The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-11-09, Page 2news MootCidshehn el the �,�,L*ckndw rOeb Deceived die internadoo l President's Calla Beate of AppMtt.d s larhitmatillailan eerviess esemplifyins tie ideals of the international Mewlstietr et Wee Clib from Swett 1. Hrindrtif of Heftier, Tao, pmt president et Wes Oeb 1dtdr®atieeel et r kiteniational brealibet held Oe1 tier 1O In g!, Mame, atindstal was in qtr to Mead tie aid Woks ter the sew Was leader dog wheel to be Wit is Onkvtile, Mitosis is past president at tate Leelaww lbw Oda, peel zone dolman. past deputy prow end past Astrid (PM. by Mews Diehl r Visits with mon in Mis.Msauga Me, Utyee Mott of 1,ncktrew staff !Oriente Mott of "Weyer visited on the weekend with Hay and Norm, Elliott in theft new horse its 1NIssio sags, Rent visitors with Mr, and .Mrs, bra Stanley of Lottnow wetre W, Mid Mts1 A..0, gate of Walkerton, Mr, and Mrs►, Miffed Sheets of 1tiple, Mt, and Mtss, Floyd Stanley and tteidfeti of ft ; , Mr, and bits, Nay H1llettt and girl§ , Jane§ City, PIM& and Mt, and Mrs, tog Stanley and family of Hart1aton, Luclunow Sentinel, Wednei day, November 9, 1981=ptxge 2 Surgery presents opportunities ... shorn pose 1 Even though Sarah did not outwardly display as many of the rhararteristics of Down's Syndrome as some with the condition, she still had the slanted eyes, fiat profile and over sued tongue. After collecting ail the data available on the subject, which did not amount to much because it is such a new Heid, they contorted Dr, Ian Munro at the Hospital tot Sick Children in Toronto and met with him fat a consultation last September. lit. Munro is the only doctor in Canada who performs the surgery, to Lortaine's knowledge, Atter he examined Sarah and agreed to do the surgery, appointments were made between the pmttans and a numbet o1 professionals including psychologists and social workers to help the young parents understand the surgery and what to eapet`t from it, stressing it would not change Sarah's trental ability, The 1 octans decided to put their trust in Dr, Munro and the surgery wag scheduled early last lyecefbet, That week was a long one, says Lorraine, because even though she was "guardedly optimistic" about the surgery, she hoped they weren't making a big mistake. Mends and family rernained unconvinced it was the right thing to do. Lorraine admits when she first saw het bruised child in the recovery roam after surgery she couldn't help asking herself, "My Dud, what have we done to het?" Children's bodies heal quickly and soon Sarah was up and atound. Her rib rage was sore where Dr, Munro removed rib cartilage to tom her new mote prominent, cheek bones and a bridge for her nose. Het tongue was made smaller, surgically to enable het to speak and breathe more easily and it was tender too. She also had het eyes altered to #oke away their oriental slant, In all, she spent one night in hospital before she was allowed to return home: Today, almost a year Wet, Sarah is aft energetic, inquisitive elementary student who shows no outward sign of any ttaumtt produced by the surgery. And het patents ate vett' pleased with the favorable change in their child's appeatante and speech. Sarah has a great friend in Dt. Munro now too: Spire the procedure is so new, he needs to study het and chart het progress to prove to the medical procession and to the government the surgery is beneficial, Sarah's surgety was partially raweted by OHIP with the Ixotttons paying 4)-1OO out of their own pocket. According to an official at the Landon office, the amount of OH11P coverage provided differs from case to cage, depending upon the kind of procedures involved. Lorraine sa s othet +eopie have rottitnetit- ed on the range in Sarah's appearance which is heartening, however there will always be those who ate skeptical of the surgery. Hut it your .churl had a cleft palate of needed braces, wouldn't you do evetything you could for that thild7 she argues. Sarah's lite will be difficult enough, says het mothet, but it the surgery makes it any easier, it will be mote than worthwhile. Things look brighter fot Satoh and othet Dawn's Syndrome children than they did even id years ago. Otte psychologist told the ho*tons they ate the "pioneering patents", who ate sending their child out into the rotttmunity and into the sehaol system. Hut for now, Sarah is a happy little girl .who loves life and her recent surgery has opened new opportunitiits itt het life. As her mother puts it: ''She's naw Sarah first and a Down's child second." ree to new iiworne stabilization plan Pederal Agtiotlture Minister Eugene Whelan and tate ministers of agrictiltate hurts three prdvitrcea, it peed initci p�1e on a new income stabilization plan for ted meat producers, October J1, Ontario Agriculture Monster beams T'imbrtell, gasltit1hewan Agficnitote Mini§t= et, Lome Hepworth, and Alberta Agtitnl= tate Ministef LeRoy 1tlerdhotten, whose provinces represent the tifillot#ty of red meat prod action its Canada, joined Mt, Whelan in expressing satisfaction with the agreement, Manitoba Affiettltttre Minister Hill titan was unable to attend, although He was arttrdttg the Ministers who signed the original algteement. Mr, lituskf will be consulted separately, The remaining provinces may join the program in the fotote. the nest step will be consultation with producer woes on the draft proposal, A§ well, the Mist teas will treed to get apptoaat from their Cabinet colleagues, l5ollowing !heir meeting today, they Remembrance Day rlovll We solute you, the men art rwttiltieti afar aimed fortes, who have my graver y defeiwie4 our km'(owe. Through ovals, grf4 p etre tier , vat, have shaverty ceytimge gftei s tele Gittee1 upon mv4ti plelye d altv ItyttiMmv4iirogipm? iry poteseNitvg but 6reyeel'brwv. We're proud to tveyryar . you acv ttWts s fveyctool 445r. J.WH non limited, Ministers outlined tate general principles of the proposal. These principles were established by the Minister§ when they met in flrndettell, 1t,I,L, in duly, and include these -- That no top loading Mut is, stabilization payments beyond the national levels) be permitted! That the ptograttts be tun tneentive and voluntary ort the part of pro ittekei* -- that the cosi of the pwograin he shoed srtitelig the ruderal **eminent, the ovin- etal government, and the patch rafts pretdneefs; -- that the !moron rte actnatiatlq sand, and involve pre-enttltntent and payment of ptentint rrs into a tend, -- The programs would be a sdttiittissteted by the Agticoltntarl Statbliiati~att Hoard, guided by a red meat stshili1attiott eonrmittee with federal, lrtawincial, and ptddntet teptesen- tstion; -- Levels of gavettrtttettt sup►pdtt would be fou eemoult between eatautladities-, T pptOgtam§ wetttld he pct to a sunset provision and periodic review- -- the towhees pees involved in this proposal will bring their stabilization p►rogrants into line with the tripartite totnmola with all possible speed. to tespotid to the dictetettces between eomttti6ditie s, there ate sponte plans ptopased tot eaw-calf ptodnctieti, slaughter cattle, slaughter hogs, and slaughtet lambs. However, thete ate itnottattrt eonrmott featntes in each platin -- Bach is sensitive to both the cast tit ptetd Wtit/a and the motet pti a fot the commodity; --Each would make payments oft a *MOM'S,' bassi§, caeept co01-es1f, *kith caro on tie animal how -- 1n easti ptogtattr, the gtvvettt rents' cottttibittiew would be limited to spa per coat eft pct Leets/ motet refocus, This will serve a§ a signal to prod racer§ it pct odildien gve§ out of litre with matftet regttdtetttentss, lytetdacets Bain opt tot a highs t level of sttpp+ott, financed entirely by the,rilselve sr, -- And eath prostata will only covet ptoductiotm fot national domestic tonsttmp- tion. Lest we forget A,. REMEMBRANCE DAY November 11tH StRVICE MINE L Ut✓lf NOW LI II T ED C tttJRCH 4.M.16:15 PA ADD 'ROM 1#t CHURCH PCO CEIVOIAPH &E VICE 11:66 A+. M.