The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-11-09, Page 14sammamamass44440444444maramasamomamma444441ammas 18. Tenders rra.re444e444444.404a4mailso maiaran®a®®ara asem ai®rr SNOW PLOWING Tenders *111 be received by the Clerk for snowplowing the streets in the VILLAGE OF RIPLLY under the supervision of the Foreman of the Village of Ripley, Rate per hour and vehicle to be used should be submitted by tender by 5 pam, November 15, 190, Wild, Pd IdeCREATH Township of Kinbss TINDERS For kow_lbwi,,v Tenders will be received by the undet- signed until 500 pin, on Novembet 21, 19SJ for; 1, dowing snow on Washington Stteet and George Street east of Lucknow 2, Blowing strdav at the Township Dump, List make, model and botsepowet of tractor, size of blower, and tate pet hoot on our oars stationery, HENRY L CLARK MINA lispettatentlatti Mao*. TowtteMp Htdywmd, ONO& MOO moi► Telephone 394i11SJ —45 Odhlih rldiliaaYolelli6VifPVila tiIii `aliMMIANS '®IMMI1.11aiaiaY0424 i'.iai iiiMia 17. Auotkm Sales 4444,44444444444444.4eia 44444aeiPiiaiicaarai44w4.i+iiiri 444 CONSI4 N NOW TO Our annual Ski -dao, stroaatmArile, ma eltirtety, car, otic*, con- 5ttnctian equipment, teal and spo7rting goads audio* at Orval McLean Auction► Centre, Lhtdsary, Coating sinew, Pm infetmation to eon 1gn coil 1O5 -J24 -211I3, ---0045 PA1M E WM VT OF OM 60 Teuton 100Plum orf Ai e1a4aErswLESvAiro IHINGANNON gr%j/yi November 19, 100•10 A,M. 44,44144344,4444,441,404 10, Sods eve 4404651.0140.1140041.0404140 P$J4 OI OMAN AY�(10'8)O Gef 'A* INSTI E 1111 awaj1, Ceatl Martlgw Plevti rq - Algia be k SIS -14915 --43-46 r Goderich Enerjy Seal Inc, MAWStF�F AUS 5 UFF$ CONTRACTOR mot C611,Erf x-211 tomiaswie 524-4804 0/0704 VIVOUPS0104, 40161 itlenvitrifCeg Wel, amd S btiince, fewer comb attetti l ituteatfatintv, S*eetCbee Basten Soy Clttitottief men: set* raitio v stervitce; Atacvi csetbi>;4 ge4 Am/ vent. kipliey 3a95- . —4469 18, Services available eiGeeaeeeeaaOreaaaradieaarraeeeraaaarraearraar e4i PIANO TUNING and repairs; used pianos bought and sold. Call Michael Lipnicki (W ingham) 151-1049. —34tf EXCAVATING AND TRUCKING sand, gravel `,and �ytopsoil. Pbone Imbert SVyme., Lswknow, 5211,4E$4 / , --J NEED A CARPENTER?? Err perienced in carpentry and home renova- tions including roofing, plumbing, cabinet making and electrical. Ca115214-MIJ4 after b pam, --40 49 AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Hipp Wallace Natlagh, teeat*atet Licensed AnetlOneer* Sales of All Types Phone Ripley J95 -5J53 Teeswatet 392-6120 AMeijiMjUjiNG.���p *POW �L NIoMd/Ys & Thursdays RraLEraearroiR 39s•29os EVENINGS 3994,99q Cal BURKE ELECTRIC Ltd: lectrlral Contractor§ Appllanre Vales & getvlt' to all maket tefrigeralimn gervlre year1 built by quality & vire Opt, 6 days a week 3514450 KG NINDEIT CONTRACTOR 1 tenets, arta Steteeo litotivig 24 yeas. etptetfette Ira H 6, GMENCill —41-411 520-1412 dr.iii'roQ'i'4i,41441.rQO414111 41744iaaii.'46414404.1.041441.i:Yi 44.0. Y.a 20, Public neon air.6,41.®aaLisUa4iii.iv v41,44iidii'vs4.04K ANN. P«.40444,Nfi.is1.ia.Y.iie.0Yiri ev COME ON 14 MS. 5t. Helen§ Libtaty open 2 - 5 every Ovlottetay. 45 aN 'fl,i'.o iiia.a➢Li6iedli 4.r.:'.i041+P ANOW.0-4 ANAC4140 i601i.111.e.4411.0 V 21, Pe S6W14 driial046.44 1.. v.i.11i>ip411.1:41.04.7..i 44.11.04401 Odr6.44.104 0.141i.i.i+.04J.0.0a 15Alt01/004 ft1ZOOLCMin yogi. fareide A1- Anon cart help' fatttrot ti a+rtd Motels of aaleoty acs. 1'It me Walkerton :.1 X111, God - 5(I4 -6601. Ask fad an M -Arroyo oto+mber. —45tfine 11AVi1 O A lYRlNI 1N6 Pf If ttM? AA caw hep. Mont Godetoclt 14.604 or Wallkettotu gg1- .—40rhot PREv)401f AM toted 1t'elgr`s' free posWive cottlodertt-eaD suppott. lrio tteog9tt. Call 157- 16%6, 151- 9'Z. .•151-1160 or London 412'- 1111 cocci'. —fit .Pim d'd,,,e44 34444.1444444,44M,4.44p/us4a 4.444,44444.L"4'.iii 64.4.6 n, To giveB *way E4id#4a4,,49.0.4w.W0,4•Ii5i4,41P, Ni..NIMNiu4wr.61r mwrNI4'Aiv Mein. flrlEfgviS PUMPS. aite looking fob a good home. CaDO 52'x -16.W. —45-4 2 m000mosoths Ais .e.a ,a... .r.....s 4�4s .uviv�4.iu4a 5tC1 /5 O1P CHOlftble46 &V Mill AN. flew A'errte sandy ccvntose. t'ast. easy mem. Gob swerve e C Aka Pottle!, weWe: 5fuel (4161. kt et+t & A4 dates. 4 a DEIN Ave.. Pe. 519..Do vv, R. C . V D.D 21E2. —0145 Luelurow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 9, 19111—Page 14 e..eaeaaaareeearaamiaeaeeraeaaaaerraaaaeeereerae enraeaeaea&eadi:uai adoaeeearia a+eaaasaaiaeagma.' aaa,aa 19, Notice to creditors 91, Cards of thanks aeaaricoaaaeeaaraeaiailaaeraaaeldiaeaaaaiaeaeai iaaaaease Noritt TO CREDITORS IA THE ESTATE E dP CHARLES WILIUII McOVILLIIN ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate r f the above mentioned, late of the Township of West War*anash, in the County of Hutan, Retired School Teachet, who died on July ltd, 1983, are required to file ptoof of same with the undetsigncd on or before the 12th day of Novembet, 19*J. APIER that date the Eflectttors will proceed to distribute the Estate having regatd only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. bATE1, at Wingham, Ontario, this lath day of October, A.171. 1951 C1IAWPO111i, MILL, DAvirm & ELST ON Whrgbam, Gatattai Siollettrtrs lot the Etecutots, —41,44,45at icrncE rtc Ci4 b$TOiIg AND OTHERS All claims against the Estate of COLINA MAY CLARK. late of Town of Licko+w in the County of Htiice, who died on at about July 4th, 19►51, must be filed with the undersigned personal tepresentative art of befote Novembet 25, 1983, thereafter, the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having tepid only to the claims theta tiled. )date th (Mike t tbr,19 J CANADA PERMANENT rt171.951 COMPANY Canada Mimeo'. 'ower, awrge•Egllrtdaria Ceske, Eglifitai► AVewae Wean,''omato, Vrrfatlb, M4>14 2E2 Eversttar by theft WOW*, 1140004 & ELL' t 250 4itrsvetsity Avettuc', T ototttd. b'ttfaatro WISH �Eq —4.1,44.45 Yvie.iiiaiiiaialli144. 1e4fiir a4.0i1.44 1A6:14.0 rias.raa.i4i.iaie ar.ic.i.Eia4W.di 30, In r rrefirnorfarry .Y6laialiaiid.PoiORdii.firareari.aiiP.ii.ie4,irriie40.641.6.cs.e^cae is auriiG.Yie.►',ei�.i ler Peeving mem'oty of as deo toothet . grarvdfotilter artd great gtartdttrot9vet. Mts. 0tvoile l lea ahoy'`tfirto, *fro itras,sed away November -Lome saps Pty, tote thtmorie§ s-ta+y. Qjaaoetly remembered every day, 4 little trio. stttaDD a+ttd towbar. Just to sho* ova st►iPP reto'embeb. A1w2a_ys tett' embeted 14y lam, Martoaarr an'd f2tmiDy 2tnd town, lean a and Comfy. —45 r.e444444.444.a.0 tsu'a.444 44,44 44.ia.i.rarr4s440.araaaa 11, tem& o t 4.4voa.6,4 4 iib'fids444,44.41v44 .04174'.4,44.0. n4le.iv644.41 iS 446,,.id. 444'444,4 MOM P wos8v to Oki** evetyuove *Poo sem/ flbawets Nod) efts atedi *hey vi4iE'e4 t WMM* 1 uvas 21 parti?enl cav W insister and Qlteivetsilt y i ospitt- sk aurid to Mae dooms at l,cicicrt'bw, $.4edocaD Ceovtte. A very special th414 to l i'�'da fotim -tots g rid to attd Cafbe411 Meg MI) gvh°o were tfwle when, 1 needed nitre'. 1�rDeew —45 HOW 41,0 PD2rto4'd mod !Vat HowaDd arta fa tvDy *mild si trerety like to t k floe Cuckoo.* l 'ere 1yesIttrrtetot. WorogA v Aro6-va1woce Sfir2r' . Ls. Cortoo. OcgOtro arld lofty aero olaffat Wm,g(Aarn' Hosp4laD t ort'evgettcy let Al the Net apt flee' tome o8 lllabo 's accitdPePut. 4`ttftt We ori }b tN e lepwes4 s-itweoe thatAks, to OW rel hives. titigfit+ctokm carhop 69i'evtd4; troy eypee44iiotv9 of 4yth-t . fiktwebs. deiyaceivms tN vacflOtIti, ch*boPy t Oct k. cock atik/ * f1 pe opts *1 sellt Ooott. W e at'so trAt p 11il1earer4, akt tillocoer AeaYers. li'ev. 'tvcH. rile 'Was( en to a'Ad Mit( 1,644 y Gu' raa 1 owttE ane, Grove ta'fi;es floc prwvi&o.fg 111/10 1. Your {4iNixthi+e44 aria t't=iou' fit- 61,1i1e44 :4 ap'preciatect ar44 v*i 1 Away.; t'w remem4lered. '�1a^r'j.M'ie , t err. it1 atria 31d: f A 11 ar) eatia44 reaaaaaalaaaaaaaaavaa:caaa.aoar aaeaaiaaaaidia# 4iii iac HOWALb 1 would sincerely like to thank everyone for the phone calls, cards, gifts, pprrayets and visits during my stay in Victoria Hospital and since comingome. Harold Howald SCOtt We would like to elpress out thank to out families, friends and neighbours for theft many acts of kindness and concern, shown dating Nolda's illness and at the loss of oat baby boy. It was greatly appreciated and will never be forgotten. boaglat and Nalda Scott —45A MOWDRA ' Many thanks for the visits, gifts and cards 1 teceived during my stay in hospital and since tetotning home. Pletyl Motabtay —45 WA/SON We wish to ettend out sineete appteciation to drat many friends, relatives and neigh- bours, who to thoughtfully elipressed theft sympathy to all of at, doting the tecettt bereavement of oat dear tnothet. With special thanks to Ht. 1. 1f. Iliantsctti, mitsfng staff at Codetich Ale*andta Marine and General Hospital, Rey. R. l4c bett§, McCallum Ponetal Home and the ladies of Mile United Chutch. 5iitcetely, the Pa roily of the Lame Peat) Watson —45 aaa aar.=4:ii'aia aaaaaefii444,ii.7iia4iia: