative impact on
charitable gaming revenue
for charities: which allows
them to carry . out 'their
work in .the 'municipality,
guaranteess of loss of , rev
enue, and increased Costs ;
of local policing and
social service costs results
ing from the .VLTs,
The fourth draft officials -:
plan for•.the county "was;
reviewed and discussed.
Council has forwarded its,;.
comments: regarding mini-
mum' farm sizes of class
one, two and three soils to
the county; They suggest it
should be 100 acres '
It was 'agreed that the
reeves, from Lucknow,
Huron and Kinloss ; decide
amongst: themselves •who
will be the 1997 joint rep-
resentative • on the
Maitland Valley
' Conservation Authority.
Council gave its "sup-
port to a resolution from
the Township of Greenock
%tarn'topage 2
The Wingham Citizens
Action Committee .met
-Dec. ,19 to review the situ "
ation resulting from the
extension of time `given to,
the Hospital and Related
Health Services Study
Task Force to preparethe
preferredoption 'and final.
report. Three new direc='
tions were agreed upon by
the committee: • •
1.10 continue to encour-
°age thepublic to press the
Premier,, the Minister of
Health;" the local _MPPs,
the' District Health
Council, and the Task
Force to consider a fund-
ing reduction of 10 per
cent :or 'less for rural
Ontario hospitals rather
than 18•or 20 per cent.
2. to 'attempt to organize a
meeting of all •hospital cit
izens action committee
within. Huron -Perth in an
effort to establish a con-
solidated group to repre-
sent consumers in this
'area; and
3. to plan further ways and
means to keep the public
infori'ned. of, the situation.
including more' informa-
tion meetings.`within the:
Wingham and District;
• Hospital coverage` area
afterJan., 21 when ;the, ;-.
. ferred>' option • is
For further information,
please •, contact Verna
Sterner at 357-1184 or
'Andy McBride at
....1,--;-1•41 xis.. ti