The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-12-14, Page 17ripley news Capacity crowd attends Ripley school concert Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 14, 1983 ---Page 17 The staff and students at the Ripley Huron Central School held their annual Christmas ,•oncert iast Thursday evening. Everyone enjoyed the goo program. The auditorium was filled with some overflow. Last Thursday Mrs, Nadine Danforth of Point Clark sent us a letter informing that the Ripley Huron Ladies Legion Auxiliary are again sponsoring the 1984 Ontario March of Dimes for disabled adults. The campaign will be done by mail only early in January. Nadine is the volunteer chairman and Barbara Paquette of Con. 4 west in Huron Township is the vice chairman. Tomorrow, Thursday, Dec. 15 marks the birthday of Kate Hunter of the Sixth Conces- sion west in Huron Township, the staff at the Ripley Royal Bank and the whole Ripley Huron community wish Kathleen a Happy Birthday at this time. Lochalsh •from page 14 ter of Glenn and Anne Boyd of Huron Township who has been nominated recently for the Junior Citizen Award. Kathryn is 18 and is a grade 13 student at Kincardine District Secondary School in Kincardine. Kathryn has a great many interests in the community and in her church. Pine River united Church. Con- gratulations, Kathryn. 350 BAYFIELD RD., GODERICH Come 10 the Best Party in Town! Don't be disappointed, Book Now for our NEW YEAR'S EVE GINNER DANCE featturrng the Live MuspE r)f ''THE CAVALIERS' WE HAVE A SPECIAL MENU PLANNED—JUST FOR THIS EVENT! A PPE T I'ZE P French On pan Soup or Cesar Salad ENTREES T Pr. me Fhb Of Beef Au Jus 414 75 2 Gold Label a az Frter 4W'+egno+n °15 9S Served with sauteed pro caps 3 C,ItIrciretr Cordon Etfeu 011 SS Cnpciken sttu fed wrauttr than & Win SS d' Gokd Label a az Neva mark S. rlor;n Steak 413 75 Served with sauteed mu•st1irrlam cap.S. 5 Syrf&Turf 01975 Seed *I'M lemon & Crayon turret- S,hrrrnp RotI1ScrHF YT3 45 Sauteed in cart is butter $ S.h et- r f 4,1 Entree Include One AaceC zer FreSt 'Iefgetaties Baked or Par ISAe'r'' Pr,,rarc and Beverage p re Su.tlef':r to 7' , Stele's Tar DIMMER SERVED 6:30111136 DiliNVNG 1? AM REWSOSEW NO ADMISSION CHARGE! DINNER RESERVATIONS ARE NECESSARY AND WILL RECARVE POST r lORttrrvr PHANE Well Sunday morning was deceptive as far as the weather was concerned. It looked nice outdoors but once out there for a short time the cold raw wind made one appreciate the indoors. The weather saying "An east wind is good for neither man nor beast" was very true. Even the more amusing version which Bob Thompson at the chopping mill tells as he heard it some years ago from a. former local farmer "-" An east wind is a bad wind, no matter what direction it blows from". Now considering the fact that the roads in Huron and adjoining townships do not run true north and south this new version about the east winds would cover our so called north winds which are really from the north east. Anyway the wind chill factor was far greater over on Malcolm and Finlay Streets than it was up here west of Gore Park, sheltered by the Elvator and a few trees re- maining in the park. In the 4-H Forestry club work we learned that a windbreak on one side would give a 25 per cent saving in the energy required to heat a home and on two sides say west and north it would be 33 per cent. Better still for last Sunday would be three sides. Here in Huron Township most of the land is on a plateau about 150 feet above the water in Lake Huron with nothing to stop the wind after it leaves Michigan. Teen dance On Friday evening Dec. 9 from 9 to 12:30 the Ripley and District Lions Club sporli sored a Teen dance in the Huron Township hall. Music was by Alex Boyd, It was nice to see and hear the young peo- pie walking along the rnainstreet—something which is rare in Ripley this year. Mrs. Mildred Johnson of Ripley entered Kincardine and District Hospital last week for a medical check and treatment, Mrs. Bette MacLeod of the Fourth Conces- sion east in Huron Township received word from Toronto that Noel and Diane MacLeod have a 6 lb. 12 az. baby boy born last Wednesday, Dec. 7. His name is Robert William after his grandfather William Crowther and great grandfather Robert Mc- Cormick. He is a grandson for Bette, Con- gratulations of Ripley folks go to Noel and Diane. While on the bus trip to Grand Islands, New York, Edna Stanley of Clarks, 12th Concession west in Huron Tovvnship met her cousin Bill Martyn of Metro Toronto, son of Turn to page 1$• Especially for you — a holiday season filled with gifts and cheer. Best wishes now and all through the year. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY SCHEDULE For the Christmas Ho y, tete Lucknow Sentinel dose on Friday, December 23rd at 5:00 p.m• and rr reopen on Tuesday, December 2lth at 9:00 ®.res. For the New Year Holiday, we will dose on Friday, December 30th and rye -open on Tresday. January 3ra! at 4:00 o.m. Advertising deadline for Wednesday, December 28th pater is 12:00 noon, Friday, December 23rd and for January 4th paper is 12:00 noon, hiday, December 30ik MMHG EVERYONE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A PROSPEROUS NEW TEAR LUCKNOW SEIYTIVEL 528-2823