The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-11-09, Page 9south klnloss news flqjg at South Kfnlossfrom Scotland Hy floor Rriehttrelet Overnight visitors With Mt. and Mts. Ptank Mackenzie were Elizabeth M u f het - son from Edinbutgh, Scotland, and Mt. and Mts. ken MacPtietsan from Le Roy, New ot* . Mt. and Mts. Het/ fluckton spent last veek in Waterloo with Oeatge and Paved florktan while theit patents wets in Plotida attending a medical convention. 1isitats with Mt. and Mts. bid( Motlitiltin and Ran were Mt. and Mts. Jim Mottisoti of i rllowdale, Hatveq �mtodimil of 5t. Catlialt- ines aii�d Otifdoti McOttillin of Satnia. Saturday evening dinner guests with Mt. and Mts. Pard Cunningham vtrete M. and Mts. Howard Heid of Windsor. Ray Conningfiant is improving in Sttatfotd Hospital. baVid Cattet of Walkerton, son at John and bonny Catte't, is a patient iii Walketton and bisttict tfutlyitaitt *hoe he underwent motet sutgety last Ptiday. Smith I4tnitiss WAWA. Mts. bonald C. Maelntyte was hostess to the menthets ors South Kinross W.M.S. in Baptize infant at Trinity church Baptism setvice vras held at Trinity chi/tett S frday when- tytr°dt 14leanot. darrglttet of Matto and >~ li-ialvefh Irvin, vias baptrted. Gtatrdpatettts and ("Met tela`fives visited with the ftvins after the setvice. 1`Yawrra and Cary 17ichardson jibined Trirrifv tinit'ed Sunday morning by means of transfer. Jim and Violet Srnith and Pill visited Sunday with Harvey and Petty Ritchie. HARRISONIt's a girl! - David and Anne (nee (yrutter) proudly announce the birth of their first child. Rebecca Lynn. on October 23. 1983 at 7:()2 a.m. She weighed 7 lbs. 1 0i. and was bilrttt at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital in Codetich. First grandchild For Mr. and Mrs. M. Grafter M Gruelpb. A new niece for Ifetty and Cord Selenski of I`dmontori and Leroy f3'artisorl of h,onelon. wiirtig Latiliworlitatioiay lea e boos' Oranges 2. 36-. Shirley's Cirtapefruit 5. 311/2: VVilrna's Pineapples 4. 24: Getda's l anattas 2. 281/2; Chris' Apples. 5. 27: bath's Crapes lg. f-(igh triple. Lois Hodgins 670. P(igh single. tois Hodgins 2`'4. Games over 2'4fy: Kathy Todd 200. Shirley Alan 206. garb Helm 276. barb Tyler 226, Lois Hodgins r4. olive Smith had high singie of 190. High douhie •x-ent ro K . "+'fcCormick with 342 Harry Lavis howled high for the men with single of }91`3 and double of 338. Team standings: Greens 17. Yellows .14. Violets 15. Hues 14. R"eds 8. oranges ,. iffettiet# ISitotott5r reggae feats Phillips bowled rhe high single with a 265. Pat tivirigstoT1 howled the high triple with a 593. Games of 200 and over: fessie Joyrot 2'03. Judy Hunter 21(1. Trudy fioran 214. Jean Phillips 265. Sharon Culbert 232. Ruth .fardine 216. Pat Livingston 231. Kay Crawford 208. 213. Team points and standings: 'vtexico 5. 26; Scotland 2. 211.. China 2. 26: Holland 5 26: 1 .S 1 12: (anada 2 1 het home November 2 at 2 p.m. The ptesident, Mts. Pvan Keith, opened the meeting with a poem, If we were busy being kind. The well ptepated BiMe Study, tUndet- standing atit Emotions, with this month's subject, fttide and Abomination to Ood, was pptesented by Mts. P'taset MacKinnon. Membets tead verses pettaining to this subject and joined in discussion. Taking patt in the ptayet tittle vete Mts. Jahn Mowbtay, Mts. Hatold Campbell and Mts. James Mutt. the offettoty prayer was given by Mts. G. Hamilton. The ton call was answeted by sitteen metttbets. The tteastttet, Mts. P. Mackinnon tepott- ed that the allocation M 51115 was almost met with Ortobet and Thankoffeting giv- ings. Mts. Allan MacDougall concluded the Mission Study on the South Pacific Islands with a s jrietrdid siimtnaty. Two piano selections, Pidelvveiss and a Chopin Waltz by Mts. Jack Needham wets much enjoyed. The annual meeting followed Pot Keble Study the book 1Indetstanding bur Emotions was used. The Mission Study Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 9, 1983 -Page 9 was on the South Pacific Islands. Both proved very interesting and challenging. Several speakers brought good messages. bonations received by the Ladies Aid secretary and money fot 1eht slips helped in the renovation of the chutch vestry. The sum of $61.00 was teceived in donations to the Canadian Hlible Society. The nominating committee, Mts. Harty Laves and Mts. Ted Collyet, ptesented the sl to of officets for 1984: past ptesident, Mrs. Evan Keith; ptesident, Mts. John Mowbtay; vice-ptesident, Mts. Allan Mac- bougail; sectetaty and ptess reporter, Mts. 1ta Dickie; assistant sectetaty, Mts. Allan Mactoougali; tteastttet, Mts. Ptaset Mac- Kinnon; supply, Mts. Leonard Clarke; Olad Tidings, Mrs. Herb 1lucktoti; Ptiendship and Service, Mts. Olive Needham; Litetatute and library, Mts. hituce Hamilton; Histot- ion, Mts. Harty Laves; assistant, Mts. Prank Mackenzie; Life Membership, Mts. Leon- ard Machines; Sunshine, Mrs. Lloyd Mac- bougall and Mrs. Donald C. Maclntyte; Horne Helpers. Mts. Gilbert Hamilton; Ladies Aid, Mts. Hatold Campbell; Baily bevotions, Mrs. Ted Collyet; Bible Society. Mts. James Hurt; PPiianist, Mrs. John Pbrstet, Mts. Vera Schmidt. Lucknow UCW Unit 4... eitotiv OW Andtev; supply and welfare, Mts. Charlie Davies; amnesty, Mts. Gordon Cayiey; flower committee, Mts. Attnsttong Wilson. Mts. Margaret P'etgrison convened the pprtogtam. assisted by Mts. Mex Andrew and Mts. lyonald Matthews. Mts. Petgusertr opened with a poem. The scripture Was read by Mrs. Andrew and th the meditation by . Mts. Matthews. A presentation. using imaginary slides. was given depicting the kind of life experienced by the women of Palestine at the time when Jesus was growing up. A trio David Cavley. Cato/ Ferguson and Pig Clatk provided thtee pleasing itrsttu- mental nuttrbets. Mrs. Andrew introduced Mts. hick Trel- eaven, who telated a three-week holiday she and her husband had this fall wlyile offending a Canadian and Pteneh Medical convention. They flew to Paris and then tatoted through Ptance into Switzerland and on to Monaco, whete the medical convention was held at Monte Carlo. Mrs. Treleaven described the country, mountains. people and customs. Mrs. Matthews expressed appreciation to Mrs. Treleaven for her interesting talk. Mrs. Andrew closed the meeting with prayer and a social time followed. 3/713311311,3/(391113311111131133 11111.1311 B 31131111111/3111111133111133331311811 .113333111311 GODEitt$ 524-id11 e 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 9 9 9 9 • ••••e.••o•••.•eeeee"••e.eeeee,••,•• W " "NG F11 FRIDAY ay. /MK JAMES BOND in Ott 1 a 41 Ai d:6b P.M. st04.-0411iltt. 0:60 SOX bVtrtt teras *14. 41 EL tokrinItAit 1 i i In his mInd, he has the power osee the hh3tu'e. in his hands he has the ewer to change it, 1lccorlMrinr3wti 1 C Phnnf 315% 1630 to* 2a hry11. mnV1' of p*m Th n 1 Vii" OA1 '*16 O Y 41 �iv 06Viglig#416digg1611t 1616410101: glftpitt tittO WOK 01.006*VOW* 10 OO, 17t!' 1M'!i'1� n -i7'16 l 0616t1 Ait64A1666,11 5Y 1:80 mad 9:60 p.m. 00160 ley SAY ley 5:66 p. . 6,411 MN G OY') Entlf NORM LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE SATURDAY, NOVEIHER 12 Ted Henry and Vicki Park TUESDAY, NOi/EM11 R 22 Rev. 8111 Absoleiti,100 Huntley Street SAtURbAY, NOVEMBER 26 West Huron Junler Farmer* OPEN DATES AVAIIARLE Friday, Noverrrber 11th, 2511 5dtutdaay, November 15th Prlday, December 2, 10, 23 Seturdey. Deer mbet 3 CALL 11115 NUI ER REtWEE1'T 9:00 cm. and 6:00 p.m. ONI,f 525-3532 NOTICE Township of Ashfield rHa St'Ib'Nb' ANb FINAL INSTALMEN't OE mit 1983 Tax Levy Is due on Tuesday, November lStb, 1983 Taxes which have not been paid by the due date will be subject to a penalty of 1.25 per cent and a further 1.25 per cent will be added on the first day of each month until paid. DONALD M. SIMPSON Clerk -Treasurer. k1 Seville vers. fr3nrao wA1111,0::Ogg! tateiiMa tYA0VAIN1110100,, NOV601411f tftwAseyotiot tvetimt RErusitr ENGAGE+itE1T' 1982 CHEVFTTE, 4 door 1981 DODGE DIPLOMAT, 4.dr. 1981 PONTIAC GRAND Le Mans, 4 door 1981 LORD LA I RMONT wagon, 4 door 1980 PONT/AC PARISIENNE, 4 doer 1980 CHEV IMPALA, 4 door 1980 CHEVY VAN 20 series 1980 JEEP CHEROKEE wagon 4 wheel drive 4 door 1980 ASPEN, 2 door (Special Ed- ition] with air 1976 CHEV SUBURBAN ,975 BUICK CENTURY, 4 door TRUCKS 1979 DODGE TRADESMAN van HAMM'S BMW PHONE S234342