The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-11-09, Page 7community news
Dungannon agricultural society holds hailowe 'en dance
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 9, 1953—Page -7
The Dungannon Agricultural Society held
its monthly meeting at the Agricultural Hall,
Tuesday, October 25.
It was decided to keep a log book to record
exict amounts of liquor and beer sold at
Agricultural Society functions. 'Phis should
simplify records for future reference.
After reviewing two estimates for electric-
al work for the yard lights at the hall, it was
agreed to hire Larry Parks for the job.
Francis Merkley's tender for heating fuel
was accepted. Mr. Merkley iS an agent of
Gulf Canada.
After the treasurer's report was present-
ed, it was decided that $2000 should be paid
toward the S5000 bank loan which was taken
out a year ago for work on the sewage
system at the hall,
Next mongh, a financial report for the first
six months of 1983 will be presented. The
report is prepared by Sandra Rivett and
Mary Ellen Boel.
In discussing the upcoming euchre tourna-
ment, Saturday, December 3, it was decided
to request the Liquor Licence from 1 p.m. - 7
p.m, Registration will be held from 1 - 2
o'clock and euchre will commence at 2 p.m,
sharp. The entry fee will be 53 per person.
Cash prizes will be given and lunch will be
The Public Health Inspector recently
visited the hall and no major problems were
On Thanksgiving weekend, a gate, three
posts and a section of the race track fence
were badly damaged by a car. An estimate of
damage is being prepared to present to the
West Wawanosh Insurance Company.
Hallowe'en spooks
out at Lochalsh
By Kae Webster
Hallowe'en being on Monday night many
of the people of the area were visited by
spooks_ Many were the ugliest creatures you
could imagine.
The community is sorry to hear that Jim
and Ruth MacKenzie have sold their farm
and are in the process of having a farm sale
and looking for a new home not too far away.
Jim. Ruth and their family, Mary Ellen,
Gregory and Keith will be missed in this
Dinner guests Thursday evening with
Charles and Mayne Wilkins were Charlie's
sister and brother-in-law, Howard and
Gladys Carlow of Paisley and later in the
evening Dave and Fran Elphiek and Jessie
.Alton of Lucknow called in for a visit.
Jessie Alton of Lucknow is to leave on
Friday for Australia where she will be
spending the winter with her daughter.
Bob and Kevin MacKenzie of Toronto
were at home on the weekend with their
parents, Ross and Jean MacKenzie.
The community would like to congratelate
Jane Ullrich, daughter of George and Betty
Moncrief on her graduation from the Univer-
sity of Western Ontario where she received
her Bachelor of Arts degree on Friday,
October 28. A luncheon was held on the
campus following the graduation. A family
dinner was held in Jane's honour at The
Garage. Jane is presently teaching the
kindergarten class at the Princess Elizabeth
School in London.
Weekend visitors with George and Betty
Moncreif were Jack and Marjorie Clift of
Port Credit, Dr. Russell and Lesley Moncrref
of Aylmer and George and Jane Ulrich and
family of London.
Margie MacDonald returned to Detroit
with some relatives who were up on the
weekend to attend the funeral for Mrs,
MacDonald in Ripley.
Rhetta MacLennan spent a couple of days
with her brother and sister-in-law, Harold
and Peggy Jardine in Harriston last week.
Charles and Mayme Wilkins spent an
evening with Wellington and Kae Webster,
Attend concert at Blyth theatre
By Slade Path
Marlene Godfrey was home for the
weekend from Goderich hospital, Ed. Laurie
and son. Michael visited from Toronto.
Phyllis Beak. Donna Young and Mary
Sere attended Aeolus Brass., a brass quintet
cert at Blyth Theatre eatre o' Wednesday
Congratulations to Mr_ and Mrs, Paul
Drennan who were anarried on Saturday with
rem is46o11/ following at the C onnrromPrnity
Centre ion LUkcArD OW _
A community shower was Bend rrn Tuesday
venuavng at the CruiiteL Church for Vicki Pa&
nnarriage to fed Henry hakes place
this Saturday, Manny useful ,gifts were
received _
Wewelcome top Betvillage 911r_ and Mrs.
Tim Ha'�.t ` have per chased ill fi.:' former
lack ,' r iingbourse on Berry Street
90�r . and Mrs_ Gordon Anderson of
Goderich and Mr_ and Mrs_ Torn Madam of
Auburn visited with Gertrude Parts on
SII3Tind afternoon_
Graham and Bessie MoNte accompanied
Kitchener and Artisternr,n;a;4WD of Goderich
10 London on Sunday to visit with Allan and
Sandra Md ems_ ward. Paul and Alia _
�n Sir ay. Ot1r . `(t) i`tIT. • we ge
placed in tine church by Rev, Roberts and
family in memory of a dear friend Mattie
Phillips of Aberavon. Port Talbot, Wailes in
the United Kingdom, who passed away 00
October 21,
On Non/ember b a service of llcrcoeraabrrarDee
was held iru Drnmganrnon United Church, The
choir sang two ate. Hold the Fort. and
Something to Sing About
Arian Leagzian off Me recited due 1p4vuu, Dao
Flanders Fields_ Rev Roberts spoke on, God
Speaking Tilton . ; l War and Mcemories.
Ts teyrr and corogregattioan joined ova
An Act of Remembrance,
The cies Advisory C orcomuitt «
H> co --Perdu Presbytery meta lii~niher 3
oar, i„ r r
United tte d Church_ the
vskiklUITS resented vrere discussed 10 armi
ultimate c luras n„ After a suggested
motion it was decoded the conionoittee $�1SCiD�y t ri
meet again with representatives from the
cBotmrc es concerned. The meeting r g v 'ass
adjourned watthntt any acticbs ar proposeti
action Abri > and �r g�
Y IC BUIU'�t+'e arD iii ii i itt' Ur I IN, ±'{r,l i 1 ({' rat air d NOIlL
COMIIIrreibes 4&tvsvCa*tiber 6 were jpetatedauu
i us r lir tmemory of Peel Aguesatson.
%loose death occurred Oast Maraday, con -
pegs -dam
r,Ypi ji{r • 1t® l_
oat Mrs_ ! hi •.49 Hedges aim family a& otter
Lueknow WMS
study New Hebrid
The afternoon oasicr laar y doff the M. S. (off
the f n cilrrnrait Aim* met art the
bvplive Doff' Miry ° °, than; Henderson coaaa like {
bei 2 'IS -en ai zooid t tendo 13(ie�� �rii°r7It
g'iSSictfier i �'iTr prlev out i4�'/.rs ripened ere meet -
Tog Qa verse and a uzerconte
Uri. Ti c iI( 48arc l oastafed had the rineditation
based heir talk n.. Teach (i,%4 To may.
Mn Keil) taiiigatw fled in prayer The nog
c.,>Ill was a verse corottairring the word, Peace..
The Glad intros review was given
Mvs. Wawa Ross. A i setterttino Opy
16\rrs WagonHenderson
�.aimeei nil
Mfrs VorGialVfl p k1ur ;e:t11tteg .. Soma
PairShe witdi
One intlands
En and New Aelbvides., and t ofld « reffigOon
and education and Room' sew Ideas a me fireing
'Ws He TaEktriu rr Ilklaraie4 titre firorn' and
=to fits Ott port After tag' clionginvg
prraauettr Ji s+attraifl %outr fathomed
Kinsman Wayne Bauer was present to
discuss hall rental for two events that the
Kinsmen Club are planning to hold at the
hall this season.
Directors will have tickets for the New
Year's Eve dance at the end of November
but tickets can be ordered in advance. Cost
will only be $9 per couple in adance or $l0
per couple at door, The Star Spinners will
provide the music.
The next regular meeting will be held at
the Dungannon Agricultural Hall on Tues-
day, November 22 at 8.30 and any interested
people are invited to attend.
Hallowe'en Dance
Although the crowd was small, the fun
was over flowing at the annual Hallowe'en
Dance at the Dungannon Agricultural Hall
on Saturday, October 29,
Set Your Savings
On Sight & Sound...
Your Old
It you have an old pair of eye glasses lying around
the house, please gather them up, donate to the
Lions Club and help people In third world countries,
Great music was supplied by the Star
Spinners for the evening. Disc jockeys,
Bonnie and Clair Hodges, along with Cliff
and Evelyn McNeil had a difficult time
judging winners from the parade of spooks,
The prize for most humorous was given to
Jack Caesar while Clarence Doherty in a
leprechaun suit was proclaimed the most
original, Marj Pentland was the best dressed
lady and, by coincidence, the best dressed
man was Jack Pentland, Alice Vanderbugh
and Lynda McNee, in the form of hopping
bunnies, received the prize for the best
dressed couple, The door prize was won by
Brian Draper and Donna Hayden,
The Agricultural Society appreciates the
support of the folks who attended the dance
and made such an enjoyable evening,
Agnew Jewellers .. McDonagh Inswince
Sponsored by: All Lions Clubs
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