The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-11-02, Page 20PLAY IT SMART .1 014.^.^. 4Q 44:: • . •W., . i w,.. , •,e,1 k k 'ie.SY:'£4nkf�4:99.:5..9.LA n:,„" ..�! 4' (1 4 •rt •.,R 411.^4. 7 444• .4 ..44 . h k•.. .6,...A1 .( ? e4 .✓4014^+ I. 4, 14• 4•4 •1..r 4.61 i' 2174 •,L64 ' l!. l' 4 •441 4114 4' .�y4' ^d-^- 4.R4 . wet•^ BJ:•42..,a. 44,4, .4448Qu.42 34 < •H_V !`• '4.4..,"(4(44' ' V' v •.4 .•., v 4444 .44 .1P'.w Y4 4 4'0, t .w. 1 • •U4 ' t» ' y: /� R. •Q . , i..,,? ', • _ 0 ' • I !1.4.4 4 . •4' 4'. f . . „w Oi t t44(. 4y, a^ -. .1 Cit .1' 1.14L ;,M '.9.:, . •I•..- - .',: t . 4.1.,,,x4 4 I ., 4.40 404 4.0 Q v. 1147 (. " 6v4 M• i < 41,`4 f..:114:4It1 1.4 p it 41 Alf alis 44.1 • 4/.911•44.•. 4• • R! t 4014 M%.44. 4 1.4 L44\�k 41 "r,r, id;xt •.•MP .44 Q. 41)17 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 2, 1983—Page 20 . GET INTO 44: .04 4 i In •• 44,5.4' • Yd. +•4 .1.404 k •'6+% ,,M1 I a, •6ECN .' 4 •414 i t.4.3.4644 44 •- a '4 %:A1, , 444414 `44414 741.,E s �• e• k' 11 1: 1. Articles for Salo aaawaaaaaaa as aaaaaa as aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support garments, convalescent products, etc, 1lieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 52447241,—Btfeow PERSONALIZED WIDD1NO and anniver- sary invitations, Call Marilyn Murray, 528- 3635, = 12tfat RAILWAY `LIES for sale, Phone 881=19344 =42.45 NOW TAKING ORDERS for dressed ducks and geese, Phone 528=22994 —42-45 SAWDUST f11V131 iL, delivered. Phone 881=1934, 41-44 REDUCED PRICES On Jamboree '83 souvenirs - beer mugs, T-shirts, caps, flags, Available at Johnstone Furniture: —331f TRY C & t FURNITURE, new and used,° Dial Goderich, 52442314 —4014 RUBBER STAMPS, eosins, cards, stag tick, magnetic signs, personal address labels, MI your printing requirements, Cowan hinting & Adivertising Service, L*itsow, X2130. --21 tf ALL STEEL . HUJLD1NGS newer been erected, sitting in our warehouse from Canada Farm Show „ Different sixes available with huge sliding doors, Hest offer: Call toll free 1 1806.2684042, Miracle Span, Pint in (Steel Buildings, —043 USED RAILWAY 11E5: Pressure treated, uniform quality sort to grade (premium, past and eeottotny), Delivered sem li mad lots only, (456 minimum), Reasonably priced, Phone 264.7254627 offer hours, -043 HEADING SOUTH/ Read Canada News, your' Canadian weekly newspaper, wee months SS, sit months $9, cheque, Visa or Master Card, Box 400, fleamsville, Otttatio, L01f 180, Phone (416) 563-4321 —043 Classified Rate DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 5 P,M. MONDAYS` 'WITH THE EXCEPTION OF LONG WEEKENDS, WHEN THE DEADLINE WILL EE , S P.M, FRIDAYS harge s are based ear the number of orda, 2 ward* - $3.60, 14c per word thereafter GAGEMENT5 - Intl rote of 36►,titi►, 1d.dlb► with pkinte M IM0If1AMS - 14.00 of rem UAIMS 011 THAf4f 25. - oath adattilwas. word foe 1 ' 354 per word* 11.00, She DISCANOST FOR CMH PAY- MENT WHEN PLACINO AO OA PAYMENT BEFORE 10 A.M4, ENNE*OAY OF WEEK FOL- LOWiNG ONSER T'tON. PSS 10 THIS OFFICE- 4It1�► f•w Bret week $1.417 each week 2$22 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1. Articles for sale rem aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagaa aaaaaa 4141aaaaaaaa aaaaaa TAXI.$USINESS Good second income, for wife, son or daughter: Wi11 trade on pickup or property. Janie§ Steffler, 528.31164—40tfar St ASONP1J f 111.tWOOD for sale. (Ash, Maple and Ironwood). Call 529-7125. —43- 46 FIREWOOD, dry, seasoned hardwood, mostly maple, 16" length, 525. $28 per face cord, picked up. Phone 528-3637. —431tf TWO 0114L5, 2 piece blue snow suits, size 10 and 12, Excellent condition, Phone 528-2709 after 6 p,m: ---44 WATERBED KIT, ALL SIZES. Includes mattress, heater, liner, hardware, chemical: Pully guaranteed 5150. Complete bed with bookcase headboard, $3125, sheets 540, caps $40, Visa, MasterCard: (416) 637=6904: —044 STEEL flU1LD1N(S CLEARANCE of inven- tory, various sixes available up to 40% discounts available while supply lasts. Call toll free 1-800-268-0842 and save: Argus Steel. -044 USED STORE ISLAND and wall shelving, glass shelving, showcases, counters, wire tacit,, fluorescent lights, calculators: We sell, trade or buy, Lovers New and used, 254 Adelaide Street, S., London, 681-2254,, Mott - Fri; 9 - 5, Sat. 9 - 12. —044 ANTIQUE EXTRAVAGANZA 'Lrafalgat lage, Oakville, November 3, 4 and 5. Ontario's finest deafer,: Royal Ontario Musuem Ttea.utet identification panel Thursday, Friday, 6:30- 8:30 p,m„ Saturday 1,00 - 4f00 pari: —044 BABY AWR1C1,t5, O,M, Love Spat, change table, playpen, etc. call 395-54. ---44 1979 SKIDOO 340 Olympic and 1979 Skidoo 440 tvetest, both have low mileage and ate in excellent condition. 5 and $1295 fespectiaely. Picone 528-2641 outing evening and ask tot Steve. —44 OVPN 1ttADYY CAPONS. Picone Patti flank, 529-7661. —44.45 30 PIGS POR SALE. Phone 529-7557. —44x TAKING ORDERS for oven ready ducks and geese. f1rorre 3q5-5757. —44 PMR OP BOYS SKATES. sire h, like new. Phone ,05-5380 --44ar WHITE ENAMEL Fraetirroom space saver with andjustahle chrome steel tensioir poles. One steel shelf. Phone 529'-7036 after 5 p.rrr. —44,45.46m PUIt�P>! E MA1XTIN birdhouses. Ca11 52&- 5555. —44,45 era�sa®•a�a•�rssw�wsa•8w•.c sa.4c'.srs'-rra�esav asa�t�w�a've'as.4vs�'rra S- Accommodation to rent TWO St1 R(0M 44011,5E for terra frr Lricknow. Apply to Rot 4. do The Lockna w Sentinel? Rox 400, 1111C1040'9V NOG 24H0. ---41 tf 0141 AND TWIY SPOROOM apartments i Lctdknbw, with fridge and stove, available immediately. Ofe•nnI aver Apartments, 529- 7030, alter b p.m,. —34'14 APARTMEi4rf FOR R'EN1, in IYurvganrroa, totrev bedroom, carpeted. Phone 57'4-7888. —42',43,44 FLORIDA, two bedroom, furnished condo, Clearwater, Florida; pool. tennis and air. Available November and Decern er. Contact Floyd 5tanl+ey, 345-52'77. —43.44 aw.Awwa.4awww'6®werw®aaawwwaw66a®r+wSaa4a:l4ca MAM46.rirwwM 9, Accommodation to rent aaaaaaaamawwYaaaaaaaiamaaaaa4Yaaaa44aa46waaamaaaaa TWO BEDROOM PAIYM 1-101JS13and barb on 4 acres, close to town. Phone 395-2779. —44,45 HEbSITTINO ROOM, heated, furnished, cookie facilities, linen supplied. Phone 528-3123. —37tf wawaaawaawawawaawaYimomaamemallawaaaaaw4" emaiaa4iwwww 12. Help wanted amaaaammadimammaaaawaasaadiamsawa4aia44wawwaGwaaaaw THE BNUCE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Invites applieatlona for the following position i Executive Secretary Adadastration . wilding, ChesIey, Ontario This is a seniors secretarial position re- quiting excellent secretarial skills com- bined with the ability to communicate effectively and work independently. Applicants should apply in writing by Novembet 11, 1983,, to: The Superintendent of Personnel The Bruce County Hoard of Education 1#01190 Chesley I Ontario, NOG ILO —44at CARt1R IN TRUCKING. Contact Mety 0rt'5 School. Offices in Toronto, (416) 251-9013, Ottawa (613) 523-314809, London (519) 432-1726,, North flay (705) 412-2910, 'founder flay (807) 623-8686, Sault Ste. Marie (705) 759-0111, Cambridge (519) 648-2519, P.C. E.C. member. —043 weamaraaarrarcaammairaaammmaammaaaaa4vrammamaar amm 13, Wanted (generall aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaiaaaaaaamaaa6aaa 1(tL1AOLt PERSON to drive at one way to Florida. If interested, write tot detail, to flog 1,� //c-�//o /The Liuyc�krroyrow/ySentinel, Ho 400, LVCKI'1OW, NOG 24101 —44 ,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaa4amama3aaaaaaaaaa 14. Employment wanted Giaaaaaaaaaaaaa--caaaaaai-aaaaaaaJaaaaaaaaaaaaaa LAM WILL DO CLEANING. three to four hours. once or twice weekly. Apply to Box 6, c/o Ltickrrovv Sentinel. LUCI<NOW. NOG 21-10. —43.44x 1� Yf-.AR Off) looking for full or part time work. Mone s28 -S3-,3. --4.1 17. Auction Solos Iai�Jraiaaaa4Yaa-r-11'4-1 ata sr-aaaaaaa r-ri-.aaaa-a ONTARIO'S LARGEST FARM Machinery Consignment sane. Norwich. Ontario. Fri - clary. Noverrrb'et 11. 10 a.m. (Sales conducted second friday each month). Approximately 150-175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Consignments welcome. f=or more tformation call (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-91093. Proprietors K. 5. flarrrcrlecki & 507M1S. —044 adB:/'FRN'iY4Y'.O.mil i'i'w•mdrLwww.eswaraiiw-tsf'a'a'•i4 s..r.skra dwakoB6 18, Service. available i'aPaa'Bdl 4411WW 'WWW.Waal'14114'Bid0W.644aadi6.6'Sai' SW.C.S.SWW. 1Y0i 1 TTH MPS0 TV Aifd APPLIANCES - Sales and Service; town and antenna installation; Satellite Systems by Channel Master: refrigeration service; Atatri cartrid- ges for rent. Ripfey 395-3466. --42tf PIANO, ORGAN AND GUyi'AR fNSIR11CTION avaitabte Cali Marilyn Murray - Anita Defacer 5.5 —43 46ar The classifieds are wail -4o wail values! a4ii4444alwaw44.74.0.4446aawi4iir'w4444464iwa44w44s44.4444w444D.16.6ni 184 Services available d`iw4444fd4 464 44.14 444iw4 444 44444iin 4444444 44 4444 44 4414 SIIOE REPAIRING Enos Millet Lot 17, concession 13 West Wawanosh Twp. R. R. # 1, Lucknow —42,43,44x PIANO TUNING and repairs; used pianos bought and sold. Call Michael Lipnicki (Wingham) 357-1049. —34tf tXCAVAT1Nb AND TRUCKING sand, gravel and topsoil. Phone Robert Syme,, Locknaw, 528-30414 —35tf NEED A CARPENTER?? txpetienced in carpentry and home renova- tions including roofing, plumbing, cabinet making and electrical. Call 528-3834 after 6 p.m. —40-49 AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace liailagh, Teesrvater Licensed Auctioneers Sates of All Types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswatet 392-6170 LANGSIDE AUCTION SERVICE fli611a1denby, 395-5142 Adan If4Miller, 528-2299 Joe Metzger, 395.5482 Licensed Auctioneers LL's' US CONDI/CI' YOUR SALE —42,44,46,48at Goderich Energy Seal Inc. Affi SEALINO SPECiALi91S IJpFI CONTRACTOR Phone Collett 524.2311 EVifffinat 524.4894 CUSTOM BUTCHERING *BEEF •PORK *LAMB Mondays Z Thursdays RIPLEY ABATTOIR 3954905 EVENINGS 1954979 BUCal RK E ELECTRIC Ltd. E lect r ical Contractors A par' iarvce Sales & Service to all makes Refrigeration Service - 37 years built by quality & service Open 6 days ,t week 35i-Zaso