The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-11-09, Page 8sports Courtney, Hamihon score two in 1oing effort UAW,* getvikiel# Wedneada y, Novetttbef 9, 1982—Page g On Friday, November 4 the !Amino* Lancers lot their second game of the season to Paisley by a more of 10 g: The first period was score ess until 17,46 Wien Tern Cumming of Paisley steered a power play goal: Ludlam got ort the word beard in the second as They opened op voting11ifee goals: Jeff Dftomme - d the first at 1149 and assisted on the second goal by Paul Hamilton, Mitre Courtney sewed the third goal at OCAS of the second, assisted by Paul Hamilton and Jim Van Omit Paisley mart§nien tone Neve §mith and 1leb The third r1od saw the Paisley team Wit lIvd goals to two steered by the Lancers: Paisley scored two short handed goals anti an empt�► flet goal to stiff# the victoty, Pais►# - player Milne lather voted four 1st. Method Jae*sof# get the single: ng for knew weft Mike Cotfffftey 11041s ted by Dug gtevefts rr and Paul Hamilton assisted by Jim Van Oscar. Hattie Term Wins (8 21 over Mlteheh ) The Lancers won theft first game of the season, theft home openet by a store of g - 1 Duet Mitchell in O.H.A. ltttettrredfate t✓' action on son* night: In a penalty tilled game trice Lucktiew received 46 minutes and Mitchell 0 minutes, the win wars not recorded until there was 21 seconds tem/timing in the game: Lancer .11th Van tis 4i eapftatlitcd oft a §toting oppoftunit when a Mitchell der feneeman stumbled and lett Jiftt alone where he then doped the g mit for Il,ueltnow's winning goal: (Jodi team§ §coed one goal in the tint Locknot '§ motto' wa§ §eefed bye Paul lfafnilton a§§4§te1 by Jeff Dnornnre and John flafnilton: Usneet goalie allowed only one goal a§ he kept the Lancet§ dose by ntiotefou§ save§: 1f# tate vomit period boat team§ §toted tutee gorals with bath teams scoring short handed goals. l:tteltnmw septet§ were Jim Van Osten soloed by Jeff bendmme and Nal Hamilton., 1)a14 gtevenson a§§MMted by Randy Alton and Mike heat. the third goal scored was a short handed tally as Randy Alton finished a titre passing display by Jim Muttay and h►ottg gtevetiwti. the third period saw the Mftctiell testi i get into penalty trouble ane ft was Luett now voted four goal§ to the tutee try Mftetreil: A Owl handed goal by lrat Motto was ag§fgted by d Mandy Ghon acrd Wog gteven- son. flan 4v Alton voted trig §ec'ond of the g.stne dtt ariWI& tine pas§itig earfrbfrtatfon by Mike trouttftey b'oug gtevefi§on. John Hamilton seated the seventh"t1 to tie the gartre whir 144' lett owlJftn 4if# tAth voted tate winning goad with 21 geeondg tematfftitig td give the Lancet§ their first two point§ a the season. Lucknow UCWhokh November meeting,,, iftwo pigstinkZ After the tined meting, Unit 2 ret to &cogs btrsine§§: The ttfrit leader, Mts. Stoat Mac illfvffy opened with ar pew In the business; period report§ were feeeitred and MN, Gwfdr► Morrison report-- ed ep rt -ed for the fota9 stmt and made artrarfrge- ments for the Berl mel for the Pre§bytefy members when they fret it Lucknow tfriited Cliurcti November 1A: Mrs: Gordon Kirtland reported err earfdg sent td OA OW bereaved members,: Mrs: Bluffton reported for the flower committee: O#3 Unit J of Luckily* Vt. tided units 1 git4 2 in the F ilkowsti4 twtAt tot totitoto., 4 felmitetAratiote pfogfaafn toillavaed *MA M. �1It►aafy Gitkat►tetottAr4g rile trve'ett ig. �$Vi 'rept wed), lei f Vatode¢g 1V oetld§. IS EATING YOUR CAR? Others taking path were Mtg. Witham fdo#t, Mrs: Harvey >ltoasion, Mts: k fhMttdN, Mfg: Wither Da1t!t, Mtg: W V. Joftfrgtdfr and Mtg: tlatflY0 *V Aster. Awing the ptogtam each emit met separfate tot their bougi?n'e5§ meeting. Mts: of Weil§ pte§i►ded tot. tiftH 31's meeting and opened With a quotation #tom liktht0 122, Pearce Pe14141010 roti. twe4Ve ft Ribera atfi§weted tate told call with a tfiltde verse on Peace.. Mfg: Jahn McDonald gave the financial report: Mrs. t defil toCiri tepotted a dastget turfy out for the lvdvod Snippet till§ y'egt; arigo thdfe meals tete sofa Dot. Mtg. ltatvey loo ton §rid ttlw trim Vias givory as fiofiikv tit §Antra td be oigde" into V ►Ault ad gato,)§ tat dep+et slid 3& ra+lie"§ of 4chtp' tot §4iNiyfy W4 . iX'+'itg. 1>1'oustou ollete"d td $660 §fret r t,A, tt!awets for P() ? mire". Pielett thompsofi, §tewattd§tiip secretacry, eottimefrted on kewatd§hip, wing we §Horrid use out tarlent§ td getve God„ ayft§. elatetiee ltwiri teard se"vetad 4t1it1e4 #tom the Ogefvet oft gdl M'1 Action. Mtg: Houston read an article oft ttitistiarti and Mitegionsty &Ideatiofr: MO. lea Yiit4f§ closed the meeting with swine "thoughts or Pearce. tkilt 4 Unit 4 of tociitidrw Milted thioteli Weitifefi tt��et tot their tog k t tiieetitig o* icy, NdVeftibet i tOith i`2' iiieth$109 pate tit. told cold war§ aafis Dhoti whirr ltemembtante Day thou Mtg. NM Negxteg presided fat #Vie Report§ were givety try tteasdtct, alt§. l eh' Cartivetoti; seciaad ayetibfi'v, Mrs. 4tulart 'Ayer: so al tttr'Yeti*, Mo. Meg tom to per F. .,1111 NT MARI Of DOWNTOWN VARNA'. Lucknow NUM Sift �ob L - 4 NS MIN S�turdny, November l2th CLASS SCHIOULE 1146- 11:44 1st Year liegimers, m45+=12:1U 2.111 YON 1401116fii *Wag, fiBW:fNtatyi Bask liOb'= 2:66 iretinrirwargr, knee gee" Ihittgetto fogsow gettedftle ported nit mterm. )t1 glcidef4 AA* d/04. Wet M1 11-1k INCIMARLE sAiiiN 14- clyn Mfg Ltd. (N ii4 fes.• N. 61 *nit** , oN litysy, 0211; ������F••t--N /it,g ie app 395-3352 OF Save ig On 1lighivergivewg Lucknow A rena Schedule 9lsX::•wnari�.M`M4Yn S�'n'Y3irYM'.Nryl�.'�jV)W;H�ii.M 1111,1W0/41(440'441N14(td II6) r1'i). Oo& t'rri41I 14 1✓y 1ykW iNelr ‘1> Il' 1 49',, T460MOIN 31 fl Pe. m�. 4416#+P 01161 ondi 92 Fibv Peattiiee ad. f1fi. *tom IS">'ar tide 1111 N.01). >fke 91a+lit� p.m. Alit Ifiatitvg MOO,t4691INCONS112 11:S0- lair 51Min . ttitkvirstitvovrtAidoitty 11:3 3; .3 4. ri1. rt416tti4,aitldi 11