The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-11-23, Page 12Lueluwrw dent u4, Wednesday, November 21, 198.1—Page 12 eomrnunity Wawa Seven new members of the Lee#ueerw CGt reserved theme membership pure November 14, Porn the left are Colleen Conley, Vlekhe Owen, Debbie titleboison, Deefly Ackert, hiekhet Wilson, Amy fib, Carlene Conley, and new leader Soso& &keri. !photo by Sharers Diet44 Vin priies at open house Sy flell Haden An Open House was held at the home of Ruth Alton on Saturday afternoon for Sharon's Silks, Anne's Crafts and Mad' Kay Cosmetic's, Ma Hackett won a Christmas wreath donated by Sharon's Silks, and inn Alton won MaryKay lotion donated by Dawns Richardson, Marian Zinn won a cera- inle plant tender donated by Anne's Crafts, Sundry afternoon visitors with Keg and Preda Broome were John and Helen Kon, Congratulations to Emmeline Zinn who celebrated her 90th birthday at an Open House at Droohside Public School on Sunday afternoon, where her Mends and relatives brought many best wishes, Ken Allan, George and Suzanne; Steven Alton; Frank and Lmeen Allton and Jamie and Casey and Joe Hendricks attended the Royal AgtI itturat Winter Pair in Toronto last Thursday and ltrtday, Sutamre's 4N calf placed fourth in the eaareag4 class and Steve, Jake and Casey shooved their 441 calves in the goeen's Gais es§ Shia*, Atiend community information day Huron Calmly C'anrrtrnity Seemites Coun- cil attracted an amfterke of MO to their Community lamination day ©aith represent - Mises *ton some 12 groups on Thursday, November 11, itert1v Thompson and Greta Johnston represented the Wingthain and Area Cure fat rte Homehoo td, Aidan S pillesd amsuhant and instructor art Recreation and Adult Education set the task of de' ettnpirtrg a elements s for eONNtiVehu- ay thane and &flowupon how vetoes tan wait tees to improve community late, Foliliktffiying arnn analysis of the t'ecommen- datidtrs, le presented els for developing human 7 il -,cel rev apatot. c mititm9y growth, Three ave in the afterimorr offeyed a choke of, 1- les lint Yaws tomes, coping with Arc tee acted thy Valerile Dakt6w, Gor or - Women Tadd, 2. Hem VOW Chit Cirinth HoitIKwmatk, moderated goy Almosiie rg.„ CmingelSgr, Huron County 14tatrional films ed goy litomploa arid *has, Jevikstaw a€re Lektilinow aepaeenttite t8e Whew+ Day Cie for Ale', a d toad ed When you meet the man without a smile, give him one of yours, New members joie CGIT Seven girls became members of Ladino* CGIT on November 14, deceiving pins horn president Julie Davies and membership cards from vice-president, Dianne Wilson were, Charlene Conley, Vickie Owen, Amy Gingrich, Colleen Conley, Becky Ackert, Jackie Wilson, and Debbie Nicholson, Senior members did a skit with the new members. Julie Clarke and Christine Gibson led in a sing song, A dedication service was also held tot new leader Donnie Ackert. Leader Laura Lee Cayley presented her with a blue lanyard, COJT and Youth Group members attended the musical play, €lodspell at the Otand Theatre in London on November 20: Laura Lee Cayley attended a MIT Leadership training weekend at Dolton Conference Centre last week: Ninety-nine leaders from all ovet Ontarioathered to study and share, A creative Bible Study led by The Very reverend Lois Wilson was a highlight of the weekend, Visit Elsie Irvin in Dungannon Dy Matte harts Company on Sunday with tIsie Irvin mete Mt. and Mrs, Jim Smith and Dill o+f Moles- worth and Clara raynard of Lueknow, Marie Park spent an enjoyable •weeies holiday in London with het aunt, hlorertee OfJeil: Detlo Logleitbetg has returned home from hospital following surgery, The official board of Dungannon and Nile United Churches, held a meeting a4 the Dungannon Choreh opt Noweinbef 15, On November 19 Dungannon W tiling Workers held a successful Chriottoas Daiaar and J ea at the ehuteh from 2 - 4 pm /. Winner of the draw for the food hamper' was Daft' rocs of L icknow. Winner of second prise, a novelty Chtisttrig craft, was 1 sten Htoelges of Port Albert: The Young People and the psploters each hada table of etaftg and baking too: Dungannon U: C: W. ate selling United Church calendars as a service to the church. -the Dungannon -Nile Youth Group are tattling themselves off:, Each of three winners will have five members of the grotty for five hours work in and around their home 3Com' e hoe from Mir 'toper eolletihosso of few, for that gift for wanee „...orfor wearing g now ‘Dregises °Biomes Co-ordin utt* -Sweaters °Slacks • Wool Blended Slacks HouecoaL •Nightga►wnoo GIVE SOMEONE THE Girt SHIM CHOOSE HERSELF! L-4O1Eg WEAR Laehnow 52 ° ..353