The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-11-16, Page 1LUCK SE TI Single copy 35e Legion presents meritorious medals Saturday, November 5. 1983, was the date of the annual Legion Branch #309 Rem- embrance Banquet and Dance. Legion president, Eldon Bradley. was chairman for the banquet. Following 0 Canada. Reverend George Garratt, Branch Padre. led in grace. First vice president, Len Clarke, proposed a toast to the Queen. A bountiful meal enjoyed by 185 people followed. catered to by the Trinity Church Women. Following the meal, the program con- tinued with the introduction of head table guests, First World War Veterans were then recognized. 'fan Nicholson was in attend- ance but Kelso McNay was unable to attend, George Anderson, second vice president, there proposed a toast to our fallen comrades followed >:r ;- a few moments remembrance, Local dignitaries were then introduced and they each in turn brought eetings to the Legion. The Ladies Auxiliiary president, Colleen Eedy, then expressed thanks to the caterers. !Membership presentations followed, El - Torn topage S Published he Jlnow, Ontario, Wednesday, November 16, 1983 Two nsembers of the Royal Canadian Won Brame 389 Ie*ow have reee vet d 1l iferitovf we Service Medals, the Wont award lbat ears be grt.erted to resider or C of {ire Legion. IL ®, l ft , � nod Mike k' , centre,~eked theMOW presented by Lerkirorr tegior firmseir president Eldon Bradley midst Itememinswee Bsteegaet held Noveimber 5, The medal fa permeated tend too the inset deserving members who are reersamended for the medal to retain its valise air the highest sward. A member newest have made missnal personal aeeaflke of his owe Pirate Made rot only the legion bat mho widths the emouresilty photo by Shams Metall Request grant for seniors day centre A dellegartion, from the Wingham and Area Day Centre for The Homebound.. 11)as requested a grant from the Village of Lunetienmo>4av to fund their program), because one-quarter of the attendinug the Day Centre.. wane from Latacfknow. The detvlkgatitorn tuna& their' request at the November 8 meeting of council 'When they eecriaved a Duke warm reception, Rita Rice, sclpaeovviisor of the Day Ceentre, enp llaaiuned to comma] ] as rr r ozurmDaateefy a ue- eepr4er of the sena attending the Cm's program are from Lacknow, Presendy 219 out of a cDiaenntell eu v + e -trews are from Lucflrrmow arid last year as many as 28 from Lueinoav were attteen irons the Day Centre, Refuels are made to the Day Centre the pHiibliae health amid mad the do+egr" lien UK -9000W ars ewe ll0 as irefenrals bpi ward of month_ BMX Ca+IOW , has deeded not to Qmlttai-- t e to tBtae preigiraillE because it is located in WirQDr� rt+ r r e ucn Um= Comity i'tri a as Rice pointed corm" the coverage area of dye Centre as wort mil! mime Coe, qe Y in cu+ r1%cr;' WinDgatant as g HdaH &strict awEDiaseD iinmrec" Hamra_ Kiiiuilross ase 144 CuaBnitirs Townships. lr1 The Day Centre's board of directors its currently requesting grants from thea ra - ipaFlitties its Bruce ambit have cutis attending the program and Huron, Cuhrosn and Kinioss have been supportive, Forty per cent of the Centre's ciloentell is from the comity ity off Smog, Coataamcii B1b s Ab Murray rayy anDd Herb Cart remarked that some of LacknDow's senior citiizews are the weeaa.Bdhiest people hying iru the village and asked whether those people who arra a>>_sonng the Centre eon aaafftlard to pay the daily cost_ Rise minuted out goat using the Centre pay aaa 35 daailly user- fee. The children who pt:aarttiisiipatee i u the avaail ree reaatiio u innennr kkildkey p ainuo to ti itDeos6t pay the fug cwt of the program < veenD iiB tEDeetir patents cam afford iit.. W I , i end that servitors taalke a means test and pay the fiaill cont of their program? ate arcked. Coauwtti llor Clangs etm>gmDnmueenuted that he wondered how many coif the nettiors attteen>ding dee Day Cee Dobie eettoritree fnraanci all annistanee to attend the ose6gUrty)) aft t, l,e+i,tg torn many y who don't need bel De"" he aid.. that the prOgrattrraD at t w m..0 n+1; Rite e% le+ l'• i ,:eti+ui Day Centre follows a trend in health care today that eaveat:ages as many sge " gg p ossibie to remain in err own homes other than entering as nursing home or hospital, Some of the r+r t mending the Centre have bbeaak & perabllermg" or are handicapped.. and an are boinekolaid became they do not have aratoonpvortaatiiown it enable Amu* gest out to gry sit .P g or attend seniors' activities. By assisting these *enuiidns renmtaaiitp IiOA theiir BaowDuees.. t Irr :: co +t to the ttaaapayer for +ttiidatt- tiotnDaii surer is endueeel nignDaliiacanutly: Rim alb p gitagest mid that *ere are not enough inmargiirag home bee& for aaalV renis" to 00 to rrDanrsinAg hk 11WW *BueVD t&Buey sarcD clic+ Botaap c leAnDae i e d 'on their it ownu booms, Bike Aso to+Bct1 cowed that sentor sitiiZeenrt4 do not want to go to a owninghome: They know the (twee its eareceBlleenud Ruud they ve'aarvt it rue menu independent for a4 long att. They want div reomuaaiir0 irnD dHveeiar own bowies_ C"omroixsinor ,fib+ Materay commented t oeii iif he amid not function you on Buis own in hin gnome,. BDee womiM want to go to a n'imiing imam: "lto nue 0 va'oawld hove independence at a ausesitm g home'.." said %awaayy: Two to pre : • pro. Council accepts revision of sewage design report Lorriimpw norma a morimo at goer revaar meeteng NOVelltgler a auaata'famrtzirrog the saubmissron off the sewage works eeport ttco+ the Ministry of the ES0W0M0- 00e0titt none and Mom C-arrinty H matt o Q; traits.. The design gn rep nt for the waves sent wanks iinchodes reVis;rions from got eoriwitrirta11 ate*gon mrd �1vn��tc� li tie dlo rrt of (aab+t�ttimin (41f tPnrt' dm adiv roti t,r +Orr r focittUUy Originally' the tt ikc-S carts pvflar t velaa4 ttOD 95kt Rotated on property aoteiteld + Void Milne of tivailsteow north 4 Wantler Street. Milne refused to eolaintira cr9ptvott t? punfoone the lamb for Cilie sewage treatment plant and yip hats sante taken putt atin o psi is to ptuatrd1Ta e land volved 'Y+r Comer Finnigan of Ilam lisaDao>vev ion "'eynt Wanwatooth Trowittehipe sone of Crag Street. Mow eingeteer Balm, Rota, rvf Balms ants and Assonitaten atalnitned etturrei41 lte+v arrange a% rtneeting WA D We stt Wariearnonfo Lucknow hydro rates incre if 2 rain 141-Contkie. C o>attts aaa nee Seim -kg' Sever viteor. Oratorrio B1fFo8trto+ mett d walitrao» ttth C oaan evil Ntever vibe r 8 to ;resent tike ¢s+pt tTatiirag foreeast and leo sec nolle r the vox„ froxr fine iLtur¢knnrb+oe ffrtrditrro+ sezTn1. Ilitytes\111Th im1¢trea e a tt(4211 er)4l pr L:eitat tees%Crotatlkie %aartdlanti, 41 Vett Ont .,14Koi. and Alit 901R1C9rca, m1f trasttel, tutor wIltiefh, f ratr,e-* ,:fhutrats r 9 ra+ ttltr : own r rurr ra+i : i tains ltfnsashlar-) eO9dtrb eir5 'IT, tf ti ,.157(a'atinertc rayl; :1kincii sa cainta ,111' Prue. Prer• 4,ert eSr - -reruns for rhe ffir' r n4), Cmaaunxci l carr pnenent de sewage worts ill pontoon - and to deneants inutwobantrs that reeaidernts iron doe arealof the treatment en enters aura• Batman Alert) ortforroied etc nvroeitl Mut approval for the a veerarextce of the property foe the treatment tai bcerate. does vitt avoid the need for an Ointment) VcitaavDiatits* Board POratite4. Ptlapk ,S241111#4111 mit tb+ gait' csille $vitt oncost fcotr ttl perttpauo e even) ii alio lewerrataim Om hewn approved said Wont, e nine per cent lkttkoBeaaarit hours a 4.5 Qe Arrx„ for the new Mime* of 112.2%) kiifttowann founts. They veitllti 8 t &thunged2 es crusts fact the re mitrot smog ballharr;e I y m/m.1i? ctcoorremlrsul1 sraasttorrortts, vera 1141111Vext9 m) .3' se1an+s ffnrr dire horst Z(9) IkaihwaEftttt hours aril 441 c:eretts fact t11he smarts 'r. 74) frown and 1 11J ffeotr ttikeNa? Ila+rara� Eiee s= ottiti'vtiwfl rates veld' he R, '^e.111tt4 (for Ole tfrste IrtAilkolivoart frown. and 41 11; ,.:ertrrt4 tor lie lrtatortee Pirev,tuvn mortes la -cert .l' male r floor *et 1firee Zit)) Ikt tom aarrr }tsntear<a attn d V 41 el rev og. tor Ikea 11 W ull e.. Ft rC mratkute d1ei t F ®7 tf}in' iAfikt.areaifie i vtrt lav PP laYilr014 t ua Phsthaalie.• doss b*t etiterrivixtye had risen just, as everyattlhtimat ; it4 tato t'cowna 141Ikor Ago 1:41tdrrrlra v *spatted that t Al coeds were. tnnotw.. rrereaata,t ii !gest' oril'ki ' tfllitutt rurality *imp, Pane owe vont 110lt prat ee rve gartip Irreerfewr Tracreg. %drartra tY+lildi :' (40" ontkie *or fes, lila tlot illcrdlne them iratWs to pay OM tfi Piaslkeritng %Ur rr Gei *ostia* idattiOtt asndi rgke epulis artn a rrrr Iffk, pa+twint 20 Page* Lucknow fire chief submits resignation Lueknow Fire Chief George Whitby Its notified Lucknow Villaage Council that he will retire as chief of the Luctnow District Fire Department effective Member 1. Council was reluctant to accept the resignation and did no with regret, All councillors agreed with Councillor Ab 14urray who said Whitby had done a fine in creating an ecce ens volunteer Ore depaartrnent to serve the people of Lai c now and the surrounding municipalities, during his 25 yearn as chef of the department, The Fire Department will submit a3a name to council for their approval to fill the position of fire chief, Whitby also notified council he will retire December 31 as building inspeeetor for the village of Lucknow, Councii accepted this resignation also with regret, Brookside principal accepts new position The pvirrieplal of Brookside Public School has been appointed principal of Seaforttlr Public School effective January 1, boar' .leaovitt, who has been prhteipal at Brooksitle for the lit seven years, Will also be princip- al at Walton Pttbric SC19661 in his new psi. tion, Jewitt will take the positiotp awed by Paul Carron *Ito has been ted supeitn- tergiant of operations with the Huron Cuonty Board of Edriestion, This position became vacant when Bab Mets was appointed director of Mutation for the board upsn the reetirement of John Cay fatale, Jewitt tad the Scwtituel Mcrvdsy. the mrd its a orrag foe the ;position at Brooksiife and intends to arinstvice as goon as possitgle, who win he appointed to the pavitioti, Accept snow removal tender The tender of Kiirdoss Una and Or' s hrDuatted t Gletaran and tong Pear, was accepted for swoon among in the Albite this winter: Tihh tem was for sr.mireir taaactor and mower *ea .5* fihr tsatt4 . Thea v miter sed er waks sollPiviittextdPefsow off talatinow and it mous for for ,s t u -, and Mower and VW Pfeil Mott: epairs darn he e r Treleaven) 4 tatticitane atan repaired the darn ori the etahoned* 6$ tfee Lavtakvw I tamest 'Trull est t''g Few DM to create s pond once argue u r,,,; &'&%it wee, .Dam said he g datotioteira': turn dBff water atm Win neighbours enjoy It:soiling out CAW OS W r eghturiantg dlhitt nantimter Qf the water iiettr''d dimmed,. 01111 }vow t 0 halm In bt1 weedn,. Joelic nom. ` Phtillie' vtl cost ellas5 ' 16619tit tre'p theist dot.. °Ddlaritttlla+nrdi ar111 tr Cu . ,;, V,' Ari troy` ttbiMi finelk 616ere ow gun*, avaitiattfe for worts urns private dams IN1k oft a'gsigted int re 'pa titding to (11(t 00A -A111 off the dints l ' n Ch1 • ' too Noh fLyotfitn. Bemis* minor in in traffic 11 Mteee 16ratll reridlentttn \wain ' threatetli fkltr rrltadnr nein/ries,a t Wiroglitatin gird DiilCirtitr 14floepnat, flCollkovaitntg etatiffii3 a Bei ant itn [1. tie know 1.'0aot-ember 10. nava grt Etiowerti %eft CliwaettattneW Noone tial and fae1 k I#Ilinttti a�ad1 Nig* Witte. 11)tr toe'. ' Pre frealfert ;"ndi lei esti flrrom hoeip,rol tleotltooting' the ietrirdientt T Hp. Vt.arm &wen ,ear was, on -teem -Ong diners hn v nit coir Moen Sr'reet'. Attclknnva ttttflip nnr1Thnrviidr Ione match with the Clime wittileltt (itch wars itrcorettr Inst north