The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-11-09, Page 5*AI
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community news
Hold Remembrance service
Hy Kathryn Todd
Remembrance bay services were held at
the St Helens Women's Institute Hall on
Sunday. The services were conducted by.
Rev, A. Ramsay of Lucknow. Members of
the Lucknow Legion and Ladies Al ailiary
and local residents filled the,Jia11, Wreaths
were placed at the cenotaph by Fldon
Wadley and Patricia Padie for the Legion;
Jim Aitchison for the Township of West
Wawanosh and by 1;dith Cooper for the
Women's Institute,
Lee Rintaul and Hugh Todd have left for
this year's Royal Agricultural Winter Pair,
Mr, Rintaul will be showing cattle and Mr.
Todd will be showing sheep.
Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Jim
Aitchison were Mr, and Mrs, Hev Drown and
family of Wingham,
Si, Helena
Public Relations was the topic at the
November meeting of St, Helens WI, held
on Thursday, November 3, Fifteen members
and one guest were present,
During the business portion of the
meeting, it was decided to make attange-
menta to have a member of the Wingham
Hospital hoard, show a video tape on the
proposed new extension to the hospital
Members were reminded that an evalua-
tion of borrowers and books is to be made at
the library an November 14.
C.11,1.1t, canvassers returned their com-
pleted kits.
Several members volunteered to knit
toques, mitts and scarves for the children in
the care of Family and Children's Services in
Huron County.
A report on the London Area Convention,
held in St Mary's, was given by the branch
delegate, Sybil Chandler.
Cathy Cannon, guest speaker, gave a very
interesting talk on Public Relations, in het
occupation as a Weight Watchet lecturer,
Jenny McPherson read a prize winning
poem on Remembrance Hay, written by
Tracy McDonagh,
While members enjoyed a lunch of fruit
bread and cheese, Celia Aitchison conducted
an auction of plants and bulbs, The meeting
adjourned with a teminder from the presid-
ent that the Chtistmas meeting will start
with dessert,
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 9, 1983—Page 5
Lurknow area onward winners et the P. E. MadR1 See CAMINMelitelaati
Pterele+es held November 4 were flour the left, Paktl Barger, Mares,
t ottle Perry Memorial Award and err 1ettert Peter (!karma, Sadie * Dime mow,
&resets College Seh larsltlp and antaie Sthlart Dale GYehtl.t, Mir, awl Miter, WANDP
MacDonald Award and Ontario SehMmt auk Carrie Amt, 11 1r► Maeltetnie l eriatt9ei *
Chrlotine Oregano' and Kendra Pardon alio mitered err Letters, bletsi
Brookside students take field trips td Royal Ontario Museum
Hy H,re & taloa n
and Donnie Headman
Mrs, Graham's grade 4 and Mrs, T'eb-
butt's grades 4 took a field trip to Toronto
aHr Octobet 27 to the Royal Ontario Museum,
accompanied by Mts, Here and Mrs. Make,
Mrs. Graham's class saw a presentation on
Knights while Mrs. Tedbutt's class learned
about Dinosaurs, The bus drove by the C,N.
'Cower and Casa Loma,
Kevin Rintoul M Kindergarten teceived a
letter from a bay from St. Thomas who had
found his balloon in lrlondean Park.
Kitk's Killers was the winning team in
senior soccer and the winner far the juniors
was Hob's Bootees squad,
Org,aniration for intramural hockey has
been started,
Friday, October 2$ was a Professiowral
Development Day for both elementary and
high school teaehets. Teachers of gtades K -
6 met in Seaforth Public School for a variety
of wr+rkshops using the theme, The Spirit of
inquiry, Parents were invited to attend also.
Gtades y - S teachers joined the seeondaty
teachers at Goderich Collegiate tot work-
shops and discussion.
Mrs, Carroll's class made dried apple face
witches this week. They made the apple
faces two weeks ago and when they dated
sufficiently, they made the w'ttelies bodies
and put them together. `Whey wete quite
Mrs, Allen's class made trees from crayon
shavings melted on wadi paper with an iron,
On Mem1ay, October 11 there was a
Halloween party for grades K - 4 in the
gym A dance was held in the gym at noon
that day for grades 5 - S,
Costume !stiles fat the Hallowe'en patty
were as follows, kindergarten, Michael
Culbert and vrant Calmer/As; gtade 1,
Shane Webstet, Michael Nikkei, Chris
Maize, Eric Andrew, Melina Matin,
grade 2, Tram Comm, Jennifer OWL
Doug Colbert, Michael McNee, bald de
Boer , Cedric Paddy; grade Z, Trevor Cook,
Janice Wetet, Ugh* Hfolvti4fitMe I a 4
Ditty' Cotillion, Stuart Bine, , Sic'I4ee,
Paddy McCann, Dutra Path, Jeff Pentland,
The COMM% chose a king, Jett Gam;
queen, Melanie Wda; mitios-lo.watithig,,
Melissa Logteribeivg, Amnia a Atadrews, rend
Teter* Malmo and Mottoes, Dem
Gtegerty, Scott McMichael and elitio Mae,
Does your dog
deserve a
Gourmet delight?
nage cdor7 s stere a rrve t'ne a'pbeftnn!y cl• vvy rarr(yre ar,d
rn,#aty F1#402rr yon s�vve 0,0 rev evero y act+ roc 5ey^ritotof / alb
tyreed Go rmet+ bOl ty,,ert 161 61,0 Cttra"Y4't'y der food
ntyt°rwfrtnhatty erarlWted t'6 give ye ev+' 1,061 ever ytihvnl the nem
fVe Gloms' 4/e v" and sv.)0015 vilea1Yry vtift, uotovuletitrevalfiy
glvavarntexP eth City mem& 2 wesf fey meiat' am' ntreee r velot
st'Neve0e615- Cue racy„ feltryn .s CruMY (ye, rr,a Or' 6t otft&+ rvf
Top Mid
GOtettlottiOW; tint t #t
P.- imp
to, your Choices
Would you like to pamper
your pet without hampering
your pocketbook?
tIeSIg ICC! fry . av$I ex/ %ii+f r
-).,. 100 +5 ✓)4 6411' tutor 2t whtf ,o1r*T1rAtirAWAy yrtr ern, r>t stra►ir r taCnt4Ca
3igoos, p6r. 6r+Ca (5*1 Mig. 66.1t AT 1.150, SattiO fiMiO' et Old*" ✓ ""3"'s
566! Nettles s ei/NYI yo„s rYht:p W n,4Mty "loran „s r041" vf# '4 h ,,11 vn++
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re) 04ketotei I C, r4134,0ra ?Mrd 05,r +T tb fNw. WI a+*+a "Nr' rlrxy T OeYAv
treleaven's luck
If you mid yea, ctyrlflntit'reading
At TwMrr«r's Food NI wo oro irr/
to dww/rrI fko1 wits thou
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