The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-11-02, Page 10Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 2, 19S3—Page 10 whltechurch news Blyth couple call on Emersons in Whitechurch By Valetta Emerson Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Falconer of Blyth were Friday callers on Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. Rev, and Mrs, John Hell of Inverhuron visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. Hill Purdon, Mrs, Allastalr Cormack of Ottawa visited her daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Rod Lamb of Whitechurch this past week. She and Mrs. Lamb returned to Ottawa Monday where Mrs. Lamb will spend a few days visiting family and friends before returning home Friday. Mr, and Mrs, Marinus Boonstra of Edmonton visited Sunday to Wednesday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Uuldriks, Mr, and Mrs, Dawson Craig of Auburn Asphalt twine.. 'from gage 7 with incredible costs, Then there's the OPAAP program, the Farm Adjustment Assistance Program for farmers threatened with bankruptcy, It has proven to be more headlines than substance. It first promised $60 million, later raif,ed to $80 million. Hut only $26 million has been paid out in two years, and fewer than 4,000 farmers have been helped, There's desperate shortage of long term credit, Neither the banks nor the Farm Credit Corporation has been willing or able to meet the industry's needs, Virtually all other provinces have stepped in to supple- ment available funds, But not so in Ontario, 1t has not provided a single dollar in long term credit, Farmers have been plagued with a boom and bust cycle in commodity prices. Today, for example, livestock prodifbers are taking a loss on every animal they market, We've had studies and mountains of talk about stabi lzaticm programs, Just last week we were told that four of the provinces and the federal government have iinaliy come up with something. How satisfactory it will be, time alone will tell, And to add insult to injury, the restraint program is now cutting back on the budgets for the Ministry's county offices, That restricts the work of the ag reps who are a vital link between all these programs and the farmers on the land, It becomes clear that the role of the Asphalt Twins, that top level agricultural team with all the clout around Queen's Park, is not to fight for a fairer share of the budget for agriculture, They know of -- indeed, they may well agree with -- government's unwillingness to give farmers a fairer share. Their role is to keep the farmers as happy as possible while being short changed, 'Thus, the major emphasis is on public rleations, all designed to make a poor package look acceptable, But the most sophisticated public relations package in the world is not enough for the farm community to thrive on, For some, sad to relate, it is not even enough to survive on, Kinloss bowling Ladies high single was a tie between Hannah Hartemink and Val Matthews with 184. High triple was a tie between Brenda Kennedy and Val Matthews with 4115. Men's high was Don Kennedy with 211 and 545, Tearn points and standings; kings 7, 123; Wealthys 1, 21; Macs 0, 19 Spys 2, 18 Pippins 0, 14; Snows 5, 10, Town & Gauntry bowling league Anna Johnstone had high score for the ladies with single of l and double of 354, Lloyd MacDougall had high single for the man with 202. The double was taken by Len MacDonald with 355, Team standings: Violets 15, Greens 14, Blues 12, Yellows 12, Oranges 4, Reds 3. visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Craig, Lana, Ryan and Jarret and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. Mrs. McMillan and Eugene visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Victor Emerson. On Tuesday Mrs. Kirk Beecroft, Janice and Jonathan of Exeter visited with Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Beecroft, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Beecroft visited with Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Forsyth of Walkerton. This community extends sincere sympathy to the family of the Late Mrs, Maimle (Mary) Caslick who passed away last Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. Caslick came to the village in 1950 from their farm, Here, she was Grandma Caslick to all the village children, She taught Sunday School and for many years had Mission Nand in her own home, Many of those attenders are now trenaners, but they still remember many things Grandma Caslick gave them. She was alo a most wonderful, kind neighbour. , She took an active part in all community activities. After leaving the village, she spent a few years living in apartments before residing at Brookhaven Nursing Home where she was a resident for four years. Mrs. Roely de Boer arrived home on Friday after three weeks visit in Holland with her ' mother and other relatives. On November 6 communion services will be held in Chalmers Presbyterian Church at 11 a,m, with Rev, gill Henderson of Lucknow in charge.. Mrs, Donald Gaunt and Graeme of Chatham spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Bill Purdon, and Mr, and Mrs, Russel Gaunt of Wingham. Other visitors were Barbara Carey of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Murray, JIlI and Rob of Acton, George Mcpuillin of Toronto, All visited with Beatrice and Hill Mcpuillln of St. Helens, Student minister, Mr. Rod Lamb, has this week at home for study. Little Heather Campbell had a party at Grandpa and Grandma Rintoul's hone to celebrate her fifth birthday, Present fof the occasion were Mr, and Mrs, Dave Oberholt- ter, Jeffery and Julie of Waterloo and Mr, and Mrs, Mack Cardiff of Brussels, Mr, and Mrs, Neil Rintoui, Steven, Scott and Stuart of West Wawanosh visited Sunday with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, 8111 ltintoul. Turn to page 120 Keep your Idds in ther. It's; always 1/(411a goocl idea. 'New it's the law, ( )11 Nii. 1.1 983 tc rcldlers t i i ie uncial the law which requires everyone from Yin nmb(Ytlls t( r nlrcyt Citizens tot),e ptopyerly restrained when travelling in i1car chile ken this meals: • infants, up to 9 kilograms (20 pounds) twist be properly secured in a rear -lacing car seat; • Toddlers, 9-18 kilograms (20 to 40 pounds), must be in a front -facing car seat in their parrefits' cyr median's car ;otherwise they must be secured by a lap belt • Preschoolers, 18.23 kilograms (40 k 50 pounds), ), mast be secured by a lap belt. • Goer children must use the 11111 seat belt assembly Buckle than in. Ministry of Transportation and Communications Ontario Jam Ste. My Miaow tiaow 65Ners. Premier